
Tuesday, June 24, 2014

QuiltCon Registration Day....Fast and Furious

MQG member registration opened for QuiltCon 2015 today and like expected it was fast and furious.  I'm so proud of our staff for their efforts to make this happen.  As you can imagine it is no small feat.  There are a lot of moving parts and overall it went well.  There were a few glitches, but that's to be expected when computers and humans try to work together.  We're working to do the very best we can.
QuiltCon 2013  Fun!!!

Workshops sold fast, but there are still a few that are open.  Remember, workshops are only a small part of the QuiltCon experience.  There is loads of room in lectures.  At QuiltCon 2013 the lectures were my favorite part.  I learned so much.  There is the Quilt Show, the vendor hall for shopping and of course, so many quilters to meet, connect with and learn from.  I'd love to see you in my lecture:  The Art of Teaching:  Advice from an Expert.  You might get a tip or two and laugh with me.

And's an amazing city...lots to do.  Tattoo anyone?

I can't thank our members enough for their patience and support.  See you in Austin!! (I'll be the one in the cape!)


  1. I did get registered, but didn't get a single thing I wanted! It kept kicking me off and the workshops were filling up as I was reading the descriptions.

    If I had to work today I would be out of luck totally

    In the end I did end up with a workshop, and I know I will enjoy it . But I wanted so much more if I was spending all that time and money to get there.

  2. Registration is such an exciting day. I'm looking forward to all of the fun that is to be had, and I'm already thinking of what my SV cape should look like...hehehe.

  3. A big thank you for the team behind the scenes. I know it can't of been easy.

  4. I agree with you about how awesome the lectures are. In fact, I signed up for 16 of them, including yours :-)

  5. Many thanks to you and your team! There was only one closed workshop when I registered. But, really, I'm mostly looking forward to all the other stuff. And it will be my first visit to Austin! yeehaw!

  6. I've read from other bloggers that many classes were full when they tried to register...awesome turnout!! Have another fabulous QuiltCon in 2015!!

  7. I managed to get into the workshop and lectures I wanted, and I'm very excited!

    If I may make a suggestion for future QuiltCons: I would personally love to see more half-day workshops instead of whole-day ones. That would give many more people the opportunity to take a class, or take more than one, without entirely filling up the schedule or breaking the budget.

  8. A huge thank you to you and all the ladies behind the scenes. It was a bleary-eyed 1.00 am registration for all of us in Australia, but so worth waiting up for! - we are all into a range of fabulous lectures, workshops, the Moda Party and KeyNote! I am so looking forward to meeting everyone, learning lots and seeing all the gorgeous quilts! thanks again. Cat.

  9. Woohoo! I can't wait wait. (actually I walked out Sunday of the first Quiltcon and thought I can't wait for the next one in 2015). thanks to everyone for their work putting on this event. Austin is such a great city.

  10. I registered but did not get any of the workshops and I was so looking forward to yours!!! It seems that there will be some stalking in my future because I am determined to attend one of your workshops somewhere!

  11. I was on the computer with fingers flying on Tuesday morning and I'm thrilled to say that I'm in your Creative Quilting With Your Walking Foot class! I only had a chance to meet you briefly at the end of QuiltCon 2013 and I look forward to being your student.

    I was hoping to attend your lecture as well (it sounds fantastic) but I will be in a class with Elizabeth Hartman. I wish I could be in about ten places at once during QuiltCon!


So, what are you thinking? (please don't put links in your comments...the spam police like to grab them and hide them away! if you want to share a link, feel free to email me.