Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Sew Mama Sew's Giveaway Day

Welcome! Merry Christmas and happy whatever holiday you celebrate. It's Christmas at my house so let's kick the season off with some giving.

Before I do the giveaway I want to say thanks to the over 50 quilters who responded to my call for help yesterday and no one, (a tribute to how nice you all are) said "what the heck were you thinking putting that layout together?" which was what I was saying to myself. What Regi said about all of us is so true, "I would almost guarantee that each of them would see something a bit different about the quilt and have a different favorite part or a different way to “fix” it."
I appreciate all of you who took the time out of your day to help. Michaela actually drew a plan, scanned it and sent it, Charlie sent a picture and is thinking about it at work today and I had loads of emails back and forth from several of you. Kinda shows how much we all love quilting.

I have tried many options and I'm still working on it, but now I have so many more ideas...many of your suggestions spurred other ideas of my own. I think I may have to put all your names on the label. So, for all of you I'm having our own little private giveaway. I put all your names in a hat and I'll draw a winner on Saturday for something just for you. I would draw right now, but I have to make something!

And now to the real purpose of this post, Giveaway Day! I'm giving away a little Santa's village quilt. The winner will receive their choice of one of these 3 quilts. I hope to have them finished by Saturday, so that's when the giveaway will end. I'll post the winner at noon, central time.

Here's the deal. I love Christmas and I love to decorate. I've gotten the boxes out of the basement and I've started. Your task is to guess how many Christmas trees will I use to decorate my house. The trees have to be 3 dimensional and ornaments don't count. Everything else is fair game. If more than one person guesses the correct number, the first commenter with the correct guess will win their choice. (Who knows, maybe we could have a few more winners, maybe some fabric? So, guess away! Have fun!
EDITED TO ADD: A few have emailed and asked do they have to be live trees...nope...only 3 dimensional and international folks...of course you are welcome! I've put together some (actually 6) 1 yard fabric bundles(2 prints from the Kansas City Star history prints and a coordinating solid) to give away too, so don't give up! Let's keep having holiday fun!!!!


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Nancy said...

4, I guess 4.... You can just send the little house quilt right here to me in Missouri.... where it is supposed to snow tonight...

Sarah said...

I love those little quilts of yours, I've been lusting after them since I saw them pop up on your blog a while ago... I must get over my fear of applique!!

Now, how many trees.... that's a tough one, I'd guess about 15.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm Well I think I am going to guess 13 Trees!

Love the little quilts and I can't wait to see the final product on the quilt from yesterday!!


Unknown said...

ok. How many trees. Right...inside and out? Hmm... I'm going for 8. In fact, if you weren't going to have 8 you should now just choose 8, 8's a good number. Keep it at that, OK? ;D
(can you tell I am really desperate for that quilt!!!)

Sylvie - Madame Créative said...

I think 5!
I just love your quilts and I would looooove to win a Christmas quilt of yours!!!
Thank you for the giveaway.

Anonymous said...

I'll guess at 6 trees. Also, your Thanksgiving story about your dog was just beautiful.

Anonymous said...

I am guessing 5

MichelleB said...

I'm going to guess at 9. Your little quilts are adorable.

Anonymous said...

Since Rachel already took my favorite number, I'm going with 18 trees.


Erika said...

before I guess, your quilts are just beautiful. I think you have 7
have a great day. Erika

Anonymous said...

I was going to say 5, but I see someone has beat me to it. I'll say 7. After all, someone has to make up for the fact that I'm not putting up any tree at all. *GASP*

Anonymous said...

I am going to guess ten. Seems like a lot but you are a festive gal! Thanks for the giveaway...

Holee said...

I'll guess 11...nice gift, thanks for offering them!

Jessica said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jessica said...

your houses are adorable! i'm going to guess 12 trees...

Maggie said...

Your work is inspiring. I will guess 6 trees.

