I would like to get inside the mind of the people who could do something like this. Why did they pick us? Have they been watching the house, imagining the goodies inside? Did they know we don't live there any more? Were we "easy pickings", or did they happen upon us? Whoever they were, they don't have shit for brains. Pardon my French, as they say, but I'm so angry I can't seem to find the appropriate words. It's hard for me to understand evil.
We went out to the country house this weekend so I could start doing some cleaning and prepping for the Thanksgiving holiday. We're having 15 people for dinner. We arrived very late Friday evening (went to the ballet that evening, but that is a story for a happier post.) Had a good sleep and headed out to the lake to pull the sailboat out for winter. (Again, another story for a funny post.) Got back to the house and started changing sheets, doing laundry, vacuuming up bugs and in general making things spiffy for the holidays.
Both hubby and I noticed that the house was chilly. Didn't think much of it, it's getting cold, and we keep the heat turned down low since we only come out on weekends. The hubby headed downstairs to do some chores and low and behold he discovered that one of the windows in the family room had been smashed. We looked closer and evidently these dingbats had used a rake and tried to break in through one of the windows. They smashed the outer pane to pieces and there was a hole about the size of basketball in the second pane along with lots of cracks.
They didn't get in, didn't take anything. These evil, brainless trolls gave up. Trolls like this have none of the qualities of good people, like persistence and a can do attitude. They started their dastardly deed and then gave up and ran away with their stinky little troll tails between their legs, scared off maybe by my almost 80 year old mother or Rusty, their trusty lab who loves everyone and only wants to play. Cowards.
So, we were left to clean up their little troll mess. It will cost us about $750 to replace the window. I'm not sure how long it will take to regain my sense of security.
My dad took it personally. They live at the bottom of our hill and he watches and takes care of our house. He saw a car drive down the hill Friday afternoon. He even saw the car's tracks in the yard behind the house. He assumed it was one of my son's band members picking up equipment. He didn't give it another thought. He is planning on digging holes, putting in posts and chaining our driveway. I can't be there to help. I hate that these trolls have made more work for my dad and added stress to his life.
We're back at the townhome in the city. My dad just called. He's parked his car at the bottom of our driveway to protect the house. Take that trolls!
Oh My God! I'm just so sorry. I know what you mean about losing your sense of security. It's hard not feel like the world has suddenly turned on you. I'm sorry that this happened, and I am also glad that they were weak, lazy, slacker thugs who gave up before doing any more damage.
Your dad sounds awesome.
Oh wow that's awful. Your poor Dad - he really does sound awesome! I must say, when I was first reading the saga, I presumed it was in your regular home, and my first thought was oh no, not the quilts. Please tell us they didn't take your quilts! I, too, am glad they gave up. Cowards. Such selfishness in the world. I hope you all feel better soon.
How awful!
(At least they didn't get inside).
Try to take solace in the good things in life: a great and caring dad, craft, family, quilts and lovers of your blog (... and I'm sure there are many many others).
Have a great thanksgiving weekend.
Andi :-)
I am so sorry, Jacquie. You didn't need that stress and expense before the holidays.
I'm so glad they didn't take anything. And that no one was hurt. It's a terrible feeling though. Hope you can put it out of your mind and concentrate on happier things.
I'm so sorry jacquie. Big hugs going your way.
Oh my.. I am so sorry. I hope you will be able to feel save again.
That is the worst. We just had someone dropping weird brochures by our door last week (that never happens since we are in the middle of nowhere) and we actually started locking the door. Yes, we never did before.
Sense of feeling secure is so fragile.
I hope you are better soon.
That is just terrible! But (always the one to see the bright side of things) at least they didn't make off with anything and thankfully none of you or your family was hurt. It's still hard, but thank goodness for the small things.
Brainless trolls! I know the feeling of loss of security. I had a home broken into many years and felt very violated. Maybe your dad should take a rake to them!!!
Oh, Jacquie, our dear world is not what it used to be - thank goodness we still have beautiful things happening or we would all have attitude problems.
Hope dear Dad keeps himself safe now, that is the main thing!
Lots of big hugs - Lurline!
I'm sorry someone took away your sense of security. I just found out that the fires here by my home were arson related. I don't understand some peoples needs to destroy, it's very sad. I hope you start feeling better about it soon.
Oh, what a rotten thing to happen to you! I'm so sorry for you and your family. I am glad that the stupid Bad Guys didn't take any of your things (other than the sense of security). I hope your Dad stays safe and doesn't try to be brave if any should return.
I hope you will soon feel better, and that you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Hugs to you!
