
Friday, September 9, 2016

Weekend Distraction

No Weekend Abstraction this week, sorry.  Too busy getting ready for a long week of traveling and teaching.  Many of you reminded me that I sprung Sideways on you without an introduction.  Sorry about that.  Lots of you remember my dear Bruno.  He is truly missed and no dog takes another's place, they just take up a new place in your heart and Sideways has done that.  

Sideways joined our family in December and was a co-adoption from a local shelter.  My two sons and my youngest son's girlfriend adopted him with my hubby and I so that he's a family dog.  When we're on the road working, he is with the boys.  It's too hard for me to travel and know my dog is with strangers.  It's the perfect situation for us.  We won the dog lottery.  He's smart, lovable and is learning to be obedient and have manners.  He also has the softest coat I've ever had the pleasure to snuggle.

I'll let the pictures help you get to know him.  All the good photos were taken by the talented Lauren Hunt!


  1. He is super cute! Lucky you! Love the family arrangement!

  2. What a lovely boy. I'm sure Bruno would approve. I think the family arrangement is wonderful, I've always hated leaving my sweet boy when I have to travel and now I have friends who take him and I rest so much easier when I have to leave. They are all great, but I particularly love that second photo.

  3. Oh, Sideways in the chair is adorable!

  4. Like our rescue dog it's been a joy to add to the family and likewise our son covers the travel gaps and they adore each other.Sideways has landed firmly on his feet.

  5. Sideways is adorable. Love the photos. He's one lucky dog.

  6. Sideways looks like a water loving beautiful dog. He must be well mannered if that ladder is all that you need as a barrier between rooms! Do you know what type of dog he is? And thank you for the picture intro :) It's been nice meeting you Sideways.

  7. Sideways is so cute and handsome. I am so happy you found another loving dog to fill a different place in your heart. Someone else said "He's one lucky dog," and I agree.

  8. I love the croc-o-dog photo. He looks like he has found good homes with all of you.

  9. What a handsome boy!.I have a rescue too....they're the best!

  10. looks like a little lab, little golden, little german shep maybe. He is WONDERFUL!

    And you know me, rescue, rescue, rescue! That makes him perfect!

    And those long wisps of tail and ruff makes for a great opportuntiy for free motion quilting!

    glen: president of Capital Area Animal Welfare Society! LOL

  11. Sideways is adorable!!! The shared adoption is a wonderful idea. Love your comment about not replacing Bruno but filling another place in your heart. So very true. Love the dog photos just as much as the quilt photos. Congratulations on your new book. Will be on the lookout for it. Sounds like a great tool. Happy fall!

  12. We are lucky to have a daughter living in the same town (city) we do. As long as we're not traveling together, we take care of their dog when they're gone & they take care of ours when we leave town. Or sometimes we can travel with our dogs!


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