
Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Inspired Quilting

Between work and family and day to day things, I'm trying to finish what's hanging in the closet. I can't even remember when I pieced this, but it's a Christmas gift so it needed to get done. The quilting was inspired by a dream catcher.
It has a large center of circular quilting...
...points that extend from the circles that open out and divide the center medallion diagonally, vertically and horizontally.
I'm still not sure if more quilting needs to be added.  I'm going to live with it a little while before I decide.  I struggled a bit with thread, needle combinations and tension with this one.  The mix of quilting cotton and home dec is a challenge.  I hope to have it bound and ready to show in the next post.  I always have hope!

It was so great to hear about all the holiday sewing plans!  You all charged me up and I made a list.  Nicke and Katie are the winners of the copies of Stitch.  You should have received an email from me. Congrats ladies!!  Send me your info and I'll get them in the mail to you.


  1. that quilting is absolutely amazing! honestly amazing. and holy crap! i was so enthralled by the photos that i didn't read the text of your post and when i was commenting i saw my name peeking out at me. I won! Yay!!!!!! i am sooo excited!

  2. absolutely fabulous! can't wait to see the entire quilt.

  3. Love the quilting! It really suits it well.. I am always inspired by your work. LOVE it! :o)

  4. Love the quilt. Can't wait to see if finished. Love your designs!

  5. Awesome quilt! Looks very "Chicago-ish".

  6. Oh what a fantastic quilt - I love everything about it and the quilting as far as I can see is perfect

  7. Jacquie, I like how you allow yourself the pause to let the quilt speak to you about whether it's finished or not. I could learn from that.

  8. I love the dream catcher reference such a beautiful design!! I have had some issues as well with that fabric combo and I was doing fmq circles sooo frustrating you could never tell from your pictures.

  9. That is some awesome quilting!
    Congrats to your winners including my friend there at the top xx

  10. Can't wait to see the entire quilt. It looks quite fantastic. You are inspiring me to give another go at the quilting. It's not my favorite part. How do you stop and start and have it look clean without knots?

  11. I love the bold simplicity of this quilt, and the quilting is amazing..just perfect!

  12. ever inspiring work!, love it.

  13. WOW! Jaw dropping WOW! LOVE that quilting! Great imagination!

  14. I can't wait to see this whole quilt - the quilting looks amazing.

    I also love the way the background in the prints merges with the background of the quilt - reminds me of Yoshiko Jinjenzi! A look I'd love to try myself.

  15. I love this---really do love it. May I ask how you kept your quilting lines so straight? You know---that twisting and turning we do when trying to quilt on a domestic machine (is that what we call it? domestic?). This is truly gorgeous.

  16. Diane,
    yes, do i ever know it. i feel like a contortionist sometimes, in fact one of the lines is done in a 3.5 stitch length simply because i bumped the knob when manhandling this quilt. i haven't decided if it's worth ripping yet.
    as for the lines...i use painter's tape most of the time and for some of this quilt i actually marked. it helps that my machine is sunk into my table...that helps manage the weight of the quilt...i also use a supreme slider mat under my needle...that helps too. the weight can really pull lines out of alignment quickly. no magic really, just lots of supporting the quilt and slow and steady quilting.

  17. It's stunningly beautiful. You're projects are always inspirational.

  18. It's gorgeous! So good to always have hope.

  19. Completely incredible!! You are an inspiration! Thank you!

  20. Whoa, that looks very mathy. And stunning!

  21. I love everything about this...colour, design, quilting...

  22. your quilting is always so adventurous! you inspire me to take more risks. i think the quilt looks really amazing (and it very much evokes a dreamcatcher).

  23. I'm really impressed of your precise quilted lines, especially the circle lines. I wouldn't have guessed that it is possible to sew these large and yet exact circles with a domestic machine. You got the proof! Wonderful, I'm waiting for the finished project to see.

  24. What a fabulous quilt! the quilting suits the graphic nature to a tee!

  25. Wow, the quilting is really making this quilt! Fantasticamundo!

  26. What is the graphic fabric used here? It is way cool. I never would have thought of something like this.

  27. that's neat. I actually like the quilting more than the quilt.....


So, what are you thinking? (please don't put links in your comments...the spam police like to grab them and hide them away! if you want to share a link, feel free to email me.