
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Yes I Said It..., i don't like pinterest. I have my reasons.

 This isn't why I don't do pinterest, but it's one reason and it's a funny read.  Pin this!

You know that organized picture of fabric sorted by value...yeah...that lasted 5 seconds.  It's chaos again in my sewing room.  Blog vs reality strikes again!

It's ok to like it, not like it, use it, not use it...this wasn't meant to be controversial.  I simply wanted to share something I found funny.  I needed a giggle today and thought someone else might too.


  1. No Pinterest for me either. Don't have time and I like the real world Scary Mommy lives in.

  2. Thank you for saying it! I got the invite and then never signed up. I don't like everything involving Facebook for one thing...

  3. Facebook, twitter, pinterest, linkedin, groupon. Who has time for all this? I'd rather be quilting in my not so perfect studio! Thanks for sharing that link, it was a great laugh.

  4. I'm on pinterest occasionally, but I could never live in that world. I'll take real life and it's messy chaos any day!

  5. The only thing I use pinterest for is to pin a tutorial for later use.

  6. I feel the same way, but I'm definitely slow to technology as a whole. I like to organize things that inspire me in a physical binder, or bookmarked in my browser.

  7. Piterest's a great way to collect beautiful quilt ideas and tutes--everything in moderation

  8. So true and so funny! We do have to make our choices. Techonology is wonderful, but it can be terribly addictive and time-consuming.

  9. I love pinterest - but NOT for following others or having others follow me - it's for me - my own ideas or just things I want to remember. Keeping track of tutorials or quilt patterns to try. It helps me stay organized. Your link was great, though!

  10. I like pintrest but the article made me laugh and agree with some of her comments. thanks for sharing!

  11. Ha! Funny and very true. I still love Pinterest but I take 90% of what's on there with a grain of salt - I know the photos are styled to within an inch of their lives, Photoshopped and god knows what else, not unlike the models in the women's magazines! I use it to store the stuff that is meaningful to me, and I browse around and pin things that I actually do like - not stuff that makes me feel crap. The crafty stuff tends to be a bit more realistic - unlike many of the house/wedding/clothes images. Different technology seems to suit different people. For myself, I don't get Twitter - I've tried but nope. Thank goodness there's such a range of ways to do things these days it does't matter if you don't like Pinterest or Twitter because there are a gazillion other ways to do it!

  12. I use Pinterest the same way I use my piles of quilt and art books, as a mine for inspiration. I also find it a much more elegant solution than an endless list of bookmarks for saving tutorials and links I want to revisit. That said, I have had a lot of people tell me they "don't get it" -- which is fine, it's just one of many tools; some people will like it and some people won't. That article was very cute, but the same thing applies to shelter magazines and interior decorating books....

  13. I LOVE Pinterest! I store all recipes to try and quilting inspiration photos there now.

    It kind of exploded in the last week (they must have opened it up a lot at once) but you don't have to follow everyone on your FB list, so I'm okay with that.

  14. Alexis, I totally agree with you - well said.

  15. I have only surfed on pinterest.....surfing takes away from real quilting.

  16. I live in a real world too, but I do use Pinterest for inspiration and for finding new ideas and blogs to learn from ... :)

  17. I've had invites. My blog has pins. I won't do it. To me it is a slippery slope of comparison. I have an addictive type personality and that is one door I don't Want opened. Facebook is bad enough. Why do we do this "look how wonderful my life is" to one another???

  18. I love pinterest, but I also follow a ton of different people and don;t see a lot f the "ideal" pics. ;)

    Then again, as someone who pins their own stuff.. its really about creative camera angles, the bits we do NOT do every day, and my God it was only that clean long enough to snap the pic. :D

    My last pic of a quilt I made? Was totally draped over a pile of laundry. :D :D

  19. I have never seen the draw of Pinterest.

  20. I'm so glad to learn that I'm not the only one who doesn't pinterest!

  21. I have looked on pinterest but I want to know who made what quilt. I feel it is a little like stealing unless I know who made it. I prefer to look at blogs of who and how it was made. I do not like blogs that post others work and no credit to the maker. Great if the photos are watermarked with a name but other wise it is just some photo of something they did not make. Quilt show photos with some credit to a quilter or some part of a story is great. I know pinertest has other uses but I am not sure I will be using it. My house looks like Scary mom's house too.

  22. Like a lot of others here, I use Pinterest as my favourites folder. And it's one I know won't disappear if my computer crashes! (I was very sad to lose all my tutorials when the last computer died). Since I can see everything easier, it is actually helping me weed out those tuts that are so cool & that I will never ever actually do. haha
    Now, twitter....I just can't get on board with that one!

  23. I visit Pinterest occasionally. Pics are nice a clean and I find them somewhat soothing but not too useful for me. I do like for a more interactive color experience... ala Pantone. It's fun to search color combos.

