Tuesday, April 23, 2013

How to Make Moving Fun?

We are closing on the condo we purchased back in January on Monday right after I get home from Buffalo and the move happens three days after that on Thursday. I've been successfully avoiding thinking about or doing anything about moving until today. I've put off packing until now and I'm leaving Thursday morning for a weekend of teaching. I woke up a bit panicked today, so I went into hyper packing mode today. I've got my boxes, packing material, tape and my dogged determination to pack like a mad woman.
I'm not sure there is a way to make packing fun, but I thought maybe it could be fun for my readers and I'll live vicariously through you.  What about a surprise giveaway?  I have no idea what it might be...a quilt, a bunch of fabric, a book, some white elephant I don't feel like packing?  Maybe all three?  You'll have to wait and see.

Here's what I'm thinking....how about guessing how many boxes it will take me to pack everything in this 1000 square foot apartment. I'll tell you now, my stash will probably not go into boxes, so take that into account.  I'm just counting boxes, not anything else.

Leave a comment with your guess.  If you're a no reply commenter, leave an email address where I can contact you.  I won't go searching for you.  If you have a great moving story, or packing, moving, unpacking advice feel free to share that too.  You never know what might be rewarded.

First person to guess closest to the correct number of boxes wins.  I may have some other winners too depending on how I'm feeling that day.

Bruno is freaking out and has taken to hiding in the bathroom to avoid the chaos.  Wish me luck!


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Michele said...

Good luck with your move. I hope you only have 49 boxes to deal with.

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

Oh packing...not for me! Would you believe my current address is only the fourth place I've EVER lived?? And I'm old. So I'll guess it will take thirty-three boxes to pack!

dewdew said...

I am guessing it will take more than you think and will guess 81 boxes.
Moving is a pain but unpacking is the fun part and putting everything away makes you feel good.
Good Luck to Bruno <3

Lisa E said...

Poor Bruno... I will guess 22 boxes.

lindsey said...

I hope your move goes really well. I am guessing 36 boxes

Gill said...

We moved here 26 years ago and I have no plans to move again!!
I'm guessing 52 boxes!

Jess said...

Hmm, I say 32 boxes. Good luck packing!

S said...

I'm guessing about 62 boxes. Funny moving story, although not at the time. I was moving out of Chicago and had reserved a truck from a company, we won't name. They called me less than 24 hours before I was supposed to pick up the truck to tell me that they were running 48 hours behind. My lease was up in 24 hours. I finally found a trailer with the moving company an hour north of the city. My moving "crew" were drunk before I had the trailer, the battery in one car died, and a homeless man helped me load all my posessions into the back of my trailer, and I'm still amazed we didn't die on the expressways leaving Chicago that night.

Carol said...

I'm guessing 75 boxes. When we moved into our house Halloween weekend of '88, it was 108 degrees. I told my husband I was never moving again.

carrie said...

My guess is 42 - isn't that the answer for eveything? Good luck with the move!

Kayla Yapuncich said...

Good luck with the move - I just moved a few months ago and it really is just not fun. I'll guess 39 boxes - but for your sake hopefully less!

Anonymous said...


~Michelle~ said...

1000 sqft is fairly small - so I'm going to guess 41. Kitchen items seem to take up a lot of space...

My hubby thought I was crazy, but I labeled each box with the room it went in and a number, and kept a rough list of what was in each box. That way I didn't have to go on a search frenzy when I was trying to find something that hadn't been unpacked.

Unknown said...

I'll guess 127 boxes. I have moved nine times in the past sixteen years and the best story is when we decided to move ourselves from Colorado to Florida. Great neighbors helped us pack the truck and as the last boxes were being loaded my two year old ran up the ramp, stepped onto the truck bed then took a big step back and fell to the ground. A trip to the ER and a four hour wait to make sure he was okay and we were off! We never tried to self move again. Good Luck!!

Jan said...

We were in our first home 30 years, when we downsized to 1200 sq ft, I didn't want to move anything that we'd not use. I'm very proud to say we succeeded. I think you'll use 100 boxes.

Sharon T said...

Oh my, it is so hard to pack and move. But it will be heaven when you get settled in your new place! I'm guessing 95 boxes.

janeray said...

I'm guessing 43 boxes, so glad you're in only 1000 square feet....

karen @ badlandsquilts said...

When we moved from Houston to MSP I numbered the boxes/labeled by room and then made a spreadsheet of what was in each box...so that way I could search the spreadsheet to figure out say what box number would my iron be in? Wish I could remember how many boxes we had to help guess...but I will say 112. Hope you have a very smooth move & enjoy your new place.

Jen said...

That's a tough one. I'll throw a rough guess out there and say 52 boxes. Good luck moving. I'm trying to come up with an excuse to avoid moving my sister next weekend.

Julie said...

Last year our family moved from a 1000 sf condo. We used what seemed like a lot of boxes, but I have blocked out packing them. I am going to guess 37. Good luck and play lots of music, that seemed to help us keep moving!!!

Unknown said...

Good luck with your move! Someone already guessed 127 so I'm going to go with 98!

mom2three said...

First, I have to tell you how mad I am that you are coming to Buffalo on the same day that my son is making his first communion.... sometimes life is so unfair!

Second, I hope you can have some fun packing and just think how good you'll feel when you count 115 boxes packed! (Well I hope it's 115 because that is my guess)

Best wishes,
c_lynd at msn dot com

Marybeth said...

I don't know if you like to cook so the kitchen is a mystery... I say 83 boxes. My moving story is about the drunk hired man at the unloading end that stood at the top of stairs and pushed the boxes down. He was sent down the road quickly!

Heather said...

