
Monday, June 17, 2013

Coming Up for Air

I'm finally home after over a month of being on the road teaching and speaking.  While I love what I do, I'm a homebody at heart and I need to come up for air.  I've been swamped and that's never a good feeling.  It's time to take a breath. I sewed for the first time in a long time today.  I was so looking forward to sitting in front of a machine again.

I ended up pitching a fit because my machine is acting up again.  If you see a Bernina in pieces on a street in Chicago, you'll know who it belongs to.  It may be time to give up and get a new machine.  I'm tired of trying to make that one work for me.  

I made this sample block for my Slice/Insert Technique class at Camp Stitchalot that is happening August 9 - 11 and being put on by Brenda of Pink Castle Fabrics.  I'll teach several variations of this technique and share lots of quilty inspiration.  It's one of my favorite techniques and has so many possibilities.  I love possibilities.  I'm thrilled to be teaching with Dan (Piece and Press), Amanda Jean (Crazy Mom Quilts), and Rossie (Fresh Modern Quilts).  It's a more casual teaching atmosphere and a wonderful venue with lots of time built in to sew.  We'll be learning techniques and then there will be time for practice and individual consultation on both technique and composition. I'm so looking forward to it.  If you're in the area, or even if you're not, check it out and come and join us.  It's going to be a blast!

I'll be back tomorrow with the winners of the moving giveaway.  I have to finish unpacking quilts and decide which ones will be going to the winners.  I'll give you a hint, three people guessed the exact number of boxes!
I finally sewed the last two sides of the binding onto this quilt.  The first item checked off the list of things to do!

Nice to be back!


    its absolutely gorgeous.

  2. welcome back! You sure stayed busy around moving time.

  3. I do love your work! You make what seems simple into something absolutely amazing.

  4. Welcome home! :) as fun as it is, traveling is exhausting! And you had a double whammy with moving right before hand! You poor girl! Love love that last quilt! Gorgeous! Hope you get some rest and some sewing time in :)

  5. Find a different technician to do the repairs for this time. Sometimes it just takes a new set of eyes to see the problem.

  6. It must be lovely to be home! I love your sample block for Camp Stitchalot!

  7. Glad to see you back. Hope that means you are getting settled in the new place. Three winners? Lucky girls!

  8. So glad you are back and home safe- a month is waaay to long to be gone, I am sure Bruno gave you quite the reception though! Still crossing my fingers I am one of the lucky 3. Your quilt and block are absolutely stunning! I am so glad I got to say hello to you at market!

  9. Moving AND traveling/working?! You deserve to kick back... Or to treat yourself to a new machine :)

  10. That quilt is so sophisticated and elegant!!!
    esthersipatchandquilt at yahoo com
    ipatchandquilt dot wordpress dot com

  11. Welcome back! The quilt on your bed is fabulous!!

  12. glad you are able to come up for air. I am just getting back into the swing of 'normal' life too, which means some sewing time!!!

  13. You need to decompress with a week at a spiritual retreat and spa!!! Take good care of yourself. Maybe a day at the modern art museum or Chicago Art Inst. Lose yourself. Just my humble opinion :)

  14. Oh, so glad you are back. I thought the moving demons had taken you over. Thanks for the update.

  15. It sounds like your machine was taking issue with you for being away for so long...

  16. Love the block. Know exactly what you mean about the machine...was ready for the sledge hammer myself this weekend. WSould love to have a new one but sunk too much in this one ;-0 Good to see you on the blog again!

  17. i know what you mean about being a home body. I am too and also a loner. And wiht the kids just being off school for the summer, i'll be feeling a little out of sorts until i settle into this new routine.
    Nice to see you back. your bedroom looks lovely.

  18. GOOD! to hear from you and wow that quilt on the bed is phenomenal!

  19. Welcome home and back to your blog! :) Lovely quilt too!

  20. Love my Janome, and I work it hard. Have one of the more basic models... The quilt block is great. I am figuring out how to do something with that technique that looks like broken glass, sort of like the one in your book. My son wants edges, though, so it is a bit more complicated...enjoy your new place!

  21. Glad you're back. I was having withdrawal with no new blog entries. If your machine is giving you fits, by all means get another. A quilter such as yourself deserves the machine of her dreams!

