
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

It's a Quilty Anniversary!

Four years ago today I wrote my first blog post. Actually I wrote four posts in the same day.  I was excited both about blogging and about quilting.  My first post was about this quilt.  I remember buying and reading Denyse Schmidt's book along with a couple of the Gee's Bend books.  I loved the look of that improvised log cabin block, but I was dismayed by the templates in the book.  I wanted to improvise.  I took the advice of one of the Gee's Bend quilters, "just let it go," she said,  "the quilt will take you where it wants to go." I did and I haven't looked back since.  I thought that a log cabin block would look more modern if I stretched it out, so instead of a square I made it a rectangle.
This is the first quilt I finished four years ago, hand quilting and all.  I have learned so much since then. I don't even know how many quilts I've made since that first post on January 3, 2008.  I've lost count.  I've moved beyond the log cabin block now, but I won't abandon it.  I hear every once and awhile that folks are sick of seeing them, making them.  I'm not.  I still think there are new possibilities with this block.  I'll always be a fan.

I've never celebrated a blogiversary before.  They didn't seem important.  For some reason this year it feels significant.  Maybe it's all the changes in my life these days.

One thing I do know is that I haven't blogged for four years alone.  You have a been a part of this adventure.  Many of you have been with me every step of the way.  Your comments, advice, questions, support and even your challenges have helped me get where I am today and I can't tell you how much I appreciate that you are a part of my life.  Many of you are now friends in real life. A special thanks to Sherri who left the first comment on my blog.  A bit of encouragement, even from a stranger, can change a life.

So, let's celebrate.  It's no fun to celebrate for one day so I'm dragging it out for the whole month.  I'm declaring January reader appreciation month on the Tallgrass Prairie.  I'm planning some surprises, possibly a challenge (does the word Spring have meaning for any of you?) and I have some special friends that are planning to do some really nice things for all of you.  Spread the word and tell everyone you know! Let the party begin!


  1. I wish blogs had a like button. Well, "LIKE" :)

  2. Congrats on four years of blogging...your quilts are so inspiring. I'm definitely with you on letting the quilt take you where it wants to go. Here's to many more years of quilting and blogging.

  3. Four years? That's a long. And your first quilt is gorgeous! (I love the hand quilting - so perfect).

  4. I think we started quilting at around the same time.

    (You've done one or two more than me....)

  5. Love the post Jacquie! Smiled the whole time reading it....congrats on 4 years and more importantly, an amazing quilting resume! Keep up the great work and thank you for all the inspiration you give us all!

  6. Yay for four years!

    PS. We appreciate you, too. ;-)

  7. happy blog birthday, congrats on your 4 years of wonderful posts, looking forward to a whole new year of them. happy new year, may 2012 be blessed with quilts

  8. Oh this post made me smile. You have accomplished so much in the last 4 years. It's been rich to watch you in your adventures.

  9. What a wonderful journey you've been on....and you know your quilts still stand up....some of my early's are a little embarrassing! Gorgeous as usual, thank you Jacquie for all of your inspiration and stretching everyone's boundaries! Good wishes for 2012!

  10. Happy Blogaversary! Although I hadn't found you 4 years ago(in fact I didn't know blogs existed back then!!) I've enjoyed reading you for a while now!

  11. Happy blog anniversary! What a wild ride so far! Glad we could come along for a while... you have certainly been very inspirational and encouraging and hopefully we've given a little back 'atcha! Hope you have a great month!

  12. I remember encountering you and your enthusiasm on flickr. Watching you florish has been a real gift to us all. thank you.
    So many changes its true- Im starting to see them in my life as well. Maybe its the age we're at?:)
    Happy Blogversary!

  13. Happy Anniversary ! This quilt is one of my fav's of yours. I learned to straight line quilt using your tutorial. I started quilting in late 2009 and have found your blog very inspiring. I love your work and someday hope to do more improvisational quilting.

    Please keep up the inspirational blogging.

  14. Happy Blogiversary Jacquie! Thank goodness you put fingertips to keyboard 4 years ago - you have been beyond inspiration. thank you x

  15. Congratulations Jacquie! Here's to a great, happy and healthy (and inspirational) 2012!

  16. Congratz on the 4 year blogiverary!!! I always look forward to reading your blog even if I don't comment much. You always have been and will be an inspiration! Thank you!

  17. Congrats on 4 years of blogging...and quilting! I have been reading your blog for a few years and enjoy it so much, am inspired and motivated. Keep up the good work!

  18. I love when bloggers share their journey. Your first quilt was a great beginning.

  19. Congratulations on your blog milestone! All of your lovely quilts are an inspiration

  20. Congratulations! Your work is always a great inspiration for me.

  21. Happy Blogiversary! I'm not sure when I came on board here, but I know it's when you shared that great improv block with me. It's still the most viewed pic in my Flickr pool.

    A whole month to celebrate? That's MY kind of blog. :)

  22. Hurray! I've enjoyed your blog so much, and I'm looking forward to seeing what's in store for the month!

  23. Happy blogoversary! You started a few months before me and yours was one of the first quilting blogs I subscribed to. Thanks for sharing your journey in quilting and in life.