Oh Jacquie you are so feisty I wish we lived nearer!!! Sorry though that it led to your dad feeling that he did not do a good enough job of defending the property. Now maybe he will have a renewed purpose in life...you know retired men, and not just retired men either, need their little challenges!! Who said I am not an optimist... oh right I did!!!
Hope you find a way to get that window repaired...in these economic times and so close to Christmas as well you do not need the added expense.
You are game to have so many for Thanksgiving dinner...cannot get my mind around that...we are very much the threesome at holidays...my husband gets homesick for his family and England if we do lots with my family...it does not seem fair so it's us three.
Can't wait to hear about the ballet and your preparations for the holiday season. We do not really have the same feel here but do love our decorations and family traditions. My son adores getting the tree ready ...he has more decorations than we do!!!
That's terrible news, I hope your Dad doesn't take it too personally, it's not his fault.
On a positive note - at least they didn't get in, nothing was taken, there was no-one there, and (the biggest relief) no-one was hurt.
sorry to hear that friend.
glad nothing was taken.
Perhaps and alarm system? Sorry for the distressing event.
I am soooo sorry! What a violation of your personal property and rights. You are correct they are trolls and cowards. I feel badly for your dad, it is not his fault. I hope that your holidays are brighter.
i'm so sorry you have to deal with this
That is an awful story. I'm sorry that you and your family have been violated in such a way. I hope you are able to move on pretty soon. Can your chocolate friend be posted guard? :)
how horrible. thank goodness they didn't get in. it is a good thing your parents are close. hopefully your dad doesn't encounter anymore problems though.
That makes me mad, too!! I appreciate the dismissive way you've discussed the trolls. Good for you. When good people call it as they see it and do'nt step down, it inspires the rest of us to take an attitude of stop the nonsence. Brainless Trolls!!!!Brainless INEFFECTIVE Trolls!
Good for your dad. Nothing better for a man than for them to have something to protect. He'll keep things safe, I'm sure.
No brains at all, and no standards either. I'm sorry you had to experience this and hope that it won't be long and your sense of security returns.
I am so sorry that happened to you! And I am so sorry that trolls hold such power over us all, because of their evil deeds. Don't let them get to you!!
Thank goodness they didn't get in, but how scary for you. Something similar happened to my parents, only the trolls got in. They used the bathroom (didn't flush) and enjoyed each others company (if you get my meaning) in one of the beds and then left out the window they broke in through... Some people!
This is a sad story, like yo say, we wish to know what is going on in ther minds. It is not fare to work so hard to have something and in a second someone tries to take it out of you. I sare our frustraton and hope your dad does not have to work so hard.
Bless your dad's heart! I'm glad neither he nor your mom was around--trolls can get mean and nasty when cornered.
So sorry about the added expense and trouble, but glad the broken window is all that was damaged.
Bummer! I am thankful it wasn't worse, but some people!
Have a happy Sunday
I am so sorry that you had to experience this, it really sucks.. the cost to repair, the feeling of loss of security, the not knowing who, or why... it's just terrible and stressful. Thank goodness they didn't get in the house, that would be such a horrific feeling of being violated.
The other month, with my inside house lights on, and my outside front porch light blaring, someone(s) decided to come right up to our door, smash something hard into the middle or our door, (leaving a nice dent) and then ringing the bell, (just incase we didn't hear the loud bang from whatever they hit the door with.) Hubby was still at work, and I was terrified! Luckily for me it turned out to be some local teens, who previously had vandalized my neighbors house across the street... he happens to be a state trooper, and the night we got vandalized he had formed a stake out!! The little hoodlums were caught, and now we are in the process of dealing with them through a youth counsel mediator. We still have a dent in the middle of our front door, and replacement cost will be $1500! I expect them to pay for the damage, and am hoping that they all will learn how deeply acts of vandalism effect peoples sense of well being, and pocket books.
Hope this doesn't happen to you, me or anyone else again.
I'm so sorry to hear about this! How awful. At least you can be thankful that they didn't get in and your dad is available to help protect your house from this happening again. It just amazes me the things that people will stoop to!
How awful for you!!!! I hope they are caught. And I'm glad no one was physically hurt! Lazy a&%#)@holes... Your dad sounds terrific. Take care,
This stinks! I can not believe how people act sometimes. It definitely sounds like you have a wonderful father who will keep a lookout for you! I am so sorry that you had to deal with this.
OMG! So sorry to hear that. That kind of thing pisses me off too. Glad that nothing was missing or anyone hurt, but still what a way to start the holidays.
It is awful!!! There is such anger when someone violates you in that way. I am truly glad that they did not get inside and did run away because the invasion into your private areas is the most horrid of feelings. We've been there.
Ouch, trolls they are. I'm sorry this has put a wrinkle in your holiday plans and stress for your poor dad.
