
Thursday, October 17, 2013

You Know What They Say

....about give people who are busy the most work....I feel a bit like that's what's happened to me.  It's a function of having the word YES as a well used word in my vocabulary.  I'm working on increasing the frequency of NO, but I'm not very good at it yet.

With so little time to sew I have managed to finish a few things, one with the help of my longarm quilting friend Anne.

Supernova is done.  It's just a class sample, but I'm pretty happy with it.

 I'm packing again.  Back on the road Arlington Heights near Chicago, then to Lowell Massachusetts for the Opening of the exhibit at the New England Quilt Museum.  I'm finally going to see my quilts hanging in a museum.  Then off to Baltimore for work at the Milltown Guild and the Baltimore excited for that!  Home one day and off to Houston for Quilt Market and then to Austin to work with the Austin MQG.  There are still spots in those workshops in Austin.  I'd love to have you as a student if you're in the area.  Contact the Austin MQG for more info or drop me an email and I'll get you in touch.
I got the "Bursting with Pride" quilt quilted in the one full day I had a home yesterday.  I was hoping to get it bound before I left today.  If I have room I'll take it with me to bind on the plane.


  1. Beautiful work, Jacquie! Have fun on your teaching adventures!

  2. Absolutely gorgeous! Wish I was able to take THAT class :)

  3. Beautiful stuff. I'm so excited because you are headed MY way this weekend.

  4. Both quilts are beautiful. Was at the grocery store last week and there on the front cover of a quilting magazine this month's edition was YOU! It really brightened my day! Hope you get some Jacquie time soon!

  5. Yes, fabulous quilts - and super busy schedule. Somehow I see a big modern "NO!" quilt in your future ;-)... maybe with a little 'yes?' on the bottom or backing?
    Just kidding - safe travels. I very much enjoyed your lecture in Michigan.

  6. Just remember, the holidays are coming and you WILL get a little breather. Best of wishes to you. The folks waiting for you are in for a real treat!!

  7. Your supernova is stunning and I love your Bursting with Pride quilt. I hope that the fun of all that teaching makes you forget that it is also work, at lease some of the time.

  8. Fabulous quilts. The quilting on them is perfect. Happy travels and remember: rolling stones gather no moss! ;)

  9. Ah, Jacquie, The quilting on Bursting with Pride is so fabulous. Love this quilt...,

  10. Love your new quilt. Some of my favorite colors.

  11. Fabulous Quilts!! Your Supernova is so full of happy energy!Your friend Anne did a wonderful job on the quilting!!

  12. You continue to amaze me my friend, with every post and every new quilt.

  13. Both quilts are beautiful!
    Got to see Katie P at my guild last night and taking a class with her today at Modern Domestic (Portland, Oregon) today! Hoping to channel my inner improv and do something beautiful too!

  14. Knowing from experience how much I was inspired from a class with you earlier in the year, can I just say THANK YOU - knowing much of your busy-ness is teaching and sharing your gifts with others. Love your new finishes and hoping you get that breather soon...

  15. Such a gorgeous quilt! I recently took the time to go back and browse through your entire blog from the time you started. (Crazy I know!)

    But it was so enlightening as I'm trying to pursue somewhat of a similar journey now. I love all that you do and it was so inspiring to see your rise to success!

  16. I love your work - do you ever get to the west coast to teach? I live in SW Washington - just outside of Portland, Or and would love to learn from you.

  17. Both quilts are really lovely! Happy and safe travels!

  18. Gorgeous! What a great way to visit all over America and meet friends everywhere.

  19. You were terrific at NSQG last night! Thanks for sharing the simplicity/complexity of your marvelous quilts...I was truly blown away!

  20. The quilting by both of you is glorious...I love the work you do!

  21. NO is the new YES.
    Hope you have a lovely time away!

  22. Love both quilts but the quilting on Super Nova is fantastic as well as the binding. Great inspirations to us!

  23. Jacqui they say a moving target is hard to hit, but just reading your itinerary makes me tired.

  24. "Just" a class sample :) It's beautiful. I wish you energy, timeliness of flights, joy and a minute or two to yourself :)

  25. Thanks for coming to Baltimore. I had a lovely time at the trunk show and the dinner afterwards. It was so great to see your quilts up close and personal and get to hear you speak about your experiences.

  26. I would so love to come to one of your workshops in Austin but I have class both days and can't miss! Hopefully I will get to come to the trunk show monday night! I know the traveling is tiresome, and it's hard to be away from home but I am so thrilled at the chance to go to the trunk show and I know everyone in your workshops are excited too!

  27. I can't tell you how disappointed I am that your class is full at Road2California. I have never taken a class there before, and by the time I checked the schedule, well it was WAY too late. Have a wonderful time in Houston. (I loved seeing your selvage quilt in that stack...)

  28. Both, "burst with pride" and "supernova" are gorgeous! The colorscheme is outstanding! I admire your work! "just a class sample?" seriously? I wish I could visit your class ;-) Let me know if you ever come to Germany!

  29. That Supernova quilt is awesome! I love the blue and orange color scheme. It was great seeing you at Quilt Market last week!

  30. I just LOVE that supernova! Stunning just doesn't do it justice! Spectacular - my most favorite quilt ( ok, tied to add it up.. ). Hoping you are well!


So, what are you thinking? (please don't put links in your comments...the spam police like to grab them and hide them away! if you want to share a link, feel free to email me.