
Thursday, May 28, 2015

The Famous Mr. B

Bruno died today.  I'll miss him terribly.  He was a good dog.

These are some of my favorites of the many faces of Bruno.  

Be at peace, Mr. B. 


  1. He is such a beautiful boy. So sorry for your loss Jacquie.

  2. Jacquie, I'm so sorry. My Jip passed away last week at 13.5 years old. My little companion. We've been blogging long enough that I know you've had great adventures with Bruno. -- michele

  3. so very sorry...loved the pics of him lying on your quilts...a special guy...

  4. I'm sorry for your doggy loss. Get another -- soon! Pets are icing in the cake of Life & Life is too short to not have icing.

  5. Understand your loss. It's hard when they've been part of your family for such a long time.

  6. We lost our cat and were devastated. The Rainbow Bridge web site is really helpful. Also, (I'm a part-time librarian),
    if you like to read, this book really helped me, my husband, and our Rabbi, who I just saw today, and she is now open to a new cat.
    "The Loss of a Pet," by Wallace Sife. All my library co-workers read it when they lost a dog or a cat. Mr. Sife really helps you with the grieving process, so whenever you are ready, sooner or later, you will be open.

    One of his best suggestions is that remember, this is a member of your family. Many people will say, "It's just a pet." Ignore them.
    If you know some of those people in your life are that type of person, just tell them you had a death in the family, and you don't want to discuss it - too fresh. They will never understand.

    Those who have gone through this will be totally compassionate. We are not very religious. But we buried Josie in a plain pine box in our garden, about 3 feet deep. If we went on vacation, she loved it when we'd leave a tee-shirt and pillow case behind with our scents. So we lined our plain pine box with some old ones. It is almost the 7th anniversary, and I don't care who see us, but every year I go outside on 6/22 and read the special prayer for the deceased. I did it even in the rain. I still miss her....

    But when I was least expecting it, I met a new cat a few months later. We were at a rescue group fair in Wilton, CT. We were leaving. But a new group of carriers was coming in with other cats, and one caught my eye. We went into an examining room. A tuxedo cat came out of her carrier, walked into my lap and nuzzled her head in the crook of my elbow. I said, "I think you just got a home." I named her Emma, and she has always gotten along well with our other cat Biscuit. Emma is sitting on the top of my sewing basket and is featured on the masthead of my blog

    I am truly sorry for your loss. I know how incredibly painful this can be. They've sat with us while we sewed, and ripped out stitches.
    When we designed and played with fabrics. If there is anything I can do, please don't hesitate to contact me, even though you don't know me. I really do understand this.

    Crying and carrying around tissues is good right now.

  7. I am so sorry for your loss! We had to put our lab down a couple of weeks ago and it just sucks. Hang in there!

  8. I'm so heartbroken for you! He is beautiful and your love for him is obvious from your photos. *HUG*

  9. I am so sorry for your loss. I loved looking at Bruno's pictures and watching him change. I confess that I'm not a dog person, but I have friends whose dogs have caused me to fall in love with them. I have a 'nephew' who was a black lab like your Bruno. Shadow was such a smart dog. I know you will miss Bruno daily. That just shows your love for this member of your family. Thinking of you ----

  10. I can tell from the pictures he was a beloved family member. He was a beautiful boy. And I'm sure he had a wonderful life with you. Very sorry for your loss.

  11. Very sorry for your loss. Our belovedanimals leave a big hole in our hearts when they pass on.

  12. I am so sorry. My heart has been there too many times. Just remember, if it hurts that means you loved him so deeply!

    Make a donation in his name to your LOCAL rescue organization. It will help some other black guy who needs a home.