I guess 82 boxes, though I hope for your sake it's far less! We moved 18 months ago and as we packed found things we didn't even remember acquiring... among them Chinese gong. The kids liked that find.

Cheryl said...

Last time we moved my cat curled into a quilt and we made the movers all walk around him.
I'd guess 120 boxes. I may have that many still in my garage.

Megan said...

my guess is 35. my funny/weird/creapy moving story is just tangentially related to moving. when i graduated from grad school and moved out my landlord tried to hold back all of my deposit unjustified and we ended up in small claims court. i felt so grown up defending myself to the judge {and won} but afterwards an old man sitting in the court room tried to pick me up. and when i say old, i mean could have been my grandpa. yikes! so young women be aware... if you end up in small claims court guard yourself against creapy old men!

hope your move goes smoothly. i'll be taking karen's advice with the spreadsheet and numbering the next time we move.

Sam said...

I'll guess 87 boxes. Good luck with your move!

wobblybobbin said...

I'm going to guess 54! But I hope for your sake I'm wrong :)

Candied Fabrics said...

Moving, ugh! I wish you minimal upheaval and breakage of only ugly things! I dearly hope that you have under 100 boxes...so lets say 99! :-)

Pat Converse said...

I'm trying to remember how many I used . . . I know it was more than I thought so I'm going to guess 77. Good luck with the move; I hope everything goes smoothly.

pnconverse at hotmail dot com

bea said...

I feel your pain. I'm about to move for the fourth time in 9 months. This is the last time for a long while though! My dogs are actually excited by the whole thing, but I've been moving boxes as I pack them so I think that's a little bit less overwhelming. I think you'll probably need about 60 boxes. I hope it's not more than that! Good luck!

stitchinpenny said...

There will be 141 boxes and a lot of stuff not boxed.

debbi d-w said...

Since 42 is taken, I'll guess 84 for double that. Our 1st move in Chicago had snow on May 1st - the second had the floods of 1987 in August. Aren't you glad we're staying put this month?

A Trio Beautiful said...

I'm guessing about 80 boxes. Good luck with your move! My husband and I just got done moving a 1,000 sq ft home from Colorado to upstate New York for a new job opportunity... and what a headache packing and hauling can be! All but a few of our belongings currently reside in a 10 x 20 storage unit we find a new home (we're currently house crashing at a family members house!).

I made an index card per box listing the contents, then numbered the card and corresponding box. It's helped us out a lot when we need to find something during this upheaval! Again, good luck!

Anonymous said...

89 boxes!
Best advice ever....go to the uhual website and hire a local moving crew thur them. You really only NEED to get them to haul all your boxes to the truck and pack them in and then hual them into the new place as well....fairly good prices and it will save your energy for the unpacking. When we did this in out last move it only took the movers 2 hours to unpack our truck and haul everything up the stairs....it would have taken us all day and then we would have been exhausted.

Good luck with the move, a new place is always so much fun.


SusieDW said...

67 boxes.

1. My friends decided to get divorced after 13 years. Wife packed up hubby's stuff that was in/on the table next to their bed. She wrote a note to him and put it into the box. "I guess I'll always love you John Doe". Once relocated he opened the box and the note. Sent an email to her best friend saying "I love you, too, Judy"....his wife's name was "Jane".
2. I had movers pack and move us from Sacramento to San Francisco. Once in San Francisco I began unpacking. Went box by box until I got to the bathroom supplies. Unwrapped the EMPTY toilette paper roll.

Diane said...

I guess 57 boxes. Good luck! Remember, the packing is no fun, but the unpacking, settling in and creating new spaces is great fun.

SusieDW said...

P.S.- Here's hoping the move is easy and offers a bright Spring new start of happiness, peace and creativity.

Archie The Wonder Dog said...

Good luck! I'm going to guess 88 boxes...

P.S. I hope Bruno copes with all the packing and moving - maybe put some of his things with the packed boxes/by the front door so he knows he's going too?

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

65 been awhile since I packed up a place.

Emily said...

I'm going to guess 64 boxes. I can't remember how many we had when we moved last....

I hope your move goes smoothly! Let us know if you need anything!

Sue said...

I hate moving! I'll just randomly guess 51. The last time I moved I used fabric to cushion china, glass, and to counter the weight of books. It was a good way to sneak my stash into the move, although it required lots of ironing later.

Valerie said...

Oh packing is not on my 'fun' list either, but you'll do just fine I'm sure :) I'm going to guess 66 boxes!

Leanne said...

Well, I have been packing boxes lately. I am going to guess 52 but really that is just a random guess because there are so many variables, and I have not read most of your other comments so maybe this one has been picked already.

I am wondering how you will move your fabric if not in boxes, will you bag it or carry it lovingly by hand? I would suggest that you remember to label the boxes with an indication of what you need right away and what can wait to unpack. So label the box with the tv remote/computer charge cord or other important electronic accessories, your favourite coffee cup, or the book you are half way through as urgent and the box with the holiday dishes as for later, etc.

One time we moved and the kids were small. The movers brought my bed and bedding into my room and the kids and I went in, built and made the bed, closed the door and went to sleep, leaving all the rest of the move directing and such to my husband, who was a great sport about it. Sort of like Bruno hiding in the bathroom.

Good luck with your move! And with your classes.

Suburban Stitcher said...

I think 80 boxes. It's always SO deceiving.

agnes said...

Good luck with the move and your 44 boxes (?).

Cathy Hetzel said...

I reckon you will use 64 boxes.....have fun

Wendy said...

I'm going to go with 92 boxes. Best of luck!

Chris said...

