
Friday, August 23, 2013

Keeping it Fresh!

I've been teaching the Stitch and Flip class for awhile now and sometimes to keep it fresh you need new samples.  I made a couple of new ones in the few days I had between teaching at AQS in Grand Rapids and heading to Orlando.  I was especially inspired by one of the students in my Grand Rapids class, Nancy...her piece was so cool, I went home and started a Supernova in solids just like she did.  Hers was in blues and greens and I chose to go bolder with aquas and oranges (no surprise there!)  I used essex linen for the neutral ring.
 I so wanted to make it bigger, (it's about 45 x 45), but it needed to stay small.  I can stuff more quilts in the suitcase when I keep samples small.
I didn't get it quilted before I left, but the students will get the idea.

I also made a new version of the swirling stars quilt (with a little help from my mother-in-law, Nan) with a low volume background.  I got this one quilted and I'll do the hand sewing of the binding on the plane or in the hotel tonight.
 It's quilted in a diamond crosshatch with two different colors of thread...white on one diagonal and lilac on the other.  I love a little twist in the quilting.
Have a great weekend!


  1. I love the shape of those stars! And the two color quilting - great idea :)

  2. Both are quite lovely! I love the stars bright colors combined with the low volume prints. But, what I like the most is the change of scale with the rectangles instead of squares. I love the effect on the stars.

  3. Those are some fun projects. Love the use of greys and pops of color.

  4. I am crazy about the Supernova and I am gravitating toward low volume more and more. Thanks for more inspiration!!

  5. Both are beautiful! I really love the stars!

  6. Love the Supernova color palette.

  7. I love your Supernova quilt! It's amazing (as is all of your work!!!) Thank you for continuing to be such a major inspiration!!!!

  8. I'm so loving the orange and aqua. (Thanks as well for the inspiration of two thread color quilting. It never occurred to me.)

  9. Fun to see new projects, Jacquie! Love the low volume rectangle stars and Stitch and Flip in general. I've used it in a couple of quilts. Safe travels.

  10. Wow!! What terrific quilts, I love the Supernova. What you achieve with fabric and color is amazing.

  11. Fun quilts! I signed up to take your stitch n flip class at Rd to CA in Jan and I'm looking forward to it :-)

  12. They all look great. Love the orange and aqua. :)

  13. Love the blue/orange piece! Such gorgeous saturated solids - and I'm wondering how you made it stitched as you go through the batting? Lovely!

  14. Wow! I am so honored! I miss YOUR inspiration. Have to get a design wall hung soon to keep on working on my Beach Party! Sure would like to spend some more quality time with you stitching away! I absolutely LOVE the aqua and orange combo! I can't believe you whipped that out so quickly! Just stunning! ~Nancy

  15. I love both of these, but especially the stars, I might give them a try soon.

  16. Wow, I love the use of the orange and aqua solids... the whole thing really pops!

  17. Ooh, I really like the idea of switching the thread colour for the different directions!

  18. Gorgeous! Both look great. I think of those diamonds as "baklava" quilting...yum.

  19. Such beautiful samples, I especially love the oranges and aquas (my favorites). I really need to try the stitch and flip method soon :)

  20. I adore both of these quilts. Wish they'd been ready when you came to St. Louis! Thanks again for a wonderful lecture and workshop.

  21. Really - REALLY like those swirling stars - where might I find the pattern Jackie?

  22. The pattern is in my craftsy class. Improvisational piecing, modern design.

  23. I absolutely love your Supernova quilt and the aquas and orange are so much fun. I have to make the exact copy.

    Probably I will make a bigger like the book, will have to go and look.

  24. So simple, so elegant. Really like this one Jacquie. Catching up on blog reading.


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