
Wednesday, April 7, 2010

A Day Without Bacon Is... a day without sunshine. Bacon, chocolate croissants, bran muffins, black tea and some quality time with a quilty friend. I'm not sure what's better than that. Working isn't interfering with having a great time!
Last night was the trunk show at Fabric Crush. It was an enthusiastic, supportive crowd. They came, I talked, we talked, and many of us indulged in our favorite activity, fabric shopping.
It was so great to connect with old friends, meet virtual friends and make new friends as well. Thanks for coming and making me feel so welcome! Thanks to Sarah of Fabric Crush and my friend Katie for inviting me. It was almost better than bacon.


  1. Wish I had been there - but felt like I was sorta there with the email from Katie :-)
    Glad you had a great time!

  2. look at you!!

    great job.

    now, when's the trunk show in Dallas going to be? ~hint hint~


    oh yeah, and did you get to see the tulips?

  3. Is that you holding my favorite quilt of all time? I LOVE that quilt!!!!! I've always loved that quilt!!!! Hello!

  4. Gotta love bacon, but oh how nice it would have been to be at your trunk show!! You know you could have had bacon appetizer there and it would have been just perfect! LOL

  5. Never mind the bacon, I'm sure the quilts you brought were all a feast for the eyes and inspiriation 'bugs' in everyone who was there - I'd love to have been one of them

  6. From one bacon lover to another-nothing beats a trunk show!!

  7. It was great fun to see Fabric Crush, hear you share your passion, AND see your lovely & inspiring quilts! Thanks so much!! I've been daydreaming about my first wonky log cabin!!

  8. sounds like great fun...and who doesn't love an excuse to fabric shop!

  9. I love fabric shopping! I am a new blogger and follower, it's been nice to view your quilts! Thanks for sharing!


  10. I'm so jealous! I wanted to go so bad! I'm not even that far away, but it just didn't work out. :(

  11. Looks like you had a great time! Speaking of bacon, have you ever had it with brown sugar? Sounds strange, tastes like heaven. Pig Candy.

  12. What a perfect day! Doesn't get any better especially with the bacon and chocolate croissants. Oh yeah, and the fabric shopping too!

  13. I'm glad you all had such a great time. I wish I could have found a way to visit!

  14. That's a pretty good time, then, cuz there's not much that beats bacon!! I'm with you on that!

  15. So great to meet you Jacquie! It was a very inspiring evening!

  16. I'm really upset that I couldn't make it to this. Really!

  17. I am glad you had a great time. What a cool thing to do and meeting friends makes it better! Seattle is an incredible City, ENJOY!

    Even better than Bacon... ;-)

  18. That photos is priceless! A cutting matt, two laptops, a stack of quilting books, croissants, muffins, teacups. LOVE it!!! What a great post. The store looks like a beautiful space. I hope I can make it to Seattle sometime soon.

  19. Thanks for coming out to Seattle! It was great to meet you- and like Trisha said- and very fun & inspiring evening!

  20. seattle was so happy to have you, jacquie! it was so lovely to meet you and see your amazing quilts in person. thank you!

  21. Ah bacon, the foundation of the food pyramid. I hear ya, sister!
    thanks for posting the pics--I especially like the modern goosetracks mini quilt. Oh, this modern stuff is so darn cool!!

  22. Yay! What a great experience. Wish I could have been there.

  23. It was neat to see and touch your quilts in person! Thank you for sharing your talent!!

  24. Sounds like a perfect day!!! Can't think of anything better.

  25. HI Jacquelyn,
    It was such fun to meet you today at Pink Chalk Studio. What a great trip your having. I enjoyed hearing your passion for fabric. Your blog is a wealth of wonderful goodies. I have yet to make a quilt but I know my days are numbered. Thanks for the inspiration. Best wishes for the future.

  26. It was wonderful to meet you and to see your beautiful quilts. So glad you shared.

  27. It was great to meet you! Your quilts were very lovely and very inspiring. I'm just learning how to quilt and I love the modern style! I'm happy to see it in more designs. Plus, I tend to have quilt lines like you described...the "organic ones" I love that term and will be using it!

  28. You are my kinda girl! So sorry I missed your Seattle appearance!

  29. it's early on a sunday morning, i'm sitting here at the computer, before breakfast, and suddenly my tummy is rumbling and i'm craving a plate of bacon and eggs........when i should be eating fruit and yoghurt

  30. I love bacon too...glad I'm not the only one :)

    Your quilts are so lovely!


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