  13. Oh how terribly heartbreaking, I loved to see the photos of the labrador on your blog posts, always a happy face. Lovely dogs. I had to laugh when I saw your photos of the beautiful boy, smack dab in the middle of a quilt like my black cat who sadly died May 18th last year. He was a mathematical genius he would always sit on the very centre block of a quilt. Funny eh? I know it is far to soon and you are grieving and probably feeling wretched, but you were lucky to have him for so long and to have him be such a great part of your life, when the rawness passes you will be able to look back on the most brilliant of memories. My heart goes out to you, rest assure he knew he was loved and cared for and he loved you and I am certain he appreciated all you did for him.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Ohhhh, I am so very sorry. He was a beautiful looking dog, velvety soft fur and gentle eyes. Your photos are wonderful memories to treasure. Our fur babies leave us much too soon. Take care XO

  16. I am so sorry. There will be a hole in your life for some time to come. 😢

  17. I lost my beloved Jessie on April 7th I know exactly how you feel. Words will not console you I'm sending hugs

  18. Jacquie, I'm so very sorry. This is not an easy thing to go through. I know you will miss him. Hugs to you.

  19. I am so very sorry for your loss. The loss of a 4 legged family member is incredibly painful. He has some facial expressions SO similar to my Juno. She was my quilting buddy. I lost her last November. My prayers are with you. Hopefully he and Juno are playing at rainbow bridge.

  20. Jacquie,
    I'm so very sorry, and so sad for you and your family. He was such a good boy and a loving companion. I know you will miss him.

  21. So sorry! Thank you for sharing pictures of him on your blog, and including all of us in the joys he brought you and your family.

  22. Oh my, I'm so very sorry for your loss. Losing a part of the family is one of the hardest things on earth! Thankfully, you have all those wonderful memories to give you some peace.

  23. Such sad news. I loved seeing him cuddling with your quilts and he will be missed.

  24. Good bye sweet friend. I can tell you will be sorely missed.

    So sorry for your loss!

  25. So sad but also thankful that he was able to bring so much joy and love to you and your family.

  26. Bruno looks like a very sweet fellow. I am sure there is a huge hole in your life right now. I'm sending hugs as you find your way through this loss. I am sure Bruno is now an angel watching over you. Some things never change ;-)

    in Seattle

  27. Wonderful pictures to remember him by... May the healing come... And if you choose another dog along the way, may it be just as special in a new way...

  28. I'm so sorry for your loss. RIP Bruno.

  29. So very sorry for the loss of your fur baby.
    His unconditional love for you will live on
    in your heart. Hugz...
    Love, Hope

  30. Oh dear, I'm so sorry for your loss. I know how hard this loss is, dogs love us so unconditionally.

  31. I'm so sorry for your family's loss. He must have been a wonderful friend.

  32. Our pets do become such loved members of the family, so this time will be hard. Lovely photos of Bruno.

  33. What a handsome boy, and such an expressive face. I'm so sorry for your loss.

  34. oh, I am so sorry for your loss xx

  35. You gave him a lovely life. I hope you can take some comfort from that.

  36. My heart goes out to you for your loss of a beautiful friend...

  37. Oh, Jacquie, I am so deeply sorry. I know you've been down this road before, as have I, and there really are not words adequate enough to express the fullness of emotion. Our beloved companions fill us with such amazing joy and unconditional love, and they leave such huge holes when they leave. Sending love xo.

  38. I'm so sorry for your loss. Please don't forget to take your Bruno breaks, even if they're less companionable than before.

  39. I'm so sad to hear this Jacquie. I loved seeing pictures of Bruno....he will be missed by many of us. Hugs to you,

  40. I'm sorry to hear such sad news - Bruno was a special dog and will have a place in your hearts forever. Take care and be kind to yourself while you grieve xxx

  41. Losing a loved pet is so hard. I hope that you can find comfort in remembering how much he loved you and how much fun you had with him.

  42. So sorry for your heartbreaking loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you and yours.

  43. He is beautiful! I am so sorry and certainly can relate. Its been years since we lost our lab to lung cancer of all things and while it gets easier year after takes lots of time. Yesterday I actually came across her favorite throwing toy. That was a moment to pause, remember and cherish.

    I am so sorry. It's so hard to go through this. Prayers to you and your family.

  44. I'm so sorry. He was a special boy. No matter how long we have them for, they are never, ever with us long enough. Peace to you and your family during this most difficult time.

