
Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Hidden Gem

I received an email from the International Association of Creative Arts Professionals today and the President said that we tend not to brag about ourselves.  She said women especially tend to promote others and not themselves.  I'm not much for awards and pinning ribbons on things and talking about my accomplishments makes me uncomfortable.  I don't take compliments well or easily.  She reminded me in her article that that is a skill we need to develop.  My husband tells me that every day.

We do good things and we should be proud of them and not afraid to share.  So, as a first step today I'm sharing that one of my students nominated me for the 2014 Quilt Teacher of the Year award that is sponsored by ICAP.  The award is in its 28th year and I'm pretty proud and thrilled that one of my students took the time and made the effort to nominate me.  The quality of my teaching and my students' experiences are important to me.  I work hard and a I am always working to improve as a teacher.  You would think after 30 years I'd have it down, but I can always be better.  Thanks!
I also had a fun experience walking Bruno tonight.  A guy on the street carrying his groceries stopped me and asked if I was the lady who made the quilts and he pointed to my studio.  I said yes and he told me he and his wife walk by every morning and they were hoping they would run into me.  He told me that my quilts were modern and elegant and that I did exceptional work.  It made going out into that bone chilling cold a little bit easier.  I especially loved the word elegant.

 This is my newest quilt called Hidden Gem.  It's my minimalist version of a sixty-degree triangle quilt.  I photographed it at night so you may not be able to see that the triangles are white, gray and navy with the one little teal hidden gem.

 Hidden Gem will be a pattern that will be coming soon with an announcement, so stay tuned.  I also used this quilt to experiment with some "spirograph" type quilting.  I'll have much more to share on this as well.

As you can see, Bruno spent a little time breaking in this quilt.  It passed the Bruno test, so it's all good.


  1. What I love about your classes is that you always bring the fun! It was always that way at the KCMQG meetings also and I think I miss that the most. It was always fun when you were there! Congrats on your nomination. You so deserve all of the awards and kudos you receive. The hidden gem is beautiful and if Bruno approves you know its good!!

  2. Congratulations! Elegant is a grand word, isn't it?

  3. I agree that you are a wonderful teacher, Jacquie! You were full of enthusiasm and encouragement along with being an innovative and inspiring quilter! Your message was to not diminish a compliment by pointing out what wasn't as good and DFTBA- DOn't Forget to be Awesome! I hope you win!!

  4. Your quilt is beautiful. :) I admire and appreciate you and your passion for modern quilting and teaching quilting. I'm glad I can call you my friend! I have a special quilt I'm hoping to be able to blog about next week... and I am an awesome scrap quilter. (Just taking your advice to brag...)

  5. I struggle with that too and it particularly hinders me at my corporate job.

  6. Love the quilt and totally agree with Bruno. Of course, I agree with all dogs......

  7. I always think it's a fine line between sharing about myself and being a braggart. Still, given your many accomplishments, you needn't hesitate to pat yourself on the back a bit. Love the new quilt, and seeing Bruno. Our dog has photo bombed my projects so often that I've started to include her on purpose. LOL.

  8. How wonderful , you are such an uplifting teacher and have a talent of making everyone feel comfortable and heard. I love the Bruno bomb, I recently came across my sons HS tshirt quilt, our dog April was barely visible on the side,, a photo we didn't realize would become nostalgic to our family now that Zack is graduating college and April graduated life this year.

  9. You brought a totally new perspective to the class that I took from you. You opened up my world of quilting! So thank you....I love your quilts! They are so refreshing....classy and yes...elegant!

  10. I agree with the man on the street, the student, you, your husband and Bruno! :)

  11. Congratulations! Best of luck with the award. This is a lovely quilt and I'm really looking forward to your post on quilting this.

  12. Congratulations. Bruno looks like a happy camper.

  13. Congrats on the nomination. Each of your post inspire me. How generous of the man on the street to take the time to compliment you. I hope he had a great day, too.

    Love the Hidden Gem quilt. It's just perfect.

  14. Lovely hidden gem. (My favorite colors).

  15. Congrats on your nomination. Love your Hidden Gem quilt and I look forward to hearing your announcement. Wish I hadn't missed your class when you were in Albuquerque but I was touched that you remembered meeting me before!

  16. Congratulations on the very well deserved nomination!

  17. You are a fantastic teacher, I am so happy that you were nominated! Your quilts are elegant and inspiring and beautiful.

  18. I've never taken a class from you, but judging from your work and how you speak in your blog I'll bet you're a great teacher. Congratulations on the nomination and the kind words from your neighbor. Love the new quilt and can't wait to hear more about the spirograph quilting.

  19. You definitely deserve an award, it's about time :-)

    Amazing Quilt! And I'm looking forward to your announcement as well.

  20. Wonderful quilt! And such a nice affirmation too.

  21. WE know it's gorgeous. Glad Bruno gives it the soft and squishy test :)

  22. Teachers aren't just found in the classroom. They're also on the internet and in book stores. I've learned soo much from your wonderful blog and "Modern Quilts" book.

    Thank you for inspiring me. I hope you win ~ you deserve it!


