
Sunday, December 30, 2012

Farewell 2012... The Wisdom of Bruno

Embrace and revel in everyday things.
Cherish your friends.
A small act of kindness makes a big difference.
Be a half full kind of person.
Take time to refresh yourself.
Bad things happen.  Good things are around the corner.
Express your gratitude.
Say "I'm sorry."

Sometimes only a quilt will do.
Family is the most important thing.
Home is where we lay our heads.
Bruno and I say in the words of CBS Sunday morning, "Hail and farewell" to 2012! and Happy New Year to all of you!  I plan to take Bruno's thoughts as my words to live by for 2013.  See you in the new year.


  1. You and Bruno are very eloquent. Thank you for the good thoughts, and I wish you a happy and peaceful new year.

  2. Well said! Happy New Year to you, Bruno and the Mr.!

  3. Wishing you and your family and especially, Bruno, a joyous new year.

  4. Happy New Year !! You couldn't have made a better post! I love the photos of Bruno especially the second one down from the top (sweetness!).

  5. We should all strive to have a little Bruno in us! Thanks for sharing, and Happy New Year.

  6. Wishing you the best. Bruno's wisdom is wonderful. May this new year be a time filled with love, gentleness and all good things.
    (p.s. I must have missed the title..I was so scared that we were saying goodbye to Bruno.)
    With love, Ellen.

  7. Smart boy, that Bruno! Happy New Year!

  8. That's a very wise dog you have there....will you be teaching him to quilt anytime soon?? Happy New year to you and your family.

  9. I love an intelligent pooch. Great photos.

  10. I love Bruno's pictures! Reminds me of my dog Black Jack. He was very smart too. Almost human, in fact. Still miss him......

    Happy New Year to all of you.

  11. These poignant photos of Bruno bring tears of joy. How touching, how true. No wonder dogs (and some cats) are women's best friends. Wishing you all the best for 2013.

  12. Good words to live by. Wishing all the best in the new year!

  13. Beautiful! Happy New Year right back to you and Bruno. My Sahara has the same approach to life. Quite delightful.

  14. Bruno has such an expressive face! Is he a black lab? What a beautiful dog.

  15. Happy New Year Jacquie!! Dogs are pretty darn smart.

  16. Happy New Years to you and yours!

  17. Sweet, generous thoughts from your very wise Bruno. I am so happy he can speak and share his wisdoms! Peace and inspiration to all. Thanks for being here, Jacquie and all quilt bloggers. I appreciate you.

  18. had to laugh when i saw Bruno on your/his quilt. too cute!

  19. Who can argue with such a wise dog!! The bassets would like to add......and don't forget to eat a bit of food from the counter top every day, it keeps the humans on their toes!

  20. 12 photos.... you have to have that printed as your calendar for 2013, then you would have a little bit of Bruno every month.... It would be awesome.

  21. Dogs are so wise and good!
    All the best to you and yours in the New Year and always!

  22. Definitely very wise words to keep in mind. Thanks for the beautiful dog photos. Happy new year to you.

  23. Fabulous post. Bruno is wise beyond his years! Thank you for the gentle reminders of what is important in life.

  24. Well said Bruno!
    Wishing you and your human a very happy and healthy new year :D

  25. Such a wise and expressive dog is Bruno :)

  26. Words to live by! Happy New Year, Jacquie!

  27. Thank you for such a wonderful post! Bruno is awesome and wise (and me thinks his owner is too)
    My husband and I love CBS Sunday Morning. It's a ritual around here, especially the moments in nature. Looking forward to meeting you at QuiltCon!
    Peace and Love and Happy New Year!
    Robyn in Austin TX

  28. Bruno is so wise ... heed his words and you can't go wrong. Hope your 2013 is happy, healthy and peaceful.

  29. Loved this post, Jacquie!
    Bruno is wise!

  30. Oh Bruno, you wise pup! Happy New year!

  31. Wow, your quilting life has been skyrocketing and yet you still find time to keep grounded--what an amazing combination! I hope 2013 brings plenty of surprises. Do you have any "high hopes" for Quilt Con? Meaning, is there anything you are specifically hoping to get out of it, or perhaps, to impart at it?

  32. Nothing better than the wisdom of an old pooch.

  33. Happy new year to you. I love your doggie! Great wisdom!

  34. Love your pics of wise Bruno...
    Think labs are very wise ons... See pics of him that I see in my Molly as well...but she ain't that wise ..just
    Happy new year to all of you!!
    kviltstina at gmail dot com

  35. Happy New Year!
    I had to comment on Bruno... he is SO adorable. Beautiful photos.


  36. I have to say when I first saw this post I thought something had happened to Bruno. I am thankful that is not the case!! Happy New Year my friend and I hope we get to see each other IRL again this year!! I hope 2013 is a great year for your family!

  37. rock!

    Just wanted to tell you I look forward to seeing you on The Quilt Show next week.. When I saw your name on the roster for guests this year I squealed with delight!!

  38. Can't wait until Jan 14th to see you on the quilt excited.

  39. Well said Bruno! This dog knows stuff. Happy New Year to you.

  40. Well said Bruno! Happy 2013.


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