  24. Congrats! Your work is always an inspiration and your blog is the window we see through.

    (I totally agree with you about log cabins...there's always more to explore.)

  25. Congratulations on 4 years! Your blog is always inspirational to me.

  26. Congratulations Jacquie!

    Here's to many more blogging anniversaries! :)

  27. congratulations!

    your quilt are such in inspiration ... happy month!

  28. What a marvelous 4 years you've had! Congratulations!

  29. Ooh! Reader Appreciation Month sounds wonderful - especially to me and my fellow appreciative readers of TPS!

  30. And many, many more! We're all here because you inspire us in so many ways, from a little thing like using construction orange to a big move to the city, you push your own boundaries every day and take us along for the ride. Thank you and congratulations.

  31. Congratulations, Jacquie! Thank you for the inspiration and enjoyment that you share.

  32. I was new to quilting & blogging.. your blog actually inspired me to start quilting. Congratulations on the 4 yrs, & thank you for the inspiration!

  33. Congrats, Jacquie! I have enjoyed your blog journey. I just wish I could remember who "introduced" us. :-) I look forward to celebrating with you all month long.

  34. Fun! Hope it's a great 2012 for you and your projects. Looking forward to seeing what the city inspires you to do. I, for one, will be doing a new quilt this year after finally fnishing my very traditional (yet still sort o modern looking) Robbing Peter to Pay Paul quilt. I'm thinking about a modern take on Grandmother's Flower Garden because I love hand work. ;)

  35. Congratulations on four years! Thanks for the inspiration you give all your readers - both quilty and otherwise.

  36. So much fun to be a new friend among so many fatthful readers and friends. Definitely, Happy Blogoversary!

  37. Congratulations on 4 years of blogging! I have read your blog for many of those years although I don't think I have commented much if at all. Thank you for being so inspiring and for sharing your wonderful work, it is always so inspiring.

  38. I am so excited to see and hear what you haver in store for us, and YOU! I have never known a year to be so eagerly forgotten my so many, and I am not exception. I too moved from my home of many years to too many states away from everything I know-- and I havren't been too thrilled about it, and I miss MY LA MQG terribly. ;). Unlike you, I pretty much stopped quilting/sewing and blogging. I need to get back to it. You encourage me. Thank you!

  39. Oh! Fun! I love a party! Congratulations, I look forward to your posts. Thanks for all the inspiration!

  40. Wow, you've only been quilting for 4 years??? What amazing stuff you've done! :) Congrats on your anniversary and I look forward to the party!

  41. Congrats on a quad of quilting! Your work is wonderfully inspiring.

  42. Happy Blogiversay, Jacquie! Has it really only been 4 years? WOW! I feel like I've been along all the while, too. And I still love log cabins & will never get tired of them. Still want to make a log cabin quilt myself...

    Anyway, can't wait to see what you have in store and so happy that you are here!

  43. Hurray on four years! Your improv log cabins were the inspiration for my first improv quilt. So much fun!

  44. Congrats on four years! That is an achievement. And let me say that is a beautiful quilt. I am always in awe of those who can quilt. It is a beautiful skill.


  45. Congrats on four years! I was inspired by your blog first, and then by hearing/seeing you in person in Seattle a while back. I didn't know 'modern' quilting existed before then, so I have you to thank for enlightening me, and expanding my quilty horizons. Thanks, Jacquie!

  46. A Quilty Anniversary! What a great way to say it! After reading and being inspired by your blog for so long, it's been lovely to meet you and see some of your work close up. Glad you're here!

  47. Congrats! I really enjoy stopping by to read about your projects and get inspired. I'm so happy you started blogging those 4 years ago!

  48. Congratulations. I started sewing then jumped into quilting last summer. You've helped inspire me already. Here's to many more years of inspiration.

  49. Happy blogiversary! you always have such inspirational posts, great tutorials and projects. I look forward to the rest of the month's celebrations

  50. Wow, 4 years! That's quite an accomplishment. You are one of the first quilting blogs I started to follow almost 2 years ago when I first started sewing and teaching myself to quilt, so thank you for 2 years of inspiration!!

  51. I so appreciate your blog--your inspiration and encouragement. Looking forward to what lies ahead.

  52. Beautiful quilt and 4 years of blogging is exciting. I really looking forward to what you share this year!

  53. This is quite a milestone! Congrats and keep doing what gives you joy.

  54. Congratulations on your 4th bloggin anniversary.


  56. Happy 4 years of blogging. I enjoy your blog and your quilts are amazing. Thank you for all the sharing you do.
    Happy New Year!

  57. Congrats! And thanks for having us along. And yes, the log cabin block is my all time favorite in all it's wonderful forms.

  58. congrats on the blogversary!

    I love this quilt; would have never guessed it was 4yrs old! great job.

  59. Congrats ont the blogversary. I have been following you for two years now and absolutely love every post. You are a great inspiration to all.

