
Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Working and Waiting

On the days I'm home, which aren't many,  I've been in my temporary studio (in a small garage) and for the most part I've been working on class samples for current and new classes.  I'm chomping at the bit to work on larger pieces, but I have to wait for the remodeling to be done.  

I'm excited to be updating my class catalogue.  I've got a new class that I'll be teaching at QuiltCon in Pasedena called Activating Space in Modern Quilt Design.  I'm really pretty stoked about that one.  It's going to be so great! Also working on a Creative Quilting with the Walking Foot "The Sequel" with remixes of designs done in part one as well as new designs and new techniques.  You all know how much I love that walking foot.  
Sample for the Walking Foot Class 35" x 45"
Sample for the Modern Crazy Piecing Class 30" x 40"

In other news, the remodeling of the Kansas City condo is finally starting to show visible progress.  February 20 was our start date and I'm sure hoping to lay my head at home again by June 20.  I know this upset in our lives will be so worth it in the end!
The new kitchen coming together! Oh happy day!


  1. Activating space sounds like a class I would love to take. Maybe there will be room and I can learn from one of my most favourite teachers again.

  2. I'm loving those orange's looking good!!! Leanne is right, that sounds like an interesting class.

  3. Yum yum I love your first sample, so happy! I have taken your two classes on Craftsy and I have enjoyed so much both. Lately when trying to quilt with the walking foot with my Bernina the stiches are coming out very uneven and as I live in Athens, Greece with no organized Bernina dealer I cannot find out what is the problem. I would be obliged to hear your suggestions!

  4. Love the class samples you've shown, especially the first with loads of negative space and how you've handled the quilting so simply, but very effectively :)

  5. I also love how simple the quilting is and how it replicated the design in the quilt. Good luck with the renovation.

  6. I love the walking foot too thanks to your Craftsy class....I am really frustrated at myself for not liking free motion quilting....I keep trying but DO NOT LIKE IT! Anyway, I love all your ideas and look forward to a new class. The new digs are exciting and I'm sorry about your dog....we had to put down our 20 year old cat on I feel your pain.....

  7. I love love love those ceiling lights.
    LOL great taste

  8. The new classes sound very exciting! I hope you will decide to offer them on Craftsy so we can all benefit from them. I do love taking "in person" classes with you, but if I can't, Craftsy is awesome. Thanks. :-)

  9. Construction is so hard to live through, because its so disruptive on your life. Love the quilts, love the pic of the new kitchen, can't wait to see how it all turns out.

  10. As an aside, your words to live by post showed up in my feedly feed, although I don't see it here on your blog anymore. But I did read it and I really took it to heart. Very profound and on a day when I could use some words of wisdom too. So thank you for sharing it, if only for a very brief moment in time.

  11. condos looking awesome and so are those samples! great to see you blogging-was a student when you taught at Quilts at the Creek in Ontario Canada!
    Still working on my quilts!!!


So, what are you thinking? (please don't put links in your comments...the spam police like to grab them and hide them away! if you want to share a link, feel free to email me.