Susan, at Chickenfoot tagged me awhile ago. Check out her blog if you have a minute. It's great! I know, I'm always slow to get to these! I had fun thinking about 10 years ago. Seems like forever ago.
So here are my answers to the questions:
What was I doing 10 years ago?
1998. The kids were 9 and 7, so I was in full mommy mode: room mother, 4-H leader, driving them around to activities etc etc. We were still building our house out in the country. I took a job teaching 4th grade in a nearby school district so we could have enough money to get it finished. I think we were living in the basement. We washed dishes in the tub in the bathroom. We had no washer and dryer or stove. (Dreaded those trips to the laundry. We lived in the country with two active boys and they could get dirty!) Cooked off a microwave and a hotplate on a table in the family room. The boys' rooms had carpet and were finished. Hubby and I slept upstairs in an unfinished bedroom. We both worked and then came home and worked on the house. Those were the days!
5 things on my to do list.
1. Workout at the gym (always on the list)
2. Scrape and paint the front porch. (Been on the list for a week!)
3. Vacuum and dust the house.
4. Get to the post office
5. Find time to sew (always on the list)
Snacks I enjoy, but do my best NOT to!
My favs are chips (love cheetos) butter pecan ice cream (technically a dessert, but should be classified as a snack), licorice, and payday candy bars. A candy bar covered with nuts…what a great idea that was!
5 places I have lived
Fargo, North Dakota (and many other places in this state); Stillwater, Oklahoma; Cary, North Carolina; Chapel Hill, North Carolina, (GO TARHEELS!), Manhattan, Kansas. (I could go on and on.)
Things I would do if I were a billionaire.
I would invest my money and set up a foundation so that I could give money to the causes I hold dear. Yes, I would be the next Bill Gates!(That is after I pay all the bills!) Children’s Mercy Hospital would get a big chunk. That hospital saved my child’s life and they do the best work for a whole lot of kids and families. Oh heck, maybe I would buy a bit of fabric too!
I'm supposed to tag others, so if you want to play, let me know. I would love to know more about all of you!
I like your mini - what a great idea (could see those in your musician son's room).
You were ambitious 10 years ago - it's fun to see a peek at your life,
Love the fabric and the quilt!! I admire your feel for the quilting too! I live in Durham, close to Raleigh really. Tarheels are #2 in my book, right after NC State!!
I like your mini quilt. it is adorable and the quilting is great!
I also enjoyed reading your meme and learning more about you.
I love the mini quilt. Its awesome. Orange is J's favorite color and he would love it!
Great to know more about you in the meme. If I get around to posting this weekend maybe I will do it.
Cute little quilt! I'm just loving that fabric. And no orange thread? Imagine!
Darling mini. Where oh where did you find the fabric with the radios? One of my husband's hobbies is restoring old radios - I HAVE to have some!
I love that radio fabric! I wish I could find something so cool in the bargain bin.
Your life 10 years ago is my life now (except that my boys are 10 and 12). Taking on that job (in my case to pay for private school) really takes a chunk out of the day, doesn't it??? Thanks for sharing.
Love your mini. The quilting is perfect!!! Thanks so much for leaving your opinion on my kokeshi quilt. I appreciate your thoughts.
A collection of these little quilts would look awesome on a wall. I like the radio sound waves in the the quilting-it is the way I imagine sound waves look like.
That was a fun peek into your life Jacquie...I will play....although it might take me a while to get around to it!
Love the minis and sometimes I seem to only have orange or yellow cotton...thrift purchases!
i totally love your mini quilt, especially the little radio center!! thanks for doing the meme, its a great way to get to know people, how interesting the bit about 10 years ago!!
I do need to tell some of the places I live stories. They're not very fun though- but maybe if I spin it cleverally enough it will seem more fun
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