    I'm looking forward to your next four years.

  60. Congratulations on your Blogaversary! It's fun to see your first quilt. Looking forward to seeing what you have up your sleeve over the next month.

  61. Happy Bloggerversary! 4 years, eh? Not bad! Love your blog - please keep it going for decades to come <3

  62. congratulations! celebrate when you want to, and we will have fun with you! thanks for being a source of inspiration and fun for your readers, we appreciate it. i love the advice about letting it go too- i will try to keep that in mind more this year!

  63. Congrats to you.....I really look forward to reading your blog posts!

  64. Happy Blog Anniversary! I love your log cabin quilt. I have quite a few of the Gee Bends quilt books. Love their style and yours. Can't wait til your book comes out and your quilt pattern.

    Go celebrate with a Chicago style pizza. yummm

  65. Congrats! I've enjoyed following your journey, I started reading you almost right away, and started my own blog just two months later...

  66. I discovered your blog a little while ago and find it very inspiring! Congratulations on your blogaversary!

  67. Congratulations! You are a true inspiration.


  69. You are a mainstay in my blogs to check in on. I teach full time so only have limited time to do blog surfing but yours is one I never fail to pop into. I love your style and colour sense. Congrats on the 4 yrs thing too ;)

  70. I stumbled across your website, and it started my quilting journey. Thank you so much. I continue to be delighted and inspired by all you do and create.

  71. Happy anniversary. You and other bloggers provide so much inspiration. Thank you.

  72. Congrats, 4 years of new things, new friends and lots of fabric! Hope 2012 is a banner year!

  73. congratulations! Yours is one of the first blogs I followed regularly when I discovered quilting blogs over 3 years ago. Thank you for all of the inspiration and lively, unique content!! I look forward to your celebration month!

  74. Congrats and thanks for sharing your quilting journey with us.

  75. Your blog is an inspiration to me. Keep up the good work!

  76. 4 years of blogging! I thank you for sharing and giving of yourself to the quilting community. A "toast" to you and may you have many more years of blogging bliss! (lol). Brenda (Texas)

  77. Great milestone! It's amazing to see what you've accomplished in four short years!

    I, for one, am very thankful to have followed along your journey, and for your inspiration. Keep it coming!

    Sugar Bliss to celebrate?

  78. You have been part of my quilt rebirth the past couple years. Thanks for inspiring so many readers.

  79. Congrats on your blogging anniversary! So glad I've been able to follow your "journey"! Thanks for the continual inspiration! Look forward to seeing "where" you go next!

  80. Thank you for the 4 years of sharing! I hope your new place brings you New Inspirations as well. hugs, Kim C ^i^

  81. Holy cow, even your first quilt looks better than all of the ones I've made! Happy Blogiversary!! I love coming to your blog for inspiration!

  82. Congratulations! Yours was one of the first blogs I began reading - back then I added tallgrass as a favorite - didn't even know about the concept of a blog such as "following" or comments. I've learned from you - thanks for having a quilty blog.

  83. Way to go!!! I love your blog.

  84. What a great four years! I always look forward to seeing what's going on in your studio. I'd love to have you come visit our quilt guild someday.

  85. Congratulations and best regards from Israel!
    You have inspired me a lot and actually a quilt I made using your tutorial (wonky log cabin- was it your first quilt?) was a beginning of a wonderful friendship with quilting for me.

  86. I started my blog just a few days before you! You were one of the very very first I read! I've used so many of your ideas! thanks.

  87. Hi, Just found your blog thru the Piece by Piece quilt shop blog...Congratulations on four years of blogging. I'm intrigued, first by your Modern designs-, and also by the blogging comments, because I just started writing one last October. It's really fun, and it feels like I'm accountable to 'someone,' even if I'm writing to myself. It's nice to see you have 91 comments-makes me feel encouraged that people will eventually find me, too. I DO have 5 followers! Anyway, I'll put you in my favorites, and come back to visit. Thanks!

  88. Congratulations! Can't wait to see what you have in store for us!

  89. Happy blogiversary! I never realized before that we started blogging around the same time! I have always enjoyed coming to your space and seeing what you have created.:)

  90. That is an amazing first quilt! And you have made so many more amazing ones since. Thanks for sharing with us.

  91. Congratulations! Goodness how many lovely quilts you've done in just 4yrs. And I very much have enjoyed being along for the ride, thank you for the time and work you put into your blog, it's inspirational.

  92. As you can tell, I am living at your blog today. It all started yesterday when I saw your scrap potential post with your dreamy fabric stash. Swoon! I have been following your blog for a while. Yes, I just admitted to being a blog leech (always reading and never commenting) but I am going to change that!

    I love this log cabin quilt! It being your first AND hand quilted...your amazing!

    Thanks for posting such wonderful inspiration!

    Off I go to find more lovelies on your blog...


So, what are you thinking? (please don't put links in your comments...the spam police like to grab them and hide them away! if you want to share a link, feel free to email me.