
Monday, March 11, 2013

Improv A Day Keeps the...

...sewing blues away.

Last week I tried something a little different. I was getting a bit down seeing my friends fun Instagram pics with interesting projects while I was stuck doing paperwork and "work" sewing. I decided to dedicate the first sewing of the day to making one improv block. I grabbed some scraps to set me up for the week and sewed a block, put it away and started my work day. I felt better. I did the same each day last week and by Saturday I had 6 simple improv blocks that used up a few scraps.

I was satisfied...I felt a little surge of creative energy and freedom to start each day.
It wasn't my intention to make anything out of them.  I just threw them in a stack, but on Sunday I decided to keep going with them.
Today I blew off all the work planned for today and made two baby quilt tops.
They're not masterpieces, but I love them.  Simple, colorful and they'll make nice baby quilts for Victoria's new project. She's collecting twin and baby sized quilts for the Child/Family Institute.  I just happen to have a few of those.  Check out the new project and send a quilt if you can.

Back to the grind tomorrow, but more improv a day for me.  It's a great way to start my day!


  1. Great system to keep your creativity in gear! I like it!

  2. What a great idea! Think I'll give it a try.

  3. I love the tiny white square surrounded by grey!

  4. This is a great idea. It's so easy to get bogged down by work sewing, even when it's enjoyable.

  5. I agree, doing just a few moments each day produces so much.....kinda like the "15 Minutes of Play" Victoria (Wolfe) wrote about!!! Sometimes it's exactly what's needed to get the "mo jo" back!!! Love that piece clean!!!!

  6. Awesome idea...I do that too and it just gives you the idea that you've done at least a little fun thing and it's amazing how quickly those blocks add up. Love the colours on these quilts.

  7. of course. 15 minutes of play. i knew victoria was wickedly smart. the woman has good ideas!

  8. What a good idea! I often don't start because I don't have a big enough block of time, but letting myself do a small thing would be therapeutic.

  9. Good reminder to keep some fun in our life! they will make super baby quilts, especially with some quilting on them,

  10. Excellent! Everyday, take a different path. I just finished a lap quilt I made up as I worked from the center out. Not easy but twists your head. A good thing.

  11. Lovely, fresh, baby quilts, just the way I like them :)

  12. Thanks for sharing that. I woke this morning with a stash plan and now I am even more inspired.

  13. i love improv as an exercise to get into the sewing mood. you're a peach to make those quilts for charity.

  14. SUPER CUTE QUILTS!!!!! OH BOY will these be loved!!! You are a DEAR one, Jacquie! HUGS! THANK YOU!

  15. These are fabulous.And sometimes it is necessary to just "create."I just purchased Marissa Anne's Creative Thursday book. It is a treasure.

  16. That's awesome! I can't wait until Fidget is in school 5 mornings a week, I hope to find 20 minutes each morning to sew somehting just like this. :-)

  17. Great idea. "Me" time is so important. And the results are great, too. So fresh and open.
    Debbie R.

  18. Love these. The colors are so nice and it sounds like you had fun!

  19. keep on grinding out those blocks. you do it so well

  20. Hi Jacquie,

    I just wanted to let you know that I watched you presentation from QuiltCon today over at Craftsy and thought it was amazing. Thanks for sharing your passions with us all.

    Love these improv blocks. I have only just started doing improv. But I can't believe that it took me so long to try it. Improv makes so much sense for me as I am allergic to patterns ;)

    Amy x

  21. Jacquie, have been toying with the idea of getting up a bit early and playing in fabric BEFORE I get onto the tasks of the day, as a kind of motivational energy creating jumpstart. Before have used it as a reward for completion of tasks, which doesn't happen a lot. Seems like when I complete a task it's time to make dinner or take someone to the orthodontist, etc! My BFF Penny at sewtakeahike gets up at 4am to create! Crazy woman! and while I'm not likely to be gettin' up that early, between the two of y'all, think y'all are onto something and I am inspired to give this strategy a go. Thanks for sharing your creativity, musings, personality and a bit of life!


So, what are you thinking? (please don't put links in your comments...the spam police like to grab them and hide them away! if you want to share a link, feel free to email me.