Did you notice, your photo of boxes totally matches/harmonizes with your title banner, with the tans/oranges? funny...
Good luck packing, my tip is to leave behind anything you don't use or love. We are cleaning up after the flood of last week, I lost most of my quilting books, and while it was sort of sad, they were just things - most of my faves were upstairs, thankfully! So if you have any extras...good luck to Bruno too! :)

patty a. said...

My guess is 152 boxes. I hope I am way high and you don't have to pack that many!

Nicole said...

85 boxes and may every one of them be light!

Good luck, and enjoy the post move beer.

Dan R said...

59 boxes

cindi said...

Wow> You can cram alot of stuff into 1000 square feet. I am going to guess 72. Hope I'm right.

Angelina S. said...

I'm going to guess 63. I would pee on myself if I won one of your quilts, btw. Of course, I'd also be thrilled with a book, fabric, or white elephant. You have great taste, so I'll surely like it! Good luck on your move!

mailergoat said...

63 boxes is my guess -- no idea if that's a lot or a little (or how much of your traveling boys' stuff you have hiding in closets, or whatnot). Lots of fun stories here.

When I was a kid, our cat panicked from the moving chaos and dashed out the door. She was meowing at the neighbor's house three days later, and it took a team of dedicated friends (and some airport strangers) to catch her up to us after our international move. Bruno seems like a much wiser pet (and you have the elevator to guard him too, right)?

Good luck Jacquie -- at least this move is for real!


Melissa L said...

I am going to get 78 boxes.

Afton Warrick said...

I'm guessing 56. Explicitly label each box with what is inside of it. When you bring boxes in to your new space, take them all the way to the room where they belong. It will save a bunch of time later. Also, if you are going to have a garage sale, do it before you move, not after.

Anita in Florida said...

Good luck with your move! My thought is 52 boxes!

Tennjenny said...

73 boxes. Good luck!

Jen Ben Bry said...

I hope the move goes smoothly, Jacquie! I guess you'll use 49 boxes. The number of boxes needed for my moves always ends up being more than I expect.

Emily said...

I think 52 boxes. Good luck with the move.

Rachael said...


I'm packing up to move right now too! What an exhausting and overwhelming process--my two daughters ages 11 months and 2 1/2 are so 'helpful'... I'm afraid more unpacking is being done than packing :(

Molly said...

I am going to guess 67- but that seems like a lot.. going on how many boxes it might take to move my 1200 square feet, I am guessing if you have a lot of stuff like I do- maybe I might be right. Hope the move goes smoothly, and the fun part of packing??? getting to dream of unpacking and getting settled in your gorgeous new home. Congrats!

Quilt+Bitch said...

65 boxes. It look us 65 boxes to move. Tip: Take pictures of each box with the label and also if it gets messy in the box, try taking picture of the contents in the box. This way when hubby asks where something is, I can just look through the pictures I took and tell him where to find the box and to unpack it himself. After 2 years, still not unpacked.

Rina Mason said...

My guess is 93. Hope the move goes smoothly.

Silvia G said...

45 boxes is my guess! Good luck with the move!

Nancy said...

I guess 77 boxes.
Moving in is wonderful! Packing up, not so much.
May there be smiles and laughter in your new home!

Verena said...

I guess you'll need 46 boxes!
I wish you good luck with your move!

Kukum Quilts said...

I think it's about 63 boxes and Good for you. All the best with the move

Lisa said...

I'm going with 46. Congrats on the new place!

Rae Arnold said...

Good luck moving! I’m going to say it will take you 27 boxes. As for advice, well, keep track of all those boxes… I’m still trying to find stuff in boxes that must have been shoved into closets and forgotten when we moved in here 18 mos ago!

tutto a posto said...

I'll guess 45 boxes. My only advice would be to mark all boxes clearly with the room they should be placed into by the moving team.

~Laurie~ said...

I'm guessing 237 boxes!! Now don't you feel better knowing it won't be that many ;) Good luck with the move!

Valerie said...

Sweet Bruno! Ok...I'll guess 54 boxes. Hope the move goes well-just think - it will soon be over and you can unpack your studio for good! And I had to laugh out loud about taking the fabric out of the equation-I don't know if any of us could have guessed that!

Laura said...

When my family moved to Washington from Alaska, our kids were little and we had a ton of boxes. We met a wonderful family at church and when our stuff finally got to us, she offered to watch our kids while we unpacked. (Don't worry, we trusted her by then) I had NEVER thought of doing that for anyone else, but now I couldn't think of doing anything else! She even fed us dinner. Oh, and Jacquie, since this is the 74th comment, I will guess 74 boxes.

Sew Festive said...

38 boxes!

I grew up in a military family, so I've moved about 15 times in my 24 years of life. When I was younger and the Army moved us, they would put those number stickers on everything, for record purposes. Boxes would get them, bikes, basketball hoops, your dog, etc. Then when we would get our stuff at the new house my parents would pay my sisters and I a dime for every sticker that we pulled off of a non-box item. Looking back, I think the moving guys took some perverse pleasure in putting those stickers in the most difficult spots. Sometimes we'd find stickers years later on items. But that activity always occupied us for hours, allowing my parents to unpack the breakables, or you know, get some peace :)

Anonymous said...

72 :-)

MalinisQuilts said...

Good luck with your move, Jacquie!

Make it fun as much as you can.

Sherry said...

I've lost track of what numbers were guessed. I'm going with 97.

DH has announced that in 9 years he is planning on retiring and does not want to stay here.

So I have 9 years to downsize and clean out stuff so we have a lot less to move than what we currently own.

Good luck with the classes and the move!

Mary P said...

Was going to guess 57 but someone already took that, so 61. :) Not sure how many I'll need when we move in July. I might see if you're willing to part with some of yours after you move. :)

The Calico Cat said...

