
Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Quilt Local Blog Tour and (Giveaway!)

I remember when Heather Jones did her talk at QuiltCon on finding inspiration for quilts in everyday things.  Heather has now brilliantly translated that concept into her new book, Quilt Local from STC  Craft, an imprint of Abrams Books.  I agree with Heather, inspiration is all around us, but we need to train ourselves to notice and to see.  Heather shares four habits that she has adopted that help her observe, record and translate the inspiration around her.


Heather's Third Street quilt was one of many favorites in the book.  It was inspired by a grid on the back on an abandoned building. I love the lines (of course) and the asymmetry makes me so happy.  Simple surely is beautiful.  Each quilt in the book is paired with its inspiration and is done in two colorways for additional inspiration for the reader.

The Third Street Quilt
Photography by Jenny Hallengren

Heather asked that we share something in our local area that inspires us.  I live in the Westside neighborhood which is a small neighborhood right on the edge of downtown and the Crossroads Arts District in Kansas City.  This amazing building, the Kaufmann Center for the Performing Arts is just a few blocks from my house.  I walk by it all the time.  It's an awe inspiring building.  I love so much about it.  The simple sweeping curves and the spaces and shadows that are created are lovely.  I think about those sweeping curves all the time.

As I've been working with the activating space concept, I've kept the Kaufmann Center in mind.  I'm sure this won't be the only quilt inspired by that building.  The love how the curves come together to create other shapes.  

Even the one block on the back keeps the concept alive.  

As you can see I'm kind of hooked on this one.

Be sure to follow along with the rest of the Quilt Local blog tour to see more of Heather's quilts and more local inspiration from lots of talented folks.  If you'd like to win a copy, (and you know you do!!) just leave a comment and I'll draw a winner on Halloween at 5:00 central time.  Even better, get one for yourself right away and start being inspired by Quilting Local!

The winner chosen by the good ole random number generator is Wanda of Exuberant Color.  Send me your contact info and Abrams will send you your copy of the book.  Congratulations!!
10/10: Sew Mama Sew
10/11: Creative Bug
10/16: Pellon
10/29: Okan Arts
10/30: Kara Sews
11/11: Aurifil 


  1. what a great idea for a book!! I'm in!

  2. Cool building! Cool block! Cool book! I am officially inspired.

  3. Just what I needed, a book to jumpstart my stalled inspiration! I'd love to win it!

  4. I have been following this book hop because Heather's quilts always resound with me. I love how you've given us your inspiration, your block idea based on it, a completed quilt and blocks for another. I would love to do the same.

  5. Beautiful quilt!!!! Looks like a great book!!!

  6. I love your quilt! I also love the idea of looking around us for inspiration (instead of just down at our phones. ...which I tend to do! )

  7. I love your quilt! I also love the idea of looking around us for inspiration (instead of just down at our phones. ...which I tend to do! )

  8. I love your quilt! I also love the idea of looking around us for inspiration (instead of just down at our phones. ...which I tend to do! )

  9. I'm also hooked on the Kaufmann-inspired quilt and block. Would love to win this book!

  10. I love the block and blocks you made from your inspiration!!!
    Would not mind winning the book either.

  11. what a wonderful book concept!

  12. Great ideas! Thanks for the chance to win this book!
    jlpfeffer at gmail dot com

  13. Such a pretty quilt and to think the Kaufman Center for Performing Arts was the inspiration. KC has some amazing buildings and this one was perfect. Lucky you to get to see it in Royal Blue. Thanks for the chance. Rina

  14. This book looks like it is filled with fabulous inspiration! Thanks for the chance to be a lucky winner ...

  15. It sounds like I could learn a lot from her book! Thanks for the chance to win a copy.

  16. I have loved every quilt I have seen from this book!
    Raverne at Comcast dot net

  17. Kansas girl here... so awesome to see a building like the Kaufmann inspire a quilt. This book is certainly going on my 'to buy' list.

  18. Like this quilt alot. I've enjoyed seeing your new home come alive. Great creative spaces.

  19. For many years I encouraged my students to look around them for inspiration. This book takes it to the next level by creating something from the inspiration. :)

  20. Hi Jacquie, Just yesterday I was in Florence, OR eating at a restaurant overlooking the river noticing the bridge that spans the bay, a series of arches and triangles and parallel straight lines. I was thinking - how would I translate that into a quilt. This book might be just the ticket.

    take care, susie voth

    ps - so many quilts, so little time, I haven't made even one more block for the quilt with the Charley Harper fabric that I started at Quilter's Affair.