  23. Congratulations on being nominated!
    You deserve it!!!!
    The new quilt is FABULOUS!
    esthersipatchandquilt at yahoo com
    ipatchandquilt dot wordpress dot com

  24. I hope that I will be able to take a class with you one day!!! My husband is my biggest cheerleader as well. I was raised to not 'brag' too, and tend to deflect compliments in person. Surprisingly, IG has helped me accept and be thankful for compliments! Congratulations on the nomination, that is such a meaningful form of recognition for a teacher.

  25. Congrats on the nomination, how exciting. Would love to take a class from you and the quilt looks fabulous!!

  26. Congratulations on your nomination!! You certainly deserve an award!!! How wonderful your neighbor came up to you to tell you how much he appreciated your art!! I think he has a point calling your work elegant. To me your work has this balance, this exactly right dosage of elements to convey what you want to express. Your work is never taken over by an excess of enthusiasm for a new aspect that arises from the work. You allow it to shine harmoniously integrated in the completed work. Yes, to me too, your work has an unique elegance!

  27. I really like the spirograph quilting.

  28. Congratulations on the nomination. I am excited that I will be taking a class by you in the next few weeks. :)
    Love the quilting.

  29. Congratulations Jacquie! You are an exceptional teacher and change people's life for the better. I think Bruno is making sure that quilt is not too perfect!

  30. Congratulations! You're right to tell the world :-D

  31. Congratulations Jacquie. We have never met, I have never had the privilege of taking one of your classes, although I hope to rectify that. I have read your blog for some time now and have always loved your quilts. I often try to decipher just how you constructed them, I'm mystified sometimes. How heartwarming your encounter with your neighbour must have been...or was it creepy, they've been peering in you windows? Just wanted you to know I am another of those 'in the shadows' fans who is happy to see you get the kudos you deserve.

  32. it really wasn't shades are up when i'm working to let in the light so my window is open to the world. folks look in all the time and when the weather is nice sometimes even stop to chat and ask questions. all that colorful fabric seems to draw them in. it's fun for me, though when my boys come the first thing they do is pull the shades!

  33. Congratulations on the nomination! Morna is so right about how hard it is to promote ourselves.

    What a lovely compliment from your neighbor! Modern and elegant is a perfect description :)

  34. Thank you for teaching all of us. Yes, in a classroom you are amazing and have thought through how to make us learn in an easy way while laughing and enjoying ourselves. On Craftsy, your same style comes through. But how I first learned from you was at KCMQG. You taught me how to reach out to others, enjoy being with new friends, how to honor the work of others and to put community, not charity, at the forefront. You make a difference, my friend. I am better for knowing you.

  35. Congratulations!! My fingers are crossed for you to win! You are a excellent teacher and I'm proud to have learned how to make hexagon quilts from you! ;-))

  36. I look forward to the day that I can take one of your classes. And having that quilt Bruno approved is always a good thing.

  37. Gosh, Bruno just makes my day :)

  38. Congratulations on your nomination. It is well deserved. I loved the class I took from you and hope there will be another in the future.

  39. How sweet of your neighbor to stop and say those sweet, kind words. Congrats.

  40. Congratulations on the nomination, Jacquie!!

  41. Congrats on the nomination - and for sharing it with us! Only have heard you as a speaker, but have no doubt that the nomination is very well deserved! How fun to have people/ neighbors recognize you and talk to you on the streets. Yep, hoping for warmer weather here in MI, too...

  42. You are an inspiration and your students and teaching prove this. STRETCH everyone!... but not the fabric, plz. Congrats. It's strange. I began quilting because I was inspired by your style. I've lapsed into something a little ordinary.... need to break down my barriers and tackle another Wonky Windows soon. CHARGE... !

  43. You are my favorite quilt teacher for sure! And I feel like you do a great job encouraging your students to be proud of their work and not focus on the negative. Love your new quilt :)

  44. Congratulations on all your good news! You earned the recognition just by doing what you love to do! You are a gem too, Jacquie. Thank you for sharing!

  45. That's wonderful news and a well deserved honor! You are one "elegant" lady in my book!

    And thanks for sharing another fabulous finish!

  46. You're fabulous! I hear you are coming to the SF Bay area and I am thrilled!

  47. I am new to your blog, but I can see why you deserve all the praise!! Beautiful quilting..I aspire to be as good as you ;-)

  48. Congratulations! Besides being afraid to acknowledge our accomplishments, I also think women are afraid to declare opinions that may "hurt someone's feelings," so as a result, we don't often reveal the truth about what we feel on occasion. I'm not talking about alienating people left and right, nor am I arguing for being abrasive. But I do think it's okay to have an opinion, and express it on our blogs.

    I love that you told us about your nomination--bravo!

  49. You so deserve an award. I have only been able to do your class online on Craftsy as I live in Australia. You have been my inspiration to try modern quilting.

  50. Congratulations, Jacquie, you deserve it! You're the hardest working teacher I've seen in awhile, and I've seen quite a few. But stay modest; it's refreshing! You walk the walk. Some in the quilting world all-about blowing their own horn. It gets tiresome.


So, what are you thinking? (please don't put links in your comments...the spam police like to grab them and hide them away! if you want to share a link, feel free to email me.