101 - I have a box of stuff that I have moved several (I don't really care to count how many times) times without unpacking it. It is still a box of stuff in the "cat room." (closet with litter pan...)

Jo said...

Last time we moved (UK to Canada) we had to have a professional company pack for us and document everything as it went into the boxes! Our family of 5 lived in a small 3 bed terraced house! I could not believe how many boxes they managed to use! They even put the kids Little Tikes Coupe car ride-on into a box! It was painful to watch and I am sure I could have done it easier! Oh, and the best bit was they managed to miss a cupboard in the kitchen and leave ALL our china behind! My parents have been bringing pieces with them each time they come to visit!
I would guess about 61 boxes! A completely random number.
Hope it all goes well.

Sara said...

You know we are military and have moved 8 times SO FAR! I am 32 yrs old. I am still struggling a bit to guess a good number. We have a lot of crap, so a lot gets shipped. We have gone from 500sq ft to 2100sq ft!! All in the last 10 yrs. One of several stories would be when we moved from AZ to GA the first time. (We lived in both states twice.) One of the movers was allergic to my cat. I offered him some meds and Kleenex. Well when we got to GA and our household goods arrived I started opening boxes and finding "homes" for things. Then I came to about the 4th box, opened it up and about half way thru found a wadded up Kleenex. Several boxes had a wadded up Kleenex:/ It had to be that mover in AZ! What a sweetheart !@#$*! The joys of moving with moving companies that are in a contract with the military!

I will guess 113.

The best of luck to you, your hubby and Bruno:):)

Doris said...

Those look like some smallish boxes, and we just moved a 970 sq. ft. apartment, so I'm going to go with 47.

Sorry Bruno is freaking out, and you are leaving town with a suitcase to boot! Poor guy... My moving story, from last month's move, has to do with the way it can effect our pets. My cat of 13 years, Maggy, who has always been known as unfriendly, mean, and difficult by my family and my friends, and has been through at least 10 moves with me; suddenly became a kindler, gentler kitty cat after this last move to our house (which includes an extra 400 sq. feet). It's like invasion of the body snatchers, that someone switched her with a different orange striped kitty who likes to be petted, snuggle her peeps in bed at night, and even let my husband's cat come and sit near her without snarling, growling and fighting back as she used to. If I hadn't transported her myself from the apartment to the house, I might actually believe she had been replaced with a different cat. We are hoping her new disposition sticks around.

rachandcarl said...

What an awesome idea for a give away. I'm guessing 110 boxes but I hope for yor sake it's not that many! I've been in the same house for over 10 years now and if I ever move again I will get movers!!!!

Anonymous said...

Good Luck with the move, I think 68 boxes should be enough.

Bruno it will get better.


Flowerstar said...

I'm going to guess 45 boxes! Good luck with the move!

Molly said...

Oh moving is soooooo dreadful (I'm with Bruno) but think of all the fun you'll have setting up your new home! I'm guessing 65 boxes and I don't have any practical advice. I'm a "throw everything in a laundry basket at the last minute" type of mover and it's always a jumbled mess.

I've book a spot to see you Friday night in Williamsville and I can't wait. This will be the highlight of my April! Seriously .....

Monica said...


Anonymous said...

Best of luck with your move! I'll guess you need 44 boxes, and hope it's less. Hope you LOVE your new condo! g.granger01@gmail.com

ann said...

Hhhmmmm I'm not a practiced mover so this will be a wild guess. I'll say 237 boxes..odd number just because , can't have a number ending in 0 or 5 either that would be too weird and rounded. Have an good time packing and hopefully some wonderful memories will be unearthed .

Anne / Springleaf Studios said...

This is fun Jacquie and I wish you all the best. It would take a ton of boxes just for my attic treasures not to mention my studio. I'll go out on a limb and guess 150 just for kicks. Good luck with the move.

M-R Charbonneau said...

Good luck with moving, Jacquie! I think you'll pack 76 boxes. I used to use my stash as packing material. :) Thanks for the giveaway!

Ann said...

I'm going to guess 81. That kitchen stuff always takes more than you think

Anonymous said...

I will guess 40 boxes. I have moved 11 times since 2006. From Michigan to Oklahoma, to Alaska, back to Oklahoma, back to Michigan, and now Indiana. I recommend heavy duty lawn trash bags over hanging clothes instead of garment boxes. They are easier to move and you can squeeze them into odd spots in your moving truck. Also move clothes in dresser drawers...don't pack them into boxes or even luggage. Just take the drawers out, move the frame, put the drawers back into the frame in the truck, and reverse when unpacking! frees up boxes and luggage for other things!
~Meghan Eschbaugh eschbaugh@yahoo.com

Maggie said...

I really have no idea, but I will guess 68 because that is my son's jersey number in football.

Jenny said...

good luck with your move ... hope things run smoothly this time around. ill guess 71, but seriously have no idea...ive never moved from a house of my own. for your sake, i hope its under 25 boxes!

Irelle said...

I think moving is a great way to go through ALL your stuff and decide what you really want and what you can get rid of or donate so you can start fresh in your new space! It has helped me cut down on unwanted clutter! BUT I know you just packed up not that long ago and it fell through so I'm guessing that is why you are waiting a bit this time. I am going to guess 49 boxes. My last move was only 12 blocks, so I brought stuff over little by little which made it more manageable. I've always labeled my boxes for the appropriate room and often comments about what's inside but I love the idea of writing the contents on a card or spreadsheet instead.

Good luck! Just think how much fun you are going to have decorating the new place and making it "home"!!!

MickeyT. said...

37 boxes! My father used to say, the only way to get a closet clean is to move. You'll have the most wonderful clean closets! How's that for a silver lining? Good luck.

wonderlandbyalyce said...