I had my car broken into in NYC one time by real pros. I had to appreciate their neatness and proficiency... not too much damage, took what they wanted (stereo and some tapes) and left me what they didn't.
Hope things look up from here.
I am so sorry that this happened to you. I know this was rotten but count your blessings that it was not worse.
The trolls rampaged our home and what they didn't take they despoiled with spray paint. I cried for days, and it took 3 months to get the house restored to what it was. These morons have no respect for anyone or anything, they want but won't work. UGHHHH!!! I know 'hate' is a terrible word but I use it when I think of what we went through.
Hope your dad get's over the guilts, because he could not have predicted this and you really can't be on guard 24-7.
My deepest regret to you. What you need now is a hug.
I know the feeling! My house was broken into about 3 years ago and unfortunately, they did get stuff. You just feel violated and it just makes me sick.
BTW, I found your blog via one of my friend's blogs and I super-duper like it. I will be visiting it very regularly.
We also have a 2nd home and a sailboat and what you experienced is always a threat. Seems like there are mean people who like to target others. That's such a shame about the mess they created for you and the damage. :(
Oh Jacquie! I am so very sorry for your family as well as your parents! There have even been things like that going on around these parts. Thank heavens everyone is all right! One never knows what idiots like that would do if they were being caught in the act.
Stay safe.
So sorry, I know exactly how you feel! They are trolls, and it's infuriating the time and expense it causes for the victims. When our truck was stolen from our driveway a few weeks ago I was mad. But it really pissed (pardon my french) me off when I picked the truck up after it was found abandoned in someone's field, and they had taken everything out of the glove box and middle console and thrown it all over. That's the part that really felt like a personal violation.
I'm just glad they didn't get in and wreak more damage for you all to clean up.
That just sucks.
You are lucky they didn't get inside. Count your blessings that you only have a broken window.
So glad they did not get inside! Around here they steal the copper pipes out of the house. I have a friend who is in the Peace Corps and while he was out of the country his all his copper pipes were taken not once, but twice! The pipes now are now PEX. Makes you wonder who raised those trolls!
oh man, i am so sorry for you--so frustrating.
Aw that is terrible Jacquie. I'm so sorry. It is totally like an invasion of privacy and outrage to have someone do that. Your poor pa. My heart goes out to you.
What a bunch of cowards,babies, loosers, glad they were, otherwise you would be missing some things. Wow just what you need $750 dollars right before the Holidays. I am so sorry this happened to you, maybe you should get a few of those motion lights, we have one and they are great. Your poor Dad, now he has to not only worry about your house but also his. Tell him not to be a hero, it is just things and you are all safe. Thank heavens. Here is to better times.
Man, some people have nothing good to do! They need to read your blog and find some good hobbies. :) Hope your dad doesn't stress too much and you start to feel better.
Oh Jacquie... I am so sorry about the invasion of the bad people. At least they didn't get in and damage the inside of the house... and personal belongings.
So sorry, again.
They'll get theirs eventually.
Warm hugs to unchill your spirit!!!
I'm so sorry this happened to you. Chin up! Lots of love sent your way!
Sorry to hear this Jacquie. Something similar happened to us when we were burglared many years ago. I know how angry, frustrated, powerless something like this makes you feel. The window is easy to repair but it will take more time to feel secure again. I hope you will find your peace of mind back soon.
How awful! Sorry that happened. Glad they weren't persistent enought to get in and do more damage. Your Dad sounds like a sweetheart.
what a horrible thing to happen..
oh, no! I'm so sorry. that's just awful.
Oh my, I am so sorry. That is really awful. It makes you so mad that you have to clean up foe irresponsible people. Oh, that just gets me riled up.
I was sorry to read about your break-in. A couple of weeks ago someone was in my car and took my digital camera. My car was left unlocked that night. I felt very violated! My camera was the only thing that was taken, but the person also rifled through my glove box. Eeew!
On a better note, I love your dresdens.... I love your style!
I'm so sorry to hear this. How upsetting for you and your family.
Hugs to you and hoping your holidays haven't been spoiled by those "trolls".
How annoying! I'm sorry to hear that this happened to you and I hope that you are able to regain your sense of security soon!
Oh I am so sorry to hear about this. I am always so nervous when we head to the lakehouse that someone got in. Crazy that there are such TROLLS out there! Thankfully they didn't make it in. I am sorry for your dad's added work. My dad lives to feel needed by us, and he isn't even retired yet :)!
Gee sorry about that, Jacquie! We recently had a cars ransacked in front of our house at night (now we lock our cars when they are outside for the night) and they didn't seem to take anything but it leaves you with an uneasy feeling! Glad you have your dad to look out for you!
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