
Sunday, December 2, 2012

Fire Stacks

My Fire Stacks quilt arrived home on Saturday. I made this quilt to showcase Birch Fabrics Camp Sur (and some Camp Modern) fabrics and it's in the new issue of Quilt Trends magazine. When I saw the fabric I couldn't help but think of camping and building campfires. My brothers were boy scouts and my parents were leaders and I remember learning how to correctly build different styles of campfires. To this day, I'm a really good fire builder. Maybe I would be a good candidate for Survivor!
I love how they photographed the quilt.  Makes you want to curl up in it!
I don't use novelty fabrics that often, but surprisingly this one fits in my house just fine, though I think it's going to be a donation quilt for Hurricane Sandy.
It's nice and big so some little girl or boy can grow up with it.
I'll be sad to see it go.


  1. I'm actually sitting in front of a campfire as I write this. Crazy Kansas weather made it possible to actually camp in Dec! My husband was a Boy Scout and he had me out camping pretty soon after we got married. Twenty + years later we're still at it and teaching Jenna to love it too (hopefully).

    Such a great quilt. Love the orange tents in between the blocks. Really adds some punch in between the novelty blocks. Some lucky little one will really enjoy it (but it does look great on your chair)!

  2. Oh my! This is such an amazing quilt! I love all your stuff, actually. I really, really, really hope the person getting your quilt appreciates and loves it! It's amazing art.

  3. I'm just labelling and packaging up two quilts I'm donating to charity auctions; one of them has been on my wall here for quite a while, and I know what you mean about being sad to see them go.

    Altho, once I know they've garnered some $$ for charity, it soothes me. And by then, I usually have another one to hang that I love just as much. :)

    We really don't want to be quilt horders, do we?

    I love that wooden heart they've used in the zine pic. Do you spose it has a stand or just attched to the mantle somehow?

  4. Wonderful quilt, Jacquie. I knew it was yours' as soon as I saw it in my reader.

  5. What a great design for those fabrics! I have some similar themed yardage that I have been struggling to find a pattern for. I think this will be perfect!

  6. Beautful as usual from your designs! I love camping and didn't grow up with it! love the last photo of it draped over the back of the chair!!

  7. What a pretty quilt. Love the quilting. How long can you sit without your neck bothering you? I'm very ergonomic, but I lean my neck to the left and it starts hurting after a couple of hours. I stop once or twice an hour and stretch but not much help. Not as bad w/straight line, horrific pain w/FMQ. Any suggestions? BTW, I'm quilting on a 830 which I love. The 12"throat sure makes visibility better.

  8. another stunning glad you feel able to donate it to a great cause..

  9. Oh that brown framing ! Great thanks! Byrd

  10. Your quilts always inspire me.

  11. What a great way to show off the novelty fabrics - I love the thin frames - and the layout of course!

  12. Oh my gosh! I love this quilt. It is what I have been looking for for a set of large scale prints from my late friends stash.

    Are you doing a pattern or do I have to steal your idea???? LOL


  13. You are a wonderful person to give such a great quilt to charity. Thank you for caring enough to give the very best.

  14. Love that quilt and the stitching is simple and perfect!! Someone somewhere will be so blessed by it!

  15. I love those fabrics, and I just love the quilt you made with them. I agree with's so cool that you would give such a wonderful quilt to the hurricane victims.

  16. Everything everyone else just said - except for the camping - never done that - never plan to. But I love the quilt! :D

  17. Such an awesome quilt! :)
    And speaking of Survivor - do you think they'd ever do "Survivor: Quilting edition!" lol.. modern vs traditional - the contemporary quilters could be the peace keepers. lol. They would have to have a last man standing type of challenge - take them all on a shop hop and see who can go the longest without buying something! :) Ok I've amused myself for the night.

  18. Beautiful quilt! Love the colors and the pattern.

    Glad to see that it will be used for a great cause. The lucky recipient would be overjoyed.

  19. Love your quilt and bless you for sending it to help those in need.

  20. Our family loves camping and I love this quilt. I have been looking for fabric to make a quilt with this theme and this is awesome! Your design is even more awesome. I've got to do this! It's irresistable!

  21. So beautiful! I will be looking for that magazine ; )

  22. I have no idea how any quilters let go of quilts. If it were me I'd have a stack of a million quilts and a bunch of people angry that I wouldn't give them away.

  23. It is so pretty! Love the little orange-ish mountains in between the camping logs. I just enjoy your use of negative space so much.

  24. I just found your site and I'm in love with your quilts. The modern spin is what I have been looking for!

  25. This quilt is BEAUTIFUL design. I'm a new quilter and just bought a bunch of novelty fabrics in my zeal to see if I have it in me to make a bed-sized quilt for my little nephew... Although I think I went overboard and bought enough fabric to make one for his little brother too, which I think could if I modeled them after your design idea here. Thank you for the inspiration, I have added your blog to my list to follow! ~Diana

  26. Jackie, I apologize but i am in the middle of making this quilt and something is not right with the instructions. The A logs come out to be 5.5" wide when cut 3.5" wide per and the mahogany strips are cut 1.5" per the instructions.This makes the rows 5.5" wide, not 4.5" wide, which makes the quilt 100" in length, not 80. I haven't tried to cut the fire stacks yet but I'm afraid they are going to be wrong, too. Could it be that the mahogany strips should be cut 1" instead of 1.5"?

  27. Angela,
    You have a no reply email so i can't get in touch with you. Donna, from Quilt Trends contacted me this week and let me know that she had made a mistake in the instructions of the quilt. She has made a set of corrections. At Quilt Trends, the magazine writes the instructions rather than the designer. I'm sorry this happened. Please email me directly if there is anything I can do to help.

  28. I rushed to find this exact fabric (not my usual way of doing things), but this is going to be the perfect quilt for my new camper. Choked a little at the price of this organic lovely, but I know it will quilt up nicely. Very glad to see your comments about the magazine error in instructions. I'll be sure to check those out.

  29. Kathy,
    Let me know if you need those corrections. Donna sent them to me so I have them on hand. Hope all goes well.


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