I guess 74 boxes. I hope that your move is smooth and peaceful without any complications. wonderlandbyalyce at gmail dot com

Melissa said...

I do not envy you in the packing/moving, but it's always nice to get into a new place and make it your own! I am going to guess 185 boxes, though I hope your number is smaller than that! :) Best of luck- looks like you're moving along quickly!

patsy johnson said...

My guess is 50 boxes. Moving is so emotional and there is no way to be prepared for it. You will be packing as the boxes are being loaded into the truck. Here is my formula: Hire a moving company ( I go with local, near a university so that the students get work). I pack what I can, but about 20 percent isn't done when the truck arrives. Family and the movers always help at the last minute because I'm an emotional wreck from finding things while packing that bring up memories. On the way to the new location, with my car loaded with precious items, I stop at the store to pick up cold bottled water and beer. While everything is being unloaded, I call to order pizza. After everything is unloaded, we all eat and drink. The movers always offer to place the large items exactly where I want them and I generously tip them before they leave. Then I crash and sleep like a baby. Voila! Make it an adventure, change is good. pajatlast@aol.com

Anonymous said...

I guess 98 boxes. Good luck with the move!

Angie said...

Good luck with your packing. I'm going to guess 34 boxes.

Vicki said...

63 boxes. Maybe some of them will be small. I hope all goes well!

Margaret said...

I'll guess 48. The real question is... how many will be left unpacked in a year? I still have boxes in the garage that we haven't opened since we moved 11 years ago!

Leila said...

Let's say 57 and good luck! :)

MyLittleBlueDog said...

It's nice that the moving time has finally arrived. We have had our 25 acres on the market for nearly two years, no fun at all. We packed a lot of stuff into a container ready to move, our agents are over optimistic. I am thinking 121 boxes but that seems ridiculous, still 'stuff' seems to multiply, I have about four big plastic tubs of excess fabric... I feel for poor Bruno, our cats are a bit freaked out and they have never moved, any day that we change our routine and leave earlier for work, our cat is under the bed, won't come out for breakfast or anything. Sad! Plus we are shift workers, but I am supposing that they have memorised our roster. Best of luck and congratulations on the move.

brownj6610 said...

I'm guessing 347. There a re lots go items that are big or need lots of careful wrapping. Good luck.

charlotte said...

I'm going to guess 58 boxes and poor Bruno. I had a cat years ago when we moved a lot and every time the suitcase came out, he sat on it until it was time to go. His way of making sure he wasn't left behind I think.

Deairdre said...

I don't envy you the packing! How about 32 boxes!

kbzelazny said...

This is tough to guess. I think it depends alot on how many books you have! I'll go with 60. We just moved our son into a new apt in Rochester this past weekend. This weekend we move our daughter from Pittsburgh to Philadelphia. We get a rest for a couple months-then other daughter moves. Moving is not fun, but the setting up part can be fun. Best of luck to you!!

Unknown said...

good luck! my guess is 48

Kate said...

I'll guess 31 boxes. good luck!
steeplechaser29 at yahoo dot com

Cheryl Arkison said...

This is the like the Price is Right!
I won't be too far from you this weekend - Thunder Bay and Toronto!

And my guess is 107 boxes. Best of luck!

Shayla said...

My guess is 57. Good luck with your move!

EmileeHope said...

We just moved over Thanksgiving last year, and it felt like a million boxes...but I will guess 52. (I think we had about 15 boxes of just books!)

Funny (not for us though) moving story:
My hubby ran over a sprinkler head at the house & flooded the yard. We had to turn off the water & so I drove to my parent's house that first night...I like camping, but didn't want to have to "camp" in our new house!

Anonymous said...

Without your stash? 52. My 9 year old yellow Lab Fiona sends Bruno a ton of kisses and suggests he take it all in stride. As we say around here when things get a little overwhelming, Think Labrador! Take care, Byrd

Jody said...

I'm going with 27....good luck!

Julie said...

56 - Hope your move is uneventful!

Carolquilts1 said...

42 just popped in my head. Good luck with the move and congratulations on the new digs!

Lisa said...

I'm gonna guess 94 boxes..it is always more than you think!! I have moved really long distances PA - HI - UK - HI, so you have to pretty much sell ALOT and start over, its cheaper!! We are finally in a house that we built, and not planning on going anywhere for a very long time, but before we built the house we built a tiny apartment on the property and had a major purge so we got to start out at the new place fresh. Of course my stash, machines and quitly books found a space in that tiny place and now I have a great room for my hobby. Good luck, sometimes its better having just a small window of time instead of dragginy out the agony over weeks or months!

Brenis said...

Oh Jacquie I'm so sorry you have to move again! I think I'd rather have a root canal than move right now! Lol! Our last move, we had four kids at home (each with their own bedroom full of junk) plus us, and my craft room. Care to guess which room used the most boxes (and blew our minds on how many it used??) if you guessed my craft room you'd be right! Lol! Granted I made and sold folkartdolls for a living, so I had a ton of stuff that went into making them cool! That room took 52 medium size boxes all by itself! I about croaked!
I'm guessing since its just you and John, no little ones, and you're not packing fabric.... AND you just moved so probably purged a ton then, 139. I guess it just depends on what size boxes you're using! Hopefully I'm about twice too many off!! Good luck! Take your vitamins!

Glen QuiltSwissy said...

I wasn't going to get in this but I do have a good story. When we moved from Kenner new New Orleans to Hammond, north of lake pontchartrain, it was in a driving rain storm. The interstate was not completed so we were on the old two lane highway. Frank in the rental truck with all our possessions and me behind him in the Pinto wagon with the Irish setters.

