
Tuesday, November 25, 2014

A Modern Holiday

My boys inspired this new design.  I went over to their house a couple of weeks ago and they had a decorated tree, their mantle was adorned with greenery and lights and even the hornless unicorn that hangs over the fireplace was sporting a bright red Santa hat.  They are home for the holidays for the first time in many years and they plan to make the most of it.  Last week they hung lights outside and even braved climbing the roof to make it happen.

It's heartwarming for me to know that my husband and I have passed on the tradition of embracing the holiday spirit.  "Home for the Holidays" means something to my children.

This holiday tree quilt is retro inspired for sure and it has the simple shapes and clean lines that I love.  I'm happy with how the triangles create a subtle "roundness" for the tree. I think it's bold on the black background.  Best of all, it's for me and no one else.  It feels good to sew again and create something I'm proud of.

If you celebrate Thanksgiving, have a happy one!  Thanks for being here with me.


  1. Gorgeous and for you! Isn't that a wonderful thing! I just did something for me and I am in my happy place for awhile again too! Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. Beautiful, non-traditional and completely you!. So glad you will have your boys close for the holidays!

  3. love this quilt - it is an optical illusion as well - wish I had a tenth of your artistic talent

  4. I love it. If you didn't want it to be a tree, you could call it Vanishing Point.

    Happy Thanksgiving, Jacquie.

  5. Jacquie I love this so much! Have a Happy Thanksgiving.

  6. Enjoy having your family with you for the holidays. Your quilt is stunning.

  7. absolutely ADORE this quilt!! It is so wonderful having family home for the holidays! Enjoy them and have a fabulous holiday!

  8. wow, bold and modern yet kind of traditional all at the same time ... love it.

  9. Beautiful! And I love that it is for you. Enjoy your holidays!

  10. Brilliant and I love the black background too!

  11. Happy Thanksgiving to you! I love that tree, so mid century modern looking. I can't wait to see it done and only wish I had thought of it myself.

  12. This is lovely. I assume this is improv piecing?

  13. So striking with such simple lines. Doesn't it warm your heart to have your boys around and doing so well?!

  14. This design works on many levels. I first saw it as a study in linear perspective. Now I see the tree. Just love it!

  15. Love the visual perspective it a hall path leading to the future. And it's just for you....yay!!!!!

  16. Love it! What a great way to start the holiday season. Happy Thanksgiving!

  17. Love the colors and simple graphic design. Just my style. My daughter goes all out for Christmas. Unfortunately she lives in another state and I very seldom get to spend the holidays with her. Debbie

  18. That is a fabulous tree--I love it, as I love all things MCM. I am in awe of your creative brain and your ability to create in cloth. Not that there aren't a few steps in between...

    Have a lovely holiday.

  19. It was so interesting to slowly scroll down for a slow reveal of the tree. Thanks for being such an inspiration! Happy Thanksgiving!

  20. Oh, love your tree!!! Tutorial??? Pattern??? Enjoy your holiday with your boys! Happy Thanksgiving.

  21. Fun quilt design. Happy holidays!

  22. Lovely fun tree!!! Great colours!


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