
Friday, April 1, 2016


Sometimes I like to write.
I don't have any preconceived notions of what quilters are supposed to do.  I make things work for me and my style.  I'm not bound by what others have done or what anyone says I must do. For the most part I'm brave. I put fear aside and just do it. I ask myself what would happen if and then I'm strong enough to try, to fail and to try again until I create what pleases me.  I believe in myself.  It's what keeps me coming back for more.  I think I can, so I do.  I believe ducks have it right.  The water rolls off their backs and they don't even feel it.  I aspire to be a duck because in life rain does fall. I appreciate those who like my work, but I don't work to please anyone but myself.  I am not my number of followers. I listen to those I respect and understand that I have much to learn from others. I make mistakes and move forward. Balance is everything.  I'm working to achieve it.



  1. I understand. I feel the same way too. Love the design that goes with the thought!

  2. Nicely written. Love your new flimsy. It reminds me of a % sign.

  3. Oh how I love your writing today. This expresses exactly how I feel. Thanks, Jacquie!

  4. Beautifully said. I need to adopt your philosophy, though actually I find myself leaning that way as I grow older and wiser.

  5. Beautiful quilt and beautiful words. I printed them up and put them on my design wall.

  6. You have achieved balance! Thank you for your wise words.

  7. I can relate........I always say I'm pretty conservative in my real life but in my "quilt life" I can sky dive or ride the highest wave. Yup I'm all for quilt bravery!!!

  8. I want to be a duck in life too....still practicing!

  9. Well said! And it's so freeing when you finally realize it.

  10. Nailed it. I've been thinking about a balance quilt for some time now. Thank you so much for saying it all in your post. Take care.

  11. Love this message! Thanks so much, Jacquie!

  12. Jacquie; Just happened to see your message and thought the timing was perfect. I am a newbie and have been formulating an idea for a wholecloth using a little bit of this and that gleaned online. First attempt was a focus elements just did not pop so on to attempt 2. Try double batting....another fail..too much pop! I have been thinking scrap is way over my head...but after reading your message I think I will have another go at it if for no other reason than maybe I can express myself just for Me!!! Thanks!

  13. Quack, Quack! Lovin' this new piece. the engineering is perfection. Maybe it's the beginning of a series :) Oh, and, so wonderful to see you writing and sharing your new piece! ~Susie

  14. This resonated with me. Quilting and life philosophy.

  15. YESSSSSS!!! I spend far too much time comparing myself to others and wondering what other people will think. Great quilt as well!

  16. Ah, well said, dear Jacquie: you are such a precious soul!

  17. Well said! And beautiful work!

  18. Welcome back to blog land, was just thinking the other day that you don't have time to post very often. Thanks for your words of wisdom and encouragement to enjoy being our true selves.

  19. Thanks for this post. It's an inspirational reminder "to be who we really are without pretention." I love the quilt!

  20. Thanks for putting into words what I have been contemplating for awhile . . . being my authentic self regardless of how someone else labels my work.

  21. As I read this, the phrase, "I am a duck, I am a mallard," went through my head to the Simon and Garfunkel tune. Now it's stuck along with your thoughtful comment. Love it.

  22. I need to adopt your philosophy. Thanks for all you do for us.

  23. Well spoken and I quite agree! (and in brackets I add: it's not always as easy as it may seem) so all the more important to keep your wise words in mind! Thanks for the reminder!


So, what are you thinking? (please don't put links in your comments...the spam police like to grab them and hide them away! if you want to share a link, feel free to email me.