
Sunday, June 15, 2014

Because Dad Said.

It's Father's Day and I'm thinking that I'm a pretty lucky woman to have a great dad who reminded me today that I haven't posted in a long time.  Some times you do things because your dad says you should.  He's usually right. This is for you dad.

Can a life be updated in a few words in a blog post...maybe, but probably not.

Some of you know we're moving from Chicago back to Kansas City.  Long story, sad and happy all at the same time.  I love this city and I'm going to miss it, but what could be better than being close to your family?

We got the condo ready to sell, put it up for sale the day after Memorial Day and low and behold in four days it's sold and I'm supposed to be out of here in 15 more days.  It's hard to pack the studio I worked so hard to create, but I have to remember there's a new studio some time in my future.

No, we don't have a permanent place to live.  We're moving in with our children, though since they're on tour with the band, for a bit we'll have the place to ourselves.  No, they don't want to live with us either.

Since the last post I've...
Traveled to Newfoundland; London, Ontario; Asheville NC, San Diego, CA, Paducah KY, Wilmington, NC, and Orlando, FL
Met and taught so many GREAT people.
My new Craftsy class has gone from 0 to almost 7000 students since the last post.
Packed and unpacked a lot of quilts.
Spent a bunch of time in airports.
Saw my first iceberg.
Taught at Paducah and experienced The Quilt Channel in my hotel room.  Yes, they have a quilt channel on TV during Paducah.
Made a few quilts, but haven't had the time to share or write about them.  The quilt below is a variation on the Supernova quilt.  It's called Radiate and Jessica Levitt sent me this photo of it hanging at Quilt Market in Pittsburg.  Thanks Jess!
Had a new book come out that I wrote a chapter for, The Essential Guide to Modern Quilting from Lucky Spool Publishing.  I'm proud of what I wrote and the quilt in that book.  I'd share a pic, but the quilt is already packed and ready to move.  You'll see more of this book soon.
Oh, and I was named the 2014 National Quilt Teacher of the Year.  I'm pretty proud about that!

Had a really proud day today as a mom.  My youngest son, Jonathan wrote the freestyle music for his uncle and his dressage horse Zenith.  If you want to see something spectacularly beautiful and inspirational, watch Nick Wagman and Zenith perform here to music that Jonathan composed.  It'll make your day.  It sure did mine.

Speaking of kids, I've got two amazing ones and one of the reasons is that they have a great dad.

How did I do, Dad?


  1. have a great move! I am one of those 7000 taking your class on Crafsty! enjoying it :)

  2. I know nothing about horses, but that was really a beautiful and inspiring video. Hope your move is smooth and easy.

  3. Oh, Jacquie, I can't believe you are moving again. Seems like you just got settled into your condo. I'm one of those 7000 people, too, and I love both your classes ... as well as the workshop you taught at BMQG. You are so deserving of the Teacher of the Year Award. I hope your move will go smoothly and you will be settled in soon.

  4. Wow, so much going on! At least the condo sold fast!

    I just watched Nick and Zenith - wow what a great relationship between the man the horse and the music! Bravo to the horse, rider and composer!!!!

  5. Congrats on teacher of the year! That honor is so well-deserved and I so enjoyed the day taking one of your classes.

  6. I, too, am one of the 700 taking your class and loving it. Watched the video - fantastic music and what a beautiful mover Zenith is. And a lovely empathetic quiet rider - a joy to watch! Thanks for sharing it. Best of luck with your move! - Andrea Kelter

  7. Wow, you and your children are very talented and driven. I know nothing about horses, but that was beautiful, the music, horse and rider were all one entity. I hope the sad part of your move isn't too sad, and that things all work out in the end.

  8. Congratulations on the teaching honor. I had a great time when you came out to Colorado and learned so much. Improv is still producing growing pains in my head, in a good way.

  9. Wow! What a whirlwind of activity!

    Congrats on being Teacher of the Year! A well deserved honor, I know I enjoyed the class you taught for us here in MSP.