My windshield wiper broke off and was flapping around the mirror. I had to open the window, break off the wiper and use it to keep the window clear for 70 miles of driving rain.

My guess is 82 boxes. Good luck Bruno, you will like it when you get there!!!

HollyM said...

I'm going to say 42.

Bridgit said...

Seeing you are such a geometiric person, I think you can squeeze it into 47 boxes. We've all seen the stuff you have in your sewing room... I'm curious how many boxes just that one room takes!

Anne-Marie B. said...

Good luck with your move! I would guess 79 boxes, but I hope I have overestimated!!! Thanks for this giveaway!

Aliceart said...

All my guesses were taken so if I kept count this one is okay: 51. So hope i'm right - your stuff is terrific!!!
Good luck with your packing.

Nicole said...

Happy packing!

lesthook said...

I'm going to say 55. Many years ago we moved to Germany for 3 years and I seem to remember about that many.

jodie said...

72 boxes is my guess but I hope it's less for your sake! And dear Bruno - I hope he adjusts quickly to his new home.

Pat at Bell Creek Quilts said...

Good Luck with your move! We might be moving, too! :)

My guess is 101 boxes.

Sandy said...

My guess is 61 boxes. It's a lot more fun to unpack and find places for things in an organized way -- much easier than packing everything up. Thanks for the chance to win some goodies....Sandy (sea6@comcast.net)

Lynn said...

Hmmm, considering you moved a few years ago and downsized it may not be as many as before right? I'll say 42!

Here's a tip, give your movers some cookies and water or soda. It made them happy and a happy mover is a careful mover.

Quiltgal said...

I am going to guess 56 boxes. Best of luck your move.

Janet said...

89 boxes. Sorry - I know you have to pack and unpack every one! :)

Baskets Of Quilts said...

How big are the boxes??? I'll guess 28 boxes. Good luck with packing and the move! When we move, we always hire college guys from my hubby's fraternity. We've always had the nicest guys that work hard for a couple hours. We always feed them lots of pizza and beer!

Karamat said...

My guess is 84 boxes. Best wishes for a smooth move!

Melanie said...

My guess is 35 since you talked about how much you got rid of for the first move. Good luck!

Sally said...

I have no idea how many boxes it takes to pack up a 1000 sq ft apartment. When we moved into our house, I asked my husband to not make me move ever again. I'm not fond of packing or unpacking!

Our pets get out of sorts when we just bring in the suitcases, so I can imagine that Bruno is freaking out.

At least you know your mover :)

elle said...

Who can resist a guess? 54!

Cheryl said...

My guess is 65. I hate moving so I feel for you. May your move go smoothly and as painlessly as possible.

monique said...

Poor Bruno! But how exciting that you finally get to move into your beautiful space!! I'm going to guess 81 boxes. (But I hope for your sake that it is half that amount. :))

Anonymous said...

I just finished unpacking the last box from our latest move so this is all pretty fresh although it depends on how many books you have! I will say 69 and wish you luck with a smooth packing/moving experience. And have fun in Buffalo! That is my home town although I have been away many, many years. The Lakefront is beautiful as well as so many parts of the city.

Arita said...

Good luck on the move; I pick 88 boxes

modquilter said...

Moving is such a pain, but after you are moved in and get settled it is worth it. I am going to guess 77- good luck!

weavinfool said...

My hint is always hire movers!

My first thought is 78 boxes, then I downsIzed it to 72, so 72 it is.

I just watched your talk at QuiltCon and loved it. I saw it on Craftsy. I am back to sewing after a 30 year vacation from it. I bought your newest book and have started making quilts. My grandchildren need something to remember me by, so quilts for everyone! Thanks for the inspiratioin and the how-to.

Unknown said...

Oh my moving stinks. 92 boxes, good luck!

Sarah said...

We made a lot of local moves when I was a kid, and my father used double grocery bags to move his HUGE book collection. They weren't as heavy as boxes of books would be, and we'd stuff them in the back of the station wagon and take many trips! I'm going with 79 boxes, and I can't believe you feel like counting them as you go!

Di~ said...

OK, Jacquie, I'm hoping to strike your fancy here...I have such exciting information to share and all...I'm guessing 47 boxes...I haven't moved for 25 years...the very thought puts me in panic mode...I want to sometime tho' because I want to be closer to my little granddaughters...ok, enough information...Good luck to you and! to me! :)

Andrea said...

I'll guess 91! Maybe someone already guessed that, but I really enjoyed reading everyone's guesses and by the time I got to the bottom I had forgot if someone had guessed it already!

Birgit Ca said...

I just moved 2 weeks ago - it sucks. Like you I have gotten too good at it. Since I have been with my husband (16 years) we have moved 9 times...6 since ours kids were born (7.5 years ago). And he is not even in the military! We did live for 7.5 years in Chicago (3 moves). It always takes more than you think -- 96 boxes at least (im hoping you do good padding on the dishes and wine glasses...

wordmama said...

I'm thinking 86. Don't know why, but can't get the number out of my head. Good luck with your move.


wordmama said...

I'm thinking 86. Don't know why, but can't get the number out of my head. Good luck with your move.


Heather said...

I'll guess 72 boxes. After 17 military moves and packing and unpacking 2 adults, 2 daughters and 2 dogs, I am proud to say that my husband officially signed his retirement paperwork today! Good luck with your move!

Jenelle said...

When I moved from my similarly sized apartment, I think we had close to 40 boxes (some pretty small). it looks like you have larger boxes to work with, so I'm going to guess you'll use 32 boxes. Good luck and rest plenty!

janequiltsslowly said...

