I've had a bunch of folks email and ask for the pattern for the Teacups Mini Quilt. I drafted a pattern when I made it, but it wasn't really a pattern. It was more like a list of measurements for me to follow. Because of all the requests I did my best to formalize it into something like a real pattern that folks might be able to follow. If you want to make your own, go to the tutorials tab at the top of the page, scroll down and click on the link above the picture. It should take you to mediafire where you can download the pdf pattern.
This was quite a learning experience. I converted a word file to a pdf. I hosted the pdf file. Can you see me patting myself on the back? Whew!
Enjoy! I'd love to see your quilts if you use the pattern. If you have any problems or see anything that needs to be changed, I'd like to know about that too. Thanks!
You did good on the directions - they sound easy to follow. Happy Mother's Day!!
Thank you for putting the pattern up! My mother-in-law would love to have a quilt made up of teacups. I might have to try this.:)
Wow, Jacquie! I am impressed. How did you put the pattern into a pdf? I have always wondered how to do that!
thanks for sharing the pattern. the quilt is even more beautiful in person. I LOVE IT! thanks to YOU! :)
Love your quilt, and I'm so proud of you for figuring all that stuff out. I'm sure lots of people will make a beautiful teacup quilt because of your help!
Thanks, Jacquie! And I am so proud of you for figuring out all of that computer stuff. There is still so much I'd like to be able to do on the computer that I can't. You go girl!
wow, im impressed, i dont know how to do any of that! i cant wait to make one of these sweet little quilts. thanks so much for the tute!
Awesome. Thanks for doing that!
thanks for posting the pattern! Jon's grandma would love a quilt like this...she's a big tea/coffee drinker
Here, Let me pat your back awhile so you can rest your arm! lol
I don't know that I could write out a pattern and do all that stuff you did (see, I can't even remember it all!). Way to go!
Self admiration is good.... you did a great job ....thanks for sharing.
Thanks for the pattern! A lap quilt with this block may be in order as a gift for my mom. She love tea.
- Jen
Its darling.
I just downloaded the teacups. I love them. I can't wait to make it.
I saw the pattern for the teacups a month or so ago, and after a brief time stalling around deciding what to amke of them, I decided to make a coffee cup pad for my self and my partner. I am right handed and Nancy is a leftie so I made them to match. I do not have the ability to send photos but take my word for it, they came out exactly as you intended. Thank you. Myrna in SE FLorida
Wow, this is perfect! My daughter in law had my grand-daughter's room done with an "Alice in Wonderland" mural, and asked if I'd make a Teacup Quilt to match. Thank you for the pattern! Wish me luck. ;)
I was browsing the internet looking for something tea related to make my friend and stumbled across this - WONDERFUL directions! And ADORABLE quilt! Thanks so much for sharing this.
Hello, I see from the dates that this is an old pattern, but it is so cute and I am doing a "Tea" quilt. I'd love to have the tea cup pattern. Any chance on getting it still?
Thanks so much,
When are you going to repost the teacup pattern? We are hosting a high tea in conjunction with a quilt show of family heiloom quilts next summer. I am hoping to get someone to make a "teacup quilt" to raffle.
I am looking forward to the posting of your new revised Tea-cup pattern!
thank you!
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