  22. So glad you're back! You've been missed. And that quilt is fabulous!!

  23. Hi Jacquie! It is good to see you posting again, I was getting concerned ;-) I love the quilt on the bed simple but bold! I hope you get some time at home to be in all of your sewing goodness!

  24. I am really glad you get to spend some time at home but it sure was nice to meet you in Indianapolis and hang out with you for a while. We had a ball and got SO inspired! Thanks for visiting us!

  25. So glad you are back. You have been missed! Laughing about the sewing machine - I actually gave mine a whack over the weekend it was being so ornery. I really like your block but I LOVE LOVE LOVE that quilt!!!! I actually have a good bit of that fabric and you have inspired me...again.

  26. Welcome back! I love the colors in your sample. Sorry your machine is misbehaving :(

  27. Yeehah are on the airwaves again. No pressure...but truly no pressure...but it is wonderful to see you here. You must be exhausted after all that tripping about. That new quilt is fanbloodytastic! What a genius you are!
    Oh. A non compliant sewing machine is worse than a class of 34 thirteen year olds. I feel for you....

  28. So glad you found some sewing time! Hope your machine woes get settled...

  29. What a hassle to finally sit down for some sewing ZEN and find your Bernina is on the blink. Seems I remember that you have an 820?? I just had mine serviced and Bernina replaced a number of parts at no charge, just because...?? Perhaps many of us were having problems?? Anyway, mine is working so incredibly well now!! Maybe check this out w/your service folks??

    Good luck, Joanna

  30. Thanks Joanna. I'm so glad yours is working for you now. I wish I could believe that service would work some magic for me. Mine was in Bernina USA for 4 weeks last fall...Two full pages of parts replaced. It's been better but it's back to its old tricks again. I can't afford to have that thing in the shop all the time. It's been two years of in and out for me and it's hard to have hope.

  31. I live that class sample! Wish I could go to your camp.

  32. Love the new quilt! Glad you are back home safe and sound and back to sewing. Know exactly what you are talking about with the machine. I've been a Bernina girl for almost 20 years but after having the same thing "fixed" 4 times in the past year and a half, I decided to buy the new Pfaff 5.0 and am really happy with it.

  33. Your bed looks beautiful with that quilt and I so wish I could go to camp with such a tremendous group of teachers. I hope you are settling back at your home.

  34. So wish I could join you all at Camp Stitch A Lot, but have a wedding that weekend. I live in the Chicago suburbs so will be watching for another opportunity to attend one of your workshops.
    Thanks for the inspiration. I also love Needles and try to get into the city as often as possible.

  35. must be fabulous to be back home - enjoy your rest ! LOVE that quilt on your bed :)

  36. That camp sounds so wonderful! I like the look of the slash and insert blocks. And welcome home :)

  37. how wonderful to be back home for you and for us fans! nothing beats a new quilt on the bed too. Sorry to hear your machine woes, perhaps it is time to go shopping. I have more than one machine, so if one goes down, I can switch and keep on quilting/sewing. your new block is terrific-wish it was possible for me to go to camp, but, I live on the Left Coast..and no time off from the work mines either.

  38. Looks great! Those colors look amazing with your blue walls--which are to die for!

  39. Well, that's a bummer about your machine! I'm sure it feels good to be home and getting that last step done on your quilt. I love binding my favorite part! Your quilt is beautiful!

  40. That is a stunning quilt. I've just found your blog, so looking forward to looking round, loving it so far.

  41. Great, just found your blog with blog hopping. Loved watching you on the Quilt Show, you really inspired me with your quilts. Thanks.

  42. Bet it is great to be home!!! Love your quilt!!! Very pretty!!! Thank You

  43. Love your new quilt!!!! I was happy to see your post today!!!!

  44. I wonder if Vashon has a lady friend? Will he ever get married and have a crafty monkey sew him a DWR? This is an exciting challenge as I just got engaged this week!!

  45. Camp Stitchalot sounds wonderful! Wish I'd made plans to come! I know y'all will have a splendid time.

  46. Love the bed quilt and actually all the quilts you do...that's one of the reason's I and my friend are coming to Camp Stitchalot! It is my first quilt retreat so I am VERY excited.

    Just out of curiosity what is the finished size of the slash and insert block you made.....


So, what are you thinking? (please don't put links in your comments...the spam police like to grab them and hide them away! if you want to share a link, feel free to email me.