
Monday, February 20, 2012

Red and White

I think it's done.
Sorry about the wrinkles but it got caught up in the mess that is my studio.

I sure can create chaos in no time flat. I feel like I spend more time cleaning than working. My mom's advice to always put away when you're done using something is echoing in my ears.  I still haven't mastered that skill.  Are you a neat sewer or a chaos creator like me?

Big news coming in the world of modern quilting today.  You won't want to miss it!  Stay tuned!!!


  1. Jacqui, I used to waste hours looking for my 6 1/2`" X 12 1/2" ruler. Then a friend gave me the "make a specific spot to put it away" advice and it really helps! I try to clean up the sewing room at the end of every project. That way it doesn't get overwhelmingly messy!

  2. at one time i was pretty good at keeping the mess under control. i have my own sewing area now and it often looks like this. i blame my kids for some of the mess but it is mostly mine.

  3. I like it and look forward to seeing the finished product. Yeah, I make a huge mess during each project and then clean up before I start another.

  4. I'm a mess creator - often carries through from 1 project to the next. What? Stop and clean and loose that creativity - not a chance! Big news indeed - I just got my newsletter - now to figure out what I'm going to be doing next February!

  5. Goodness - my tiny room is chaos - and it doesn't help when DH uses it as a changing room too ;o)

  6. LOL..... I tend to sew around the mess until I can't stand it any longer!

  7. Looks great! I make messes, but eventually have to clean up.

  8. Love the red and white! And I feel so much better that you get into a mess like the rest of us!
    Along time ago you shared that you made gowns for newborns that died. would you mind sharing the pattern with me? I would like to contribute to a hospital in my area.

  9. Chaos creator here! But I do try to clean up once a project is completed before moving on. Though that does pose challenges when working on more than one thing at a time! I'm so thankful to have a place that I CAN leave a mess if I need/want to. Sure beats when I used to sew on the dining table!

  10. I make messes but I like things to be in the right place so I can find it. I'm just overrun with fabric now, so I guess I better get sewing! Now where was that sewing machine?


  11. Ooh la la! I love this! It is worth the mess to create art like this.

  12. I'm a terribly messy sewist and have been working hard to attempt to change it. It's hard to interrupt the creative process and clean up after yourself.
    Love the red and white in all it's wrinkliness!

  13. Gorgeous red and white. Lots of motion. Reminds me of the game of "Pick Up Sticks".

    I'm a fairly organized sewist. Don't operate well in messes or chaos in general.

  14. Who cares about the mess? I LOVE the red and white quilt!!!

  15. When I'm in a creative funk...fabric gets thrown everywhere!!

  16. Oh, your honesty is refreshing! It's a relief to see that my sewing room isn't so bad after all! Thanks for the view.

  17. You know those teen aged boys who giggle inappropriately at certain words? LOL. I am like that with the word sewer. LOL. I can't even see a storm drain without chuckling!!

    Oh,yeah, I am soooo messy. No chance of finding anything in my room. HMO chance at all,


  18. I love the red and white! very striking. I am trying to overcome my chotic ways... with very little success

  19. I love your red and white quilt. As for the mess...Let me just say yours looks clean compared to what I have sometimes. LOL

  20. sure am glad to see another workspace that looks like mine... I also haven't mastered the put away when done with rule. love the quilt top, too.

  21. Love the red and white quilt! Nice job!

  22. I love this quilt top! It looks like you snipped little bits of the red off.

    I'm a "clean as I go" kinda girl. Even if I'm up until 2am or later, I will put everything away before I head to bed! I just wish my family followed suit-then I'd have more time to quilt! :)

  23. I love the red/white! I'm definitely a chaos creator... but all the sharp and/or dangerous tools get put away before I stop... or the 3 yr old of the house would be cutting her hair or something silly. :)

  24. HI,

    I'm glad I'm not the only one. Once a neighbour knock on my door in the middle of a creative moment. I was so embarrassed, my living room was my atelier!
    She spread the voice that it was: Like a bomb had landed!

    Since then I use the expresion everytime!


So, what are you thinking? (please don't put links in your comments...the spam police like to grab them and hide them away! if you want to share a link, feel free to email me.