  45. I'm so sorry for your loss, Jacquie. What a handsome boy. I know how hard this is and I'm sending prayers and hugs.

  46. So sorry for your loss. He looked like a great dog. My daughter has a black lab and we love him dearly can't imagine him not around but it will happen one day. Best wishes

  47. Its hard to loose a beloved dog but you gave him a good life.

  48. The Power of the Dog

    There is sorrow enough in the natural way
    From men and women to fill our day;
    And when we are certain of sorrow in store,
    Why do we always arrange for more?
    Brothers and sisters, I bid you beware
    Of giving your heart to a dog to tear.

    Buy a pup and your money will buy
    Love unflinching that cannot lie--
    Perfect passsion and worship fed
    By a kick in the ribs or a pat on the head.
    Nevertheless it is hardly fair
    To risk your heart to a dog to tear.

    When the fourteen years which Nature permits
    Are closing in asthma, or tumour, or fits,
    And the vet's unspoken prescription runs
    To lethal chambers or loaded guns,
    Then you will find--it's your own affair--
    But ... you've given your heart to a dog to tear.

    When the body that lived at your single will,
    With its whimper of welcome, is stilled (how still!)
    When the spirit that answered your every mood
    Is gone--wherever it goes--for good,
    You will discover how much you care,
    And will give your heart to a dog to tear.

    We've sorrow enough in the natural way,
    When it comes to burying Christian clay.
    Our loves are not given, but only lent,
    At compound interest of cent per cent.
    Though it is not always the case, I believe,
    That the longer we've kept 'em, the more do we grieve:
    For, when debts are payable, right or wrong,
    A short-term loan is as bad as a long--
    So why in--Heaven (before we are there)
    Should we give our hearts to a dog to tear?

    Rudyard Kipling

  49. I'm so sorry for your loss. I have kept your post "Farewell 2012... The Wisdom of Bruno" bookmarked for when I need a pick me up. I had a dog growing up but have gained a allergy since as an adult so I really appreciate lovely folks like you that share your dog's with the rest of us.

  50. Oh my gosh some of those expressions made me laugh, and then that made me nearly cry since I know he's no longer around. I'm so sorry for your loss Jacquie.

  51. I'm so sorry about Bruno. It took me over six years to get another dog after I loss my lab. They are amazing dogs, and such loving members of our families. Please know many are thinking of you.

  52. I'm so sorry you and your family have lost a dear friend. They take over our hearts so completely and bring us such joy before they are gone, often too quickly. May you meet up again. Your pictures make me smile.

  53. This comment has been removed by the author.

  54. Oh Jacquie,
    I'm so sorry for your loss. It's so hard when you lose a pet, especially dogs.
    You both provided love to each other for a long time, and that's a gift.
    Sending a little extra positive energy your way.

    Julie Mellen

  55. Oh, I'm so sorry. My furry pet passed away a few months ago after 15 years. It took about a month before I stopped automatically started to do the routines you get into when you are caring for a loved pet/personality. It does get better, but the memories are there always. If looked at correctly, pets are gifts to their humans and these times remind us of that.

  56. So very sorry, our fur babies fill our hearts and lives with such joy and love.

  57. Such a dear, sweet face. I'm sorry he couldn't stay longer and that you'll be missing him. It seems that the two of you were very fortunate to have shared a good and happy life together. I'll miss seeing him here on your blog. Here's a big hug from a gal who knows the love of a very good dog, too.

  58. Oh Jacquie, I'm so terribly sorry. I can imagine how you will miss him. You gave him a great life and for that you can take comfort. From my dog and me, many hugs.


  59. It is so easy to let them steal your heart. So sorry about your loss.

  60. Oh, I'm so sorry to hear about Bruno. He was such a wonderful friend and companion. I'll give my pup a hug in his honor.

  61. Mr. B is so deserving of your sorrow at this time. Dogs aren't our whole life, but make our life whole. Don't cry because it is over, smile because it happened.

    From one dog lover to another,

  62. Loosing a member of the family is never easy
    Looks like you have some great memories to help ease your way
    Sorry for your pain

  63. I'm so sorry to hear that about your beloved Bruno. He looked like such a happy boy and steadfast companion.

  64. Sorry for your loss, he seemed like a sweet companion. I remember you writing about him adjusting to Chicago and going for walks.