Its been so long since we moved here, I really have no idea about how many boxes you will need. My guess is 54. When we moved to this house, my hubby had a new job and I was alone in our old place with the movers. They pack really fast! They packed up my cereal bowl and coffee mug that were in the sink waiting to be washed and they wrapped and packed about 3 big boxes full of firewood that was stacked by the fireplace! It was actually nice to unpack it and use the wrapping for kindling in our new house's woodstove since we moved from California (Bay Area) to Washington State (the east side, near Idaho) in February.

Hope all goes well with the move. I so totally get Bruno's reaction.

sj24kt said...

Eeeeuuuwwwhhh! I hate moving. It looks like you already have a system down for your organizing, but it always takes me way more than I thought. I would guess about 62 boxes for everything. Ouch that's a lot of boxes! I just love you work - so clean, fresh and simple but knockout quilts when you're done. You have such a wonderful eye for color and negative space. Hope you enjoy your new home.

StaroftheEast said...

Didn't you had about sixty Christmas trees at one point?
If that is an indication, you'll need over the 200 boxes for sure!
So glad that you got the condo!
Live happily there!

peacedgoods said...

I say 111. don't ask me why. I haven't moved in 25 years and plan to live here for another-well forever.

Janet M said...

I'm going to guess 62 only because that's how old I am this year!

Abby W @ColorBarQuilts said...

I'm guessing 55 1/2 boxes because there always seems to be one half full box. :) I hope you move goes smoothly.

I have moved 20 plus times in 36 years, 4 moves being international. I have to say I love the moving part and all the planning but the unpacking just seems to take for every. We have been in this house for 2 years and I am already getting itchy to move again. My husband does not agree.

The funniest thing that happened to us on a move is on one of the international moves the companies that came and packed up the stuff double wrapped the wrapping paper and toilet paper. Not sure if they thought it was going to get broken in the container or not. The guys on the other end were confused too. Especially since the other movers also put greasy tools with bedding in a box. That happened 14 years ago and I still remember it.

Good luck.

Loafer Mountain Primitives said...

Ouch..... I feel for you. I can't even imagine what it would be like to pack and move now. I'm guessing about 112 boxes. They add up pretty fast.
Breath deep,

Anonymous said...

99 boxes sounds horrible but that is my guess. We have moved quite a few times in the past few years. Once my husband broke the key off in the lock we used on the uhaul and we had to call a locksmith the morning before an 8 hour drive. Another time our cat Pablo decided it would be fun to wedge himself between the wall and the dishwasher. He took hiding to the extreme. We still have no idea how he got there.

Pat said...

Oh, I just finished helping my sister pack up her stuff. We only did the "little" things, leaving the big stuff to the movers. Even so, we had 22 boxes. You don't strike me as a keeper of clutter so I would guess 45 boxes.

kathy said...

I am going to guess 106 boxes! Make it fun!

Kay Stephenson said...

67 boxes, and remember that china is strongest edge to edge so stand those plates on edge when you pack them, not stacked flat. Also, paper is heavy, so pack books in the smallest boxes you have. Good luck!

wintunancy said...

I've moved lots and it is amazing how many boxes it takes. I remember one move with about 75 boxes...all of which the movers packed and I unpacked. Ugh, you have my sympathies. Will you have 78 boxes?

Vicki W said...

I'll guess 12 boxes. I have no funny stories because moving is always an ordeal!

Elsa said...

I'd say somewhere around 120 boxes. That sounds like a lot, but I've moved a lot and know it takes a lot more boxes than you might think!
Happy moving!

like you care said...

I have moved a lot, a lot, a lot. I don't always put things in boxes because I use baskets, bowls, drawers, etc., I am guessing 57 boxes. Good luck and stay sane!

like you care said...

Oops... I don't think you can reply to me so my email is bridiecm@gmail.com...

Anya said...

I'm going to guess 74 - but for your sake hope it's less! I never enjoy the packing part but I do love the unpacking and finding the perfect spot for everything. Congrats on you new place. Looking forward to seeing your new studio!

Peggy said...

Oh, ugh. I hate moving. Hope it goes well and you can find everything afterward!! I am going to guess 81 boxes.

Anonymous said...

I'm going to guess 66 boxes. The last time I moved was in 1998 and don't you know last summer I found a few boxes that had never been unpacked! Guess I never needed any of that stuff because I never missed it! Good luck!

Christy said...

83 boxes, a high guess but I suppose there may be heavy items in small boxes. My work moves me and the movers that come always want to wrap EVERY ITEM, so they individually wrapped all my wrenches, hammers, and shop tools last time. I tried to talk them out of it but they insisted. They did a really great job.

Anonymous said...

68 boxes otter@abbnebraska.com safe moving &enjoyable teaching time

Emily said...

Um...56 boxes. It's so cool that you took something so not fun and made it fun. I need to approach more things with that attitude.

Sharon said...

Well, I had 87 boxes (before quilting) from a 750 sq ft place, so I'm going to go with 129 boxes. Good luck with the packing, it's a bear!

Anonymous said...

Okay I am going to guess 99 boxes.
Here is my packing story: Back in the late 90s, we lived in France for two years for a work assaignment for my DH. When it was time to move back, the French movers came to pack us up. They didn't speak a lot of English....so whenever they had something that they didn't now the English word for, they just wrote LINENS on the box! I got back to the States with at least 80 boxes all marked LINENS. I also picked up a number of additions to my sewing machine collection while living there. They all arrived marked SWING MACHINE. LOL!

Anonymous said...

I'm guessing 77
Thanks for the fun
Emily mily_85@hotmail.com

camelama said...