    Good luck with the move, I hope the rockiness of the road is soon gone.

  10. You did well, dad would be proud! I just lost my dad a week ago, so cherish yours! I hope the move goes well and I miss talking with you!

  11. I'm sure Dad is proud, as always of his uber talented and kind daughter. Wishing my Dad was still here to celebrate this day! If there is anything I can help with in the move just say the word. Look forward to seeing you!

  12. congratulations!! what a fantastic bunch of good things, jacquie! all the best with your move.

  13. Have a smooth and safe move, Chicago will miss you. I am so happy that you will be close to family again, enjoy. Zenith, Nick and Jonathan's routine was amazing, well done! Love your Craftsy class.

  14. I think you are one of the very best teachers and am so glad you were recognized to be too. It sounds like a very busy few months. Good luck with your move, I hope you are able to settle into you next home soon too.

  15. My goodness you have been busy! Moving again? I wish you all the best in finding a new place. The quilt is spectacular! I have to get busy getting some quilts made for QuiltCon now that I have my studio all freshly painted. I will see you there!

  16. I just took my first run-through of your walking foot quilting class and I cannot wait to get started on projects using the techniques I've learned. You are a great teacher and I'm glad you have been recognized for that!

  17. Congratulations on your award, how exciting for you. The dressage performance & music was STUNNING! Such commitment to have a horse prepared to that level. Thank you for the link it was a joy to watch.

  18. So nice to see you post ! The last year has been a whirlwind! I Hope all is well with you and your family and you're able to keep your sanity during this rushed move! Fifteen days to move your entire life is certainly a challenge! Hang in there!!!!

  19. OMG, The video was AWESOME! The music, beauty of the horse, the horse and rider together, it all brought tears to my eyes. I am a music and horse lover so what a combo. Thank you so much for sharing.

    I just purchased your latest Craftsy class over the weekend so look forward to that. I have your first one too but, due to moving ourselves, haven't had a chance to sit at my machine yet. I am looking so forward to both.

    Best wishes in this next move, hope you find the home of your dreams and get settled in quickly.

  20. As someone in your life stage I would love to hear the story behind your move (s). It is hard to shake it up and then find it's not for you. It seems like you tried your best--with the moves to and within Chicago. If you can reflect on your story in the blog--if it's not too personal--I would love to hear it.
    The horse/music--oh my--how lovely. Interesting, too, that the commentator commented so much on the music. It was haunting and beautiful.

  21. Good to see a post from you again. Where do you get the energy for all that you do?!

  22. That's some schedule. I am looking forward to taking your new class on Crafsy. Good luck with your move.

  23. Hi!!!! I have been missing your blog updates...but you have been very busy!!!! The music and horse dance is beautiful!!!! I love it!!! I am in KY and I have seen a lot of horse competitions but never anything like this!!!! Beautiful!!!! Thank You

  24. Ok, I cried watching Zenith perform and the music was stunning!!! I with my quarter horse was a responsive - ok, I'm no where near the quality rider that Nick is, so I guess my boy is perfect for me! Congrats on the Teacher of the Year - how very exciting! Pack quick and enjoy being near family again - I hope you find the perfect house with a fabulous studio quickly and within your budget!!!

  25. Jacquie - I know I said on Instagram that I am sorry to see you go, but I'm happy for you to be near family and your sons.
    I watched the dressage and the music is beautiful. I love how it pairs so well with the horse's movements. Really lovely.
    Best of luck in Kansas and with the move. I'll be keeping my eye out for any classes you teach in the Chicago area in the future!

  26. I hope when the hub bub dies down that you take a moment for yourself! As one who has relocated five times in my married life I can relate to what you are doing. In such a busy time thank you for taking the time to share your life and work with all of us.

  27. Wow, Jacquie to everything - really! Is Nick your brother? I've never watched that stuff before! thanks a lot!

  28. Congratulations for being recognized for the wonderful teacher that you are! I am also one of the 7000 who signed up for your Craftsy classes.
    And, soon you'll be in the Bay Area for 3 wonderful days of classes!