  65. So sorry to hear about Bruno. I loved it when you would include him in your posts. A little bit of me feels like I've lost him too. Dogs are family. I hope he's running and enjoying his life over the rainbow bridge. Hugs to you and yours.

  66. I am so sorry. He looked like an amazing part of your family and your studio. Again sorry for your loss.

  67. So sorry, Jacquie. The pics you've shared tell us how deeply you felt and how the two of you shared a life. A gift to be cherished. Run free Bruno and be ready to welcome your loved ones. Jacquie, the sorrow never stops, indulge. I do.

  68. I am so sorry for your loss. Is there anything more wonderful than a lab, the pictures were wonderful. I still miss my lab, they are such great dogs.

  69. I am so very sorry for your loss. He was such a beautiful boy! And such a lovely tribute, thank you for sharing him with us :) You were so fortunate to have eachother :)

  70. Jackie and family, I'm so sorry for your loss. I know you will be hurting. Thank you for loving him and giving him such a good life.

  71. *support* He was beautiful, I'm very sorry for your loss.

  72. So for your loss; sending hugs. He will always be with you in your heart.

  73. Jacquie,

    I'm so sorry for your loss and I know you will miss him terribly. There is nothing quite like the faithful companionship and love of a dog.


  74. So very sorry that you lost your beautiful boy.

  75. Oh, Jacquie, I am so sorry to hear this. I loved seeing pictures of your beloved Bruno after our pup, Fiona, a yellow lab, died last year. My heart is with you. We are so lucky to have had such great dogs in our lives.

  76. I am so very sorry for your incredible loss! Bruno is the twin of my Rudy...he left us last spring and I miss him doing chores around the farm with me every day. Such beautiful hearts, full of love, desperately missed, but they must be playing together beyond the Rainbow Bridge as they wait for us!

  77. Jacquie,
    My heart strings are tugging right along with yours. It's so hard to loose a pet, they are such a part of the family and you captured his "essence" beautifully in the photos your posted. Hugs to you and the rest of your tribe.

  78. Tears are just running down my face when I saw this. Bruno looks just like my Black Jack did and I lost him 9 years ago. Still feels like yesterday. I am so sorry Jacquie.........

  79. I'm so very sorry for your loss Jacquie. My heart is breaking for you.

  80. I am so very sorry. The pictures of Bruno are majestic. I'm still recovering from losing Kasey two years ago. She lived a very long life for her breed but it was still so very difficult.

  81. I'm so sorry for your loss. Pets touch us very deeply in our hearts. :'(

  82. I'm sorry that your lovely Bruno has died. He was such a sweet & endearing part of your blog & it was clear that he was a much loved & happy boy. I hope that your happy memories of his wonderful life comfort you in your grief.

  83. oh, Jacquie, I'm so sorry for your loss. xoxoxox

  84. Very sorry to hear about Bruno. Dogs are family members and we miss them terribly.

  85. So sorry for the loss of your friend. I know he will be missed by more than just you.

  86. Oh so sad, I am sorry...we had a black lab, she lived till 15.5 years old. Still miss her...

  87. I'm so sorry, Jacquie. A very sad day, I'm sure. :(

  88. We have so little time with our great companions...he will be greatly missed and I am for ever sure that MR B hade one great life and gave all he had and so did you... Lots of funny and lovingly memories..and I am sure all chewed up things when little or other pranks he did... Will be remembered's like this with our great companions... Rest in peace Mr. B and hugs to you lots of them.

  89. So long, my Bru-buddy. Jacquie, he had a great run, and you gave him an exceptionally good last few years -- he struck doggie gold when you two found each other. And man, did he ever love you!

    My favorite pic is still the sheepish one where he got caught on the quilt top, a giant basting pin. Busted!

    Hugs to you. He was a really good boy.

  90. I'm so sorry to hear this Jacquie and I know you have a big hole in your heart.
    Rest in Peace sweet boy.

  91. Oh Jacquie - I just saw this! So sorry about your sweet Bruno- I know how heavy the heart feels after the loss of a great dog. Hugs!

  92. Jacquie,
    I am just seeing this...we just lost our black lab last week...I took a double take when I saw Bruno...I know you will miss him...tears and hugs to you.


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