
Thursday, June 19, 2014

Finding a Nest

I know I'm a nester.  I don't like to be transient, I don't like not to be settled.  We've spent the last 24 hours in Kansas City on a marathon house hunting expedition.  I'm tired, it's hard, but I need a place to lay my head.  Pictures are worth a thousand words, but they lie too.  So many places are not what they appear to be.

I know I want it to be modern.  I'm not opposed to doing work.  We'd love to be in a neighborhood that is walkable, artistic and nut bread.  We want to be in the city.  We're not suburban people.  This is the one place we found that might work for us.  It's a foreclosure which is a risk and it needs work on kitchens and bathrooms but as you can see it's got an amazing view, some great spaces and the location is perfect.  Bruno will struggle with the stairs.

It's hard to pull the trigger.  Thought I'd share the possibility. 


  1. Oh, very very interesting. I can see you beautiful quilts decorating the walls and hanging off those balconies - transforming an empty, echoing building into a loving, warm home.
    Good luck with whatever you both decide.

  2. What's 'nut bread' in the context you have written it?!

  3. It looks very modern and open, I love the floors and the industrial aspects of the design. It might be a bit scary if you are expecting a lot of grandchildren to be hanging about maybe. I would worry about the dog too, but dogs are adaptable. Are you looking at houses too?

  4. If Bruno has problems getting up the stairs you can get him a sling. It is designed to go under their lower ribs and gives them support to get up stairs, or just get up.

    I borrowed mine when Dutch, my GSMD, had bone cancer in his leg and had problems getting up. It was wonderful. I could not lift his 129 lbs but I could get him up with the sling.

    glen and the bad bassets

  5. Lots of potential here. I love the modern look of the place. Foreclosures can drag out for a long time though....

    Also wondering about the "nut bread" reference.

    Good luck finding just the right nest!

  6. It looks like a wonderful place but I would worry about Bruno, too. If the stairs can be carpeted that will help him some. In addition to them struggling to get UP the stairs I always worry abou them losing their footing and falling DOWN the stairs.

    I also do not understand the reference to nut bread.

  7. Nut bread simply refers to diversity...age, income, race, with a few nuts thrown in!

  8. I was wondering what "nut bread" was about, I thought maybe it was fantastic bakery's within walking distance... I could see quilts hanging in that place..... And Bruno, ahhh, hope it works for him....

  9. If that's the neighborhood I'm thinking it is (can you get views like that anywhere else in KC?!) it is the place to be :) we drive up there for the sno-cones and the views from the walking path bridges. Plus, all the funky, artsy houses are eye-candy!
    Hope you find a place to nest your family soon!

  10. That is a beautiful space! I love that you are looking downtown and I appreciate the "nut bread" explanation. Who knew? Best of luck in finding just the right place!

  11. It's a beautiful space. Follow your heart.

  12. Is this going to be a long term home for you? Consider your knees as well as Bruno's ability.

    Otherwise it look lovely. Good luck.

  13. Hi!!! I love it!!! I love all the light!!!! Those windows are wonderful!!!! Your quilts would really brighten it up!!!! Wish you the best in finding what you want!!!!

  14. With that much natural light creating will be amazing, but hanging quilts will be a little difficult. Sunlight eats color given time but so necessary for work. You will have a great time figuring it out.

  15. Looks like a great place! I am in a similar boat, moving from one city to another, trying to find the perfect place. We picked up keys to our new apartment yesterday and I am a little underwhelmed with the place. It's right downtown, very walkable, but I am just not a fan of the space. I am hoping once I get moved in and have my stuff there it will be better. Hope whatever happens you get just the place you need!

  16. It looks like it has beautiful views and and marvelous light....those are the two things that always speak to me. Good luck deciding!!!

  17. Oh wow, it's aMAZing! Nut bread? You lost me there.

  18. Looks like a space with lots of creative potential. You could perhaps keep your dog on the lower floor, depending on the layout. When my dog got very old, and finally couldn't handle the stairs, he stopped coming upstairs to sleep with us, even though he'd always slept in our bedroom, and even often in our bed. Subsequently, at the very end of his life, when he would occasionally lose his bowels during sleep or at least not with enough time to get out side, we let him sleep outside. He adjusted remarkably well to both changes, without any "complaints." We would, of course, still keep him in the house and with us, when we were awake and downstairs,and that's where he died, eventually.

  19. The space looks terrific, hope you get it!

  20. This place has amazing potential! It's the kind of place that if you don't do it, you'll be thinking about the "what ifs" for years to come. It may be really really difficult to go through the process of dealing with the banks and the reno, but once that's over, you'll have an amazing space! Good luck!

  21. Wow! It's beautiful and spacious. What a view! Good luck with the house hunting :-)

  22. Beautiful space. Kansas City is such a nice town. We had our first visit this spring and I look forward to going back. I'm sorry to hear you're leaving Chicago, but going "home" is always good!

  23. Oh, I am so behind on blog reading that I didn't realize you were moving! I know Chicago will miss you just as much as you will miss it! Best wishes on the move and the house hunt. :)

  24. It's amazing! We bought a foreclosure 2 years ago and it did not take long at all. It's short sales that are horrid. Best wishes and thank you for sharing the photos, I love shopping for homes!

  25. My best to you and all the changes in your life. I can only imagine how much stress this is creating. My daughter and her husband are moving across the country (very quickly) and had to find a house in four days. This space looks beautiful.

  26. It sure looks like a space you'd love to be in. I'm hearing a lot of hesitation and apprehension in your "voice". If it doesn't embrace you the moment you walk in, no matter the look, conditions, circumstances and doubts, the Universe has other plans for you. Be patient. I'd keep looking and maybe expand my horizons a little. Bon chance.

  27. Gorgeous, gorgeous space with a beautiful view. And KC is such a vibrant place these days in so many ways.

  28. Love the modern feel of this place! Can't wait to see your new studio when you get it all set up!

  29. Love it! and the sling idea is great - set up dog beds on each floor and enjoy.

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. Looks pretty amazing! Love modern design! Big decision! Good Luck!

  32. Wow, that place looks cool. It just needs some lime green :) but it looks like there are plenty of places for that! Can you see your stuff fitting *here* and *here*? I can! Enjoy the possibility!

  33. Haha, I knew what you meant by nut bread because that describes my city and its people perfectly :-) Sort of granola-ish, I'd say. Best of luck that the perfect place will show up!

  34. Donna...a little trash couldn't get me out of this city. We love it here, but sometimes circumstances dictate where you live. We would stay if we could.

  35. This house is BEAUTIFUL!!!! I would love to live in the city, in a house such as this! I have bought foreclouser before and by the looks of this one, it is in pretty good shape. Good Luck to you.

  36. I'd know that view anywhere. Meet you for blunch at the Local!

  37. Wow. Tough choice for sure. Good luck.

  38. The light looks beautiful in this place. You could probably lay down a partial ramp over the stairs for the dog. Wish I could come wherever you're going. I, too, live in Chicago. It wears me down. We like the diversity, especially in the high schools my daughters will attend this fall. Would never move to the suburbs--but I always wonder if there is a gem of a city somewhere for me that doesn't require quite so much effort. After high school is done I will probably relocate. I'm secretly happy for you.

  39. A very interesting place! I like modern also - open, clean lines, expansive views.

    Just to let you know the Akron MQG has reconvened after the hard winter. We are still only getting 6 to 8 people, but we are having lively discussions and are enjoying the show and tell!


So, what are you thinking? (please don't put links in your comments...the spam police like to grab them and hide them away! if you want to share a link, feel free to email me.