  21. Great idea for a book. We have so many interesting buildings and sights in my home area and I am constantly wondering.....'how could I make this into a quilt'? Looks like the perfect book for those wondering moments. Love your activating space quilt! Thank you for the chance to win a copy!

  22. You are right, inspiration is everywhere! I need take a second look!

  23. What great inspiration! Time to go for a walk and start looking at things a little differently. I love the shape of the Kaufman Building! That's amazing.

  24. I love your quilts using this method. They are stunning. It is amazing that inspiration comes from so many sources.

  25. One of my favorite quilts was inspired by the metal grate in the street. We can get dizzy with all the inspiration around us. I love the book theme and would like to own it. Perhaps to create some beauty like jacquie shares with us.

  26. I Love the Kauffman Building inspired quilt. The simplicity of design makes it all the more striking. The idea of drawing inspiration from your surroundings is wonderful. I'd love to win this book.

  27. love the quilt and would love to win a copy of this book.


  28. I love this book! I love simplicity in design (although the simplicity is often deceptive!) as well as using solids!! Heather's book is so beautiful and inspiring.

  29. Love her ideas! There are definitely natural and manmade inspirations all over the place.

    I would definitely enjoy the book.

  30. I LOVE your quilt! I want to start making Drunkard's Path blocks and make something striking myself. If "Quilt Local" gave you the impetus to be inspired by things around you, I need to look into the book also.
    I'm excited to check out the rest of the blog stops!
    Thanks for the giveaway opportunity.

  31. Such a cool block, thanks for the chance!

  32. Love both quilts. The book is inspiring. Thanks for the opportunity.

  33. that is a pretty cool building and your block is wonderful - if only I had a tenth of your talents what I could create!

  34. Hey Jacquie, thank you for the wunderful inspiration ... my last Projekt was also inspired by you ... see here:
    The Name is "kleine Entdecker" ....

    Lot of Greetings
    Zickick from Germany

  35. How much fun to live near cool building. I'd love to own this book!

  36. Really wonderful article. Thank you for sharing your inspiration and Heather Jones's book!

  37. Really wonderful article. Thank you for sharing your inspiration and Heather Jones's book!

  38. Really wonderful article. Thank you for sharing your inspiration and Heather Jones's book!

  39. I really need to get my hands on this book! And I love your curved quilts. What a blessing to live so close to that amazing building! Thanks for the chance to win.

  40. A very cool building to draw inspiration from. What a beautiful quilt! Thanks for the opportunity to win a copy of the book too!

  41. it sounds like a great book and I like your quilt design!!!

  42. Your quilt is beautiful, and I always enjoy posts that explain design process. The book sounds interesting. I often see things that command my attention but I don' seem to be very imaginative about what to do with them, so maybe this book would help.

  43. Thank you for the chance to win a very interesting and inspiring book.

  44. I love this idea. Thank you. This book is awesome.

  45. Fabulous, very thought provoking.

  46. As usual, I love what you did.

  47. It's great seeing the inspiration for that quilt
    drlbennett at gmail dot com

  48. The book looks great. Your quilt is gorgeous and the building that inspired it, is amazing. I love city inspired quilts but live in a coastal town so my inspirations are very different.

  49. Thanks for a great giveaway! The book looks very interesting. Your quilt is amazing.

  50. Your inspiration blocks are stunning. The book looks great too. Thanks for the chance to win. (debbie at wowilikethat dot com)

  51. what a great book to have for inspiration! that building is really awesome.

  52. I love your interpretation of the Performing Arts Center. Remembering to be aware of my surroundings and look at it from an artistic point of view is something I need to work on.

  53. I love your inspiration building! What a great idea! There's so much awesome architecture around New Orleans to use for inspiration. Thanks for the opportunity to win the book.

  54. Love the bold graphic statement made by these quilts. Thanks for the giveaway.

  55. There's some great inspiration here! Thanks for the giveaway

  56. I should never look at Tallgrass Prarie Studio Blog in the evening, I'll never get to sleep tonight. Quilting and Kansas City sure have changed!
    Thank you for the recharge.

