
Saturday, March 3, 2018


Be sure to sign up to receive my newsletter or check back on the blog as I'll make any important announcements there.

I am taking a sabbatical in 2019 and 2020.  I will not be taking any more teaching engagements until further notice.  My family situation has changed significantly and I will no longer be able to be away from home for so many days during the year.  I will honor my commitments to those groups in 2018 and 2019 as much as my responsibilities will allow me. 

I am working on developing events to be held in the Kansas City area so that if you're interested in learning from me and having an intimate, personal learning experience, be sure to watch the blog for announcements of those events.  I would love to share my city and my studio with you.

I have had a blast teaching and visiting shops, guilds, museums and art centers.  I appreciate all the hospitality I have been given and how much I have learned from all of you. 

I am looking forward to having time to create and to take care of my personal and family responsibilities and find balance in my life. 

For those who haven't seen it, this is my latest piece, Veer.

I will continue to share here and for the best updates on my new work follow jacquietps on Instagram.

See you on the flip side.  It's been real.


  1. I love "Veer". it speaks volumes to me. Thank you for sharing.

  2. Nice quilt. Wishing you all the very best with your family situation. I so enjoyed being in your class at Symposium in Christchurch and now that you are taking a sabbatical feel even more priviledged that I got that opportunity. Enjoy creating and teaching at home.

  3. :) it was so nice to have that little chat we had in Pasadena. I have loved being home with my family and taking care of “us” :) I hope you have the same.

  4. Powerful quilt with a message.

  5. . Take care and I hope all is well in your world and that things resolve themsleves in a manner that sits well with you.

  6. Wishing you all the best Jacquie. I have been fortunate to take several workshops with you and hope to one day have the chance to see your studio. Thank you for all you’ve given to this wonderful quilting community. I love your Veer quilt ❤️😘

  7. I hope everything is okay. Sending good thoughts to you and yours.

  8. Wishing you all the best and thanking you for all the inspiration!

  9. Prayers and love to you and family. You continue to inspire so many near and far.

  10. Sending love to you and your family.

  11. I respect your choice and wish you all the best in the future. Thinking of you as you navigate the waters of family issues. Xo L

  12. Hope everything works out with the family situation. Shall keep you in my prayers.

  13. Be strong: go through this phase of your life knowing you have what it takes to handle it. I feel it all the way here in Utah.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Your work and teaching have been an inspiration. Thanks for reminding us to find balance in our lives. Your inspiration continues. All the best for the future.

  16. Jacquie, It is so important to always put family first. I will be keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers over the next few months and years. Your story has and always will be an inspiration.

  17. Take care of you, Jacquie and of your family. Prends bien soin de toi!

  18. Family comes first, of course! Look forward to your return whenever you feel it's right! Love your work.

  19. Your work speaks for so many of us. I hope you feel the strength and support you've given us being reflected back to you as you navigate this change.

  20. Your works are important -- they express very important ideas and reactions. Thank you for all of those -- and I assume that will continue.

    Whatever your situation is, I know many, including me, are sending you our best wishes and thoughts and will through the next few years as we see you "out here" less.

    I am so grateful that I took a class from you when I could, when you visited my guild, the Orlando Modern Quilt Guild.

  21. I'm so thankful and fortunate that I finally got to meet you in Pasadena and go to your lecture. I can't begin to tell you how inspirational you have been to me, enough to pull me into the modern quilting movement when it was beginning. I wish you and yours all the best and hope to see you return if that is your desire. Thank you for your dedication, instilling excitement in quilting that wasn't there before, and sharing your brilliant talents with the world Jacquie! I hope to see you back someday.

  22. Love Veer.The past couple of years have been family oriented for me. Keep sharing your pieces and in the meantime I am making use of your Craftsy classes. Best Wishes.

  23. Veer says it all.
    Jacquie, I hope all will be well with you and yours sooner rather than later. We will all be here for you when you return.

  24. I hope all works out okay with you and your family. I am no stranger to this, and support you 100%, and am sending you tons of love and good luck, Jacquie.

  25. Love your work and love you! We have been so fortunate to have gotten to know you in the last few years. Enjoy the next chapter of life! I know I will

  26. Jaquie, it was great to run into you in Pasadena. Similar thing happened to me two years ago. I went almost completely off line for awhile. Hope all is best for you and yours. I'll pray for you.

  27. VEER is fantastic!
    I am one who has followed your blog for many, many years but has yet to take a class from you. I will definitely consider traveling to your area to do so.

    I applaud you for stepping back and doing what is right for you and your family at this time. You'll know if and when the time comes to make another change.

    Much appreciation to you, Jacquie, for all of the knowledge and inspiration and thoughtful posts you have shared with so very many of us.


  28. Oh Jacquie...this sounds serious and sad, but you are taking the bull by horns. Good luck and all blessings! I am a KC girl, though living in Oregon now. I will look for what is going on in the future. Who knows...maybe there is something for me in your future! ;)
    Valorie Webster
    @facetfully on IG

  29. Jacquie, best wishes to you as you do what you need to for your family. You don't know me, but I have confidence in you.

    And Veer - how expressive. I feel queasy looking at it. :/

  30. Good to catch up with you at QuiltCon, as I admire your work (not only Veer, but many other quilts). I know you were almost too busy last year, so while I hope the reasons for the shift of commitments is something that is not horrific, I understand the need to cut back and be home. Good luck with all--

  31. Take care of all you need to. Family is the most important. We'll see YOU on the flip side.

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