
Thursday, June 26, 2014

It All Comes Full Circle

It all comes full circle

I left Kansas City three years ago and next week I'm heading back.  I don't call it home because right now Chicago is home.  Kansas City will be home again, but it's going to take some time.

When I arrived in Chicago, I was scared.  It was a new place, a huge city, an unfamiliar environment and I didn't know a soul.  My husband, because of his job had a built in circle of colleagues and soon to be friends.  I was alone in my little room with my sewing machine, but not for long.  Before I even moved from Kansas City I received this email:

Hi, I'm Beth, the current president of the Chicago Modern Quilt Guild.  Sarah let us know that you are moving to Chicago. How exciting!  I've lived here 14 years now and love it.  If I can be of help in any way with your transition, let me know.  I am a stay at home mom for the next year and have some time on my hands.   I know you were in town looking for housing. Do you have an idea of where you will be living yet?  I'm looking forward to meeting you when you get settled.  Again, if I can help in any way, let me know.

When I arrived in the city I received another email from Beth inviting me to lunch with a few other members of the guild.  I said yes and Chicago was no longer a very big lonely place.  I joined the guild and those women were my first friends in the city and though I haven't been a very good member of the guild (or friend) since I work on weekends and we meet on Sunday afternoons, but I've made connections and have been supported by my guild in more ways than one.  I've missed more meetings than I've attended but it doesn't seem to matter.  I've met some amazing folks and I'm grateful to each of them for being a part of my Chicago experience.

Thank goodness our apartment didn't have enough storage space.  I illegally put the giant box that my Bernina 820 was packaged in, in the front of our car in our parking space in the garage.  My friend Tricia, who parked a few spaces down in the garage spied my Bernina Box and reached out and asked if I sewed.  I did. She did.  I invited her to guild and the rest is sewing history.  I'll miss her terribly.

The other day I received an email from the current Chicago MQG President, Sarah, asking if we could meet for lunch so she could say goodbye.  Again, I said yes.  We talked family, quilty things and guild business.  It's like I saw her yesterday.  I reminded her that years ago she asked me to come teach in Chicago and we couldn't work it out because at that time the guild was so young with not much cash on hand for speakers.  She was the Sarah that told Beth I was coming to Chicago. 

It's always amazing to me the difference that one small gesture can make.  We say it in Kansas City, "the modern quilt guild changed my life."  It did back in KC and it did again in Chicago and I have a feeling it will again back in KC. 

Thanks Chicago.  Hello Kansas City!


  1. What a great story!
    Meeting with and working with you, and gaining you as a good friend has certainly changed my life. Have I told you I'm excited for you to be back here in KC?!!?
    Lauren and I joked about needing "quilt guild changed my life" t-shirts. Maybe we need to finally make some.

  2. Guild sure has a wonderful influence on my life and I loved reading how it has influenced yours. I'm sad to see you go but i know that KC will be such a great home for you again! Safe travels!

  3. I'm sitting here crying at my work computer as I will miss you greatly and I'm so proud of the Chicago Modern Quilt Guild and so proud of you and what an amazing quilt community you generate just being yourself and sharing your world.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. G! I read your comment in my email. I'll see you soon, but you'll need to come find me. It's hard sometimes in a big group. Let's make it a great place together.

  6. Truer words have never been spoken.

  7. I may be in your shoes when our husband will move us from northeastern Wisconsin to Louisville next year. I'm not involved in any guilds now but am looking to my hobby to form the friendships I'll be missing from my lifetime home. It will be good to find "my own people" in a common hobby. Good on you for making Chicago home. Good on you for making Kansas City home again!! P.S. I LOVED your straight line quilting class on Craftsy! I'm inspired!

  8. A great tribute to the Chicago MQG, quilting and you.

  9. Aww! Sending you bug hugs for your journey back. The modern quilt quild has indeed changed my life too. There are so many friendships and happy memories - and surely many more to come! Safe travels Jacquie, youll always have a home with us in chicago.

  10. Fabulous story Jacquie. I am excited to have you back in, as the president of our fledgling MQG changed my life and the guild continues to enhance what began with you. What am impact you have made on so many lives.

  11. We will miss you at CMQG! See you at QuiltCon!

  12. Quilters are the nicest people. So willing to welcome, share and help in any way they can.

  13. It's amazing the connections we make through quilting, blogging and guild meetings. My experience has been so positive as well. Thanks for sharing and reminding us how small gestures of friendships can make such a difference in our lives.

  14. What a wonderful story. Yay for quilter's everywhere!

  15. Great photo! I remember that directional sign at our first guild picnic. We just had our "urban picnic" this last weekend in downtown KC. Glad to hear you are coming back to the area!

  16. I wish you best of luck with the transition!

  17. Lucky you to be moving back to where you have already established connections! I love your positive account of moving to Chicago, and making new friends through the guild. Unfortunately, I've found that to be a lot harder after my move from my move from Atlanta. But then I moved to a very small rural town, if I'd tried to branch out to the nearby larger city of Lexington, KY, I'm sure I'd have better luck. Instead, I sew on my own, visit my own guild as often as I can, and have gotten involved with a lot of dog rescue work. Happy sewing in KC!

  18. What a nice story. So inspiring. KCK or KCMO? I loved KCMO. Such a great place. I was only there a short time, but 5B & Co became my all time favorite candle maker. Safe travels and enjoy being home.

  19. Aw, you have me in tears of joy! Quilt guild has certainly changed my life as well. I'd been quilting for fifteen years before I founded the Vancouver MQG, but I didn't have any quilting friends. Now I have friends near and far!

  20. Great Story! I live in Kansas City and would love to know what Guild you may be a part of, etc? I have not been able to be very successful at finding some open KC Guilds... I'd also love to welcome you back to KC! Look forward to one day meeting you possibly! You do lovely work!

  21. Megan,
    The KC Guild I'm returning to is the Kansas City Modern Quilt Guild. Just google them and you'll find their blog and the schedule for the meetings. Some great ones coming up. Looks like the first time I'll be able to make it is in September. Hope to see you there!

  22. Jacquie, you have a great outlook! Can do with quilting, Can do with LIFE and change. I have a deep belief that we are always in exactly the place we should be for new and hopefully positive life experiences. Always moving forward… or backward. But, there is a good reason.

  23. Pretty amazing, Jacquie! Good luck getting settled and happiness in getting reacquainted your KC friends. Know that wherever you go, that you too, are changing lives - you are an inspiration to so many of us.


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