  57. I would love to be inspired by this book. I sometimes look at windows on buildings and think quilts but have never taken the next step.

  58. I'm loving your new curvy block, Jacquie - it really vibrates! Thank you for the opportunity to be in the draw to win Heather's book - it looks amazing! Joy

  59. I love to make quilts based on architecture so I'm really interested in seeing this book!

  60. I belong to a local art quilt group. At least once a year usually in the summer they have an inspiration meeting where we meet outdoors to take loads of pictures of architecture, landscaping, objects, color, shapes, lighting anything that is inspiring. Thank you for the giveaway.

  61. Absolutely LOVE those Kaufmann inspired curves of yours.

  62. Love your multiple takes on one design. Also loved your Craftsy class.

  63. Would love to win a copy, this book looks great. You have done a great job with your curves.

  64. I would love to win a copy since a lot of her inspiration is from my hometown, Cincinnati. Just got back from Cumberland Island with 100 pictures to turn into quilts!

  65. Your talent and creativity never cease to amaze me! I love your interpretation!
    I would love to win a copy of Quilt Local!

  66. Wow, Jacquie. Love your interpretation of your inspiration building. Your design and color selection is beautiful as always. This book tour has been so inspiring in and of itself. Can't wait to see this book in person. Thanks for the chance to win!

  67. Love your quilt and the book. Looks amazing. Thanks for the chance.

  68. You're right about looking for inspiration in everyday surroundings. I need to take more pictures and just spend some time thinking. sjvonfumetti at yahoo dot com

  69. I love this concept for a book, and I like your quilt based on your fab local building.
    Thanks, Jacquie!

  70. it's important to be reminded to find inspiration in the world around us. We spend so much time looking what others do and checking out instagram that we forget how to open our own eyes and see for ourselves.

  71. This looks like such a great book. Love your curved shapes and the colors you've chosen for your quilts - they are gorgeous!

  72. Fun idea for a book - thank you for putting my name in the hat for the drawing.

    What fun that you live by Kansas City! I visited the railroad station last summer on my way to the Eisenhower Library. Such a nice area.

    Best wishes and thank you for sharing! Your Kaufmann block is wonderful!

  73. I really like your color choices in the curved block quilt you show on your design wall. And I adore the back of your black and red one!

  74. I would love to read her ideas/prompts from her book. Your quilts make my brain buzz... So out of my normal comfort zone

  75. I'm in KC as well and I have the privilege to perform at the Kauffman Center regularly. It's such an amazing space! And the quilt it inspired is incredible!

    I'd love to check out this book.

  76. What a great concept...ideas so good they're SPOOKY! Happy Halloween Jacqui!

  77. Wow! Your curved quilt is fantastic. I need to learn to look at things with a more abstract eye. It's very hard for me.

  78. I've been looking forward to new posts on this blog tour to see all the different quilts from the book; I think it's such a great concept!

  79. Thank you for posting the photo of the performing arts center. What a great set of shapes. The book will be an added bonus.

  80. That building is beautiful as is your interpretation of it.

  81. Love this idea! And love this curvy building and your inspired to see this book!

  82. Love your blocks. I wish i liked sewing curves. The book looks fabulous.

  83. Book looks inspiring and so do your quilts!

  84. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Derp, fat thumbs! That was supposed to be a :)! >_<

  85. Oh my goodness!!! I love, love, love your design. I can see why you want to keep it going. I find it amazingly wonderful.

    I would, of course, love to win the book.

  86. Great quilts! In addition to architecture, I'm inspired by "street art" (graffiti). Thanks for the chance to win the book.

  87. I love everything about this - the book concept and your implementation!

  88. The quilt is lovely and what a great book!

  89. Looks like a fun book! I keep trying to translate interesting designs and scenes into a quilt concept. Once you begin modern quilting, suddenly the world offers you patterns.

  90. I'm such a fan of Heather's work and I need to get my hands on a copy of that book!

  91. Cool book! And, being partial to pinks of all shade, that's a cool quilt too!

  92. What a fantastic design from a favorite building! I'm so inspired and I would love to have Heather's book.

  93. This looks like a great book. I would love to win it, thanks for the giveaway.

  94. I am intrigued with the idea of separating color and design.

  95. really loving all the designs I'm seeing from Heather's book - your pink ombre version rocks!!

  96. I would love a copy of this book. So much quilting inspiration!
