
Monday, March 17, 2014

Shattered Remix

I finally gave the Shattered quilt from the book to my son, Ben.  He claimed it from the moment it was on the design wall years ago and he's waited not so patiently for it to travel and appear in shows and in a museum.  I have to admit I didn't want to give it up.  It's now hanging in his dining room.

I won't make another, but I have been experimenting with a Shattered Remix.  It's the same concept but with a little twist.  This is the small version...I think I'm ready to go big with it.  I just need time to sew.

Today I'm on American Patchwork and Quilting Radio with Pat Sloan.  We'll talk QuiltCon 2015 and a little me as well.  Pat's show airs live from 4 to 5 Eastern Time.  I'd love if you would tune in or you can listen to the Podcast later on your own time. 

Happy St. Patrick's Day!


  1. Love the small version of the redux. Can't wait to see the large size.

  2. Shattered remix looks like it is going to be just as interesting as the original. I have had quilts that have been hard to giveaway so I feel your pain. At least you know exactly where it is at so you can go and visit it! So nice that it was hung in a place of honor!

  3. Thanks for the great class Saturday! You are a wonderful teacher. Good luck finding some cotton lame!

  4. Perfect quilting. Is it done with walking foot - so many turns?

  5. Shattered Remix looks as great as Shattered. Looking forward to the big version! I'll be listening to your interview tomorrow. Thanks for the heads up.

  6. I hadn't seen the Shattered quilt before.
    It is magnificent, really impressive, true art.

  7. Hi Jacquie! Enjoyed the Podcast with Pat Sloan. You really are one of the best teachers I've ever seen! Can't wait for Quiltcon 2015---a group of us are coming from the Detroit Area Modern Quilt guild (DAMQG), or 'that DAM quilt guild', as we like to say. from the planning I'm hearing, you'll definitely know we are there!!

  8. "I just need time to sew" That statement made me laugh. I want to put it on a bumper sticker!

    Can't wait to hear the podcast.

  9. I love shattered remix, it's a little opposite mini me! Your son is so lucky to have Shattered for his home, I'm sure he's enjoying it. I hope my son appreciates my work someday.



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