  24. I'm afraid I love Pinterest to but not as a search tool. I want somewhere, other than bookmarking, to store all the ideas I like without having to click and check again and again. I saw some beauriful rooms there once called craft rooms and I just KNEW that the owners never crafted or else were major OCD people. Real ife comes with lots of scratches and dings but it is still good to have things to aspire too, although not if they make us feel worthless. Cherrie

  25. Hilarious! Also like your button about not being a dick - had to click on it the other day and loved it!
    Seriously, though, can we possibly live in a better time? Leisure to create, and so many ways to share and to find others of like mind. Not a bad old world, really....

  26. Thanks for the link, I just had a good laugh and can now go back smiling to the heaps of laundry that are all over the floor instead of being perfectly organized in pretty baskets...

  27. That was hilarious and oh, so true!

  28. Very funny - thanks for sharing!

  29. Too funny! :) Though I actually do use and love Pinterest. It's the only way I can remember and keep track of bookmarks online. :)

  30. I live in Scary Mom's world to be sure. I also don't like the copyright issues Pinterest opens. Too much drama that I don't need in my life!! This just opens the door for things like SOPA and PIPA to walk right through.

  31. I like using Pinterest to keep track of things I find inspiring, color combinations I enjoy, tutorials for blocks, or your link to "how to block a quilt", I pinned that. I've wondered about the copyright issues, but I am copying work that is online already, and it links back to the original place it came from, so I think, and I could be wrong, but I believe that it will ultimately give the people whose work I admire, greater exposure as people see my pins and discover new artists or ideas from them. Perhaps I'm being naive here, but I don't see the downside. As for "drama" or somehow feeling inferior due to someone's pins, I don't get that at all. There is no drama to be had with the way I approach it, but then again, maybe I just see what I want and the rest doesn't make an impression.

  32. so fun...thanks for sharing...and yes, I do feel better about my life now! Even though I love Pinterest...I LOVED that post!

  33. I'm glad there are people out there that aren't obsessing over it. I started pinning a LONG time ago and mostly use it for organizational purposes — not for the social aspects.

    It's actually getting overcrowded. It used to be people who had similar tastes to mine, but now everybody's doing it and re-pinning the same crap.

    I read a LOT of blogs and I pin stuff that I want to use later from these blogs. I hardly ever go on the site itself, other than to look up something I'd pinned on my own board. It's just too much to look at. And people are starting to comment on things and fight over crap like it's facebook. It's just obnoxious.

    I pin patterns for crafts, recipes, things I would like to buy, etc. Most of the pins I "collected" have been used later. We use my recipe boards when making our grocery decisions weekly — try to do one new recipe a week. I also use my craft pattern boards frequently.

    Basically, for me, Pinterest fit a need that I had. I was collecting recipes, exercise moves and craft patterns as PDFs and storing them on my external hard drive. I was almost ready to create a database for them (using Filemaker's Bento) but then I discovered Pinterest.

    Of course, I do have some fun things on there ... a board filled with attractive men is one ... but those boards have FAR less pins on them than the ones I actually use.

    Thanks for sharing!

  34. To each his own. I love pinterest because I have friends that can see what I have tried and liked, which is great for me to not have to copy recipes for the whole state! Also like not having to weigh my old computer down with my bookmarks for quilt tutorials.

    But it is a tool, if it doesn't work for skin off my nose. The world would be a terrible place if everyone were just like me. God loves variety, I am sure of it!

  35. True confession (don't tell anyone): I like pinterest because when my relatives call me I can "listen" and pin at the same time. i just have to remember to agree every so often when they talk. Shameful.

  36. I pinterest mostly for the recipes, I've found some spectacular ones there! But I do pin other interesting ideas, and sometimes just drool over other people's pictures. For me, it's like reading home style magazines, my home will never look like the magazines but I enjoy the eye candy.

  37. I'm not into Pinterest. When I first discovered it I took a look and got hooked... for about 5 minutes. Then I realized I need to get my "stuff" done and stopped visiting. I do like Design-seeds for the color combos. I actually ordered some fabric from Pink Chalk based on several palettes found in D-S.

  38. oh hallelujah. I don't get pinterest. It's personal torture. I'm starting to get that way with reading blogs too - not all of them, hence I'm reading yours - but some of them just make me feel like a quilting dweeb. Thanks for the laugh and 'getting' it. And, my organized showcase of fabric looks like a bomb went off within five minutes of me pulling new fabric for a project.

  39. That was so funny. I could never understand the color coding of fabric. Not sure how creative you can be if you are worried about what colors are sitting next to each other.

  40. That is hilarious. And I use Pintrest to find patterns kind of like the Bookmark Tool to share with my customers. And really, how do people have time to do all that stuff?!


So, what are you thinking? (please don't put links in your comments...the spam police like to grab them and hide them away! if you want to share a link, feel free to email me.