  29. Amazing video...there is certainly no lack of talent in your family (Zenith included!) The music was just wonderful!

  30. I took your class at Road to CA in January.....remember? You were fighting a terrible sinus infection. As soon as I saw it, I became one of the 7000 people who downloaded your class. I have used it (but not for the R2CA quilt). I know I will reference it often. Hope to take a class from you again some time. Congratulation on the recognition. You deserve it.

  31. Congrats on the National Teacher of the Year. Have truly enjoyed listening to you speak, though I haven't had the pleasure of a class. Definitely sure you deserve it.

  32. That music and that dressage test was just fabulous. The horse was just so right on the beat it was amazing.

  33. Congrats on your Teacher award and to your son on his music. I was not familiar with dressage but the performance was beautiful and the music lovely. Good luck with your move. I'm also one of your many Craftsy students!

  34. Jacquie, congratulations on your Award. You certainly deserve it.
    I wish your travels would bring you to Australia, Melbourne in particular to teach a class.
    I am enrolling in you Craftsy classes this week. Hope all goes well with your move, and hope the happy outweighs the sad. All best wishes. Alison

  35. Oh moving! Well at least you didn't have time to get too much clutter, lol! Hope all goes well for you. Enjoyed the Freestyle and the music. So lovely. My other passion is horses and I ride dressage too. Only hope to aspire to that level though. Best wishes on your move and hope you enjoy being back with your kidnicks.

  36. Hope you had the chance to explore Newfoundland. Beautiful province and some of the nicest people you will meet anywhere.

  37. good luck with the move! Now you need to visit London, UK ;-)

  38. I'm one of the 7,000 and would love to take a class from you in the future. It will happen. I'm hoping for good things in your future with fewer changes and adjustment. Your next studio will be just as fabulous as you are! Congratulations on your newest award!

  39. The saying goes, "There is no place like Home". Wishing you a smooth transition. Hope you find another lovely home in Kansas. You taught at the Cedarburg WI quilt museum while I was away from home. I could not believe I missed the opportunity to stop in to meet you! When I look at your laundry list of accomplishments, I am so proud for you and glad for all of us who are inspired and educated through your generous sharing of talent. Nick and Zenith are fluid and beautiful. And the wonderful music. So important and perfect.

  40. What a talented family you have, Jacquie! Enjoyed the video link immensely.

  41. I loved seeing the horse dance to your son's beautiful music.....sooo lovely!!! I can't believe you are moving again. Congrats on all your wonderful accomplishments!!!

  42. I thought I would get to meet you while you were in Chicago but looks like I missed my window of opportunity. When I read your blog about cleaning up the neighborhood from winter rubbish it didn't sound promising for a long term home. Good luck to you as you move back to Kansas. Love your work. Hoping to meet you yet for a class somewhere.

  43. I wish you well in your move and new home. You have taught me so much. I love your book, Quilting Modern and keep going over it and your Craftsy class videos. Please keep blogging and letting us see your quilts!

  44. While thinking slice and dice improv I am doing flying changes in my seat watching Nick and Zenith and enjoyng the relaxing on the foot drop to the beat music by Jonathan. Yup I'm one of the 7000 and my MQG challenge quilt is on the wall ready for some straight line quilting and just maybe a CIRCLE! Happy creative move. Congrats on your Teacher of the Year win and see you in Austin 2015!

  45. And again, I'm one of the 7000. Love your teaching, your quilts, love your site, and yes you can be a real proud mom - what beautiful music and so fitting for an amazing performance by zenith and rider....gorgeous!

  46. The dressage video was brilliant! You should be a very proud mom. Congrats on quilt teacher of the year and I too am 1 of the happy 7000.


So, what are you thinking? (please don't put links in your comments...the spam police like to grab them and hide them away! if you want to share a link, feel free to email me.