Hmmm, 213 boxes! Just because. ;) My moving story: The parents had packed up their house in the Midwest and were moving to the West Coast. The morning that they were to leave, I saw a neighbor's cat go into the moving truck. I ran to chase it out and fell out the other side of the truck, landing on my knee - oh it was bad, so bad. I then got to travel two weeks cross-country in the backseat with my leg in a cast, grumpy and in so much pain and on meds. The only parts of the trip that I remember are the sight of the Mississippi at sunset, a flat tire in Wyoming, and making the effort to leave the car to see Yellowstone waterfalls. The moving company lost Mom's family cookbook in the move - oh the agony!

Newbie Jen said...

I'm guessing 55 boxes. You seem very efficient.

Is this "price is right rules"?

Nikki M. said...

i'm going to guess, 120; its amazing how many boxes are suddenly needed during a move....good luck!

Marian said...

I'm guessing 40 boxes! Looks like you're off to a great start!

Anonymous said...

I'm guessing 71 boxes. Remember lift with your legs-not your back. Elaine P.

CitricSugar said...


I don't know about making it fun but the last few times I've moved, I've packed with a clip-board, looseleaf, scissors, letter-envelopes and a pencil beside me. I jot down quickly everything that gets backed in the box twice. (two columns - the same) Then I split the paper in two. One copy of the list goes into an envelope with is labelled with a general descip - #21 - Kitchen and anything major that might need finding, and that gets taped to the box. I also write the box number on the other sides of the box and on the matching list which is set aside in a folder until I'm done packing. Makes it go so much smoother when unpacking!! I can identify which box has what in it without opening, direct helpers which boxes need to be opened or stored without looking at or in them, and IF anything goes into storage, I know by scanning my list copies (which I turned into a typed inventory for quick searches - yay spreadsheets!), I know exactly which box I need to rummage through even if it's been months or years since it was originally packed.

It sounds like it takes work, but it doesn't really. In fact, when my parents, sister and BIL moved me to a new city years ago, I had unpacked my kitchen, grabbed basic groceries, and made a home-cooked meal in the time it took them to settle into the hotel and wash up from unloading the UHaul. They were shocked when I gave them actual utensils and real plates, from drawers and cupboards. So worth it!

I had 60+ boxes. And plenty of boxless items... moving is such a mess! Good luck!

Miggsie said...

I am going to guess 44 boxes. Moving is never really fun, but the best thing we ever did was to hire 2 teenage boys to unload the moving truck when we moved into our current house. For $50 and a pizza, we avoided the worst of the heavy lifting. Very sweet deal, and they were as happy as we were!

Unknown said...

Ugh. I hate packing. I'm going to guess 76 boxes.

laura capello said...

i fear moving, my husband is a hoarder. he'd need to back away his collection of cardboard boxes in more coardboard boxes (those things are precious, you know).

and good golly, for a guess? i dunno. 73?


Charlotte said...

but how big are the boxes? Enquiring minds (in the UK, so with different standard sizes) need to know! I'll have to guess 46, for no good reason other than 30 something doesn't sound like enough and 50 something just sounds like a nightmare! Don't forget your scissors ;-)

Kathy said...

I am going to say 77 boxes! I blocked all my moving stories from my mind. LOL

einfach bunt said...

Just for fun, I am guessing 37 boxes.
Say hello to Bruno.
(That was my granddads name. My dad and my brother inherited Bruno as second name :-) )

Susan said...

The craziest thing is that you packed up your place once before. It will be fun to read about you UNpacking your 113 boxes in your new place. Sometimes I want to hide in the bathroom too!

Marie said...

all I know is -- you'll never have enough boxes. moved my office 10 years ago -- that was bad ... really bad .... best advice -- more than 700' ... you'll get a rest break in during the drive!

good luck and enjoy.

Anonymous said...

I'm going to guess 84. Boxes start piling up quicker than you realize! I barely moved anything when I moved across country from LA to Ohio and I still had 10 boxes.

Michelle said...

I don't have a guess on the number of boxes, but I'd love to get in on the giveaways. Here's my moving story:

A year ago this past weekend my husband and I moved into our new apartment. We spent the entire Saturday moving tons of boxes and furniture with the help of some current and former students. By early evening, we were finally done and my husband and I had the new apartment to ourselves. I started unpacking some boxes in the kitchen, since they were spread everywhere. As I unpacked a box of glasses, I had some of them in front of my on the counter as I reached to put others away on the very high shelves (I was standing on a chair). As I reached (too far) to clean a shelf before putting the glasses on it, I lost my balance and fell off the chair. As I came down, I took some of the glasses from the counter with me and ended up landing directly on a piece of broken glass. I reached down to my bum cheek where the pain was and my hand was covered in blood. I called for my husband and he helped me stand. With one look at my bum, he said we had to go to the emergency room. Five hours later (it was a Saturday night and our local emergency room gets pretty busy), I left with 20 stitches in my bum and lots of pain meds. Apparently the glass had gone in 6 centimeters and all the doctors kept telling me how lucky I was that it didn't hit an artery. And to top it off, we were scheduled to leave the next day for a driving trip to Novia Scotia with my brother and sister in law. I spent most of the time laying down in the back seat or sitting on my noodle and was in some intense pain. My husband and I still refer to my "wound" and just talked this morning about how it was a year ago that all of it happened. Crazy stuff!!

Amber H. said...

I'm going to say... 134!

Good luck with moving! I've always hated moving.

Joan said...

This is hard, is there a number no one has chosen yet my instincts told me 60 because you have had a recent move. I went to 61 because I threw a box in for good measure. I am going to say 61 1/2 because you could have a box at the end that there is not enough stuff to fill it but you still want to transport in a box. Good luck to you and Happy Trails.

Heidi said...

I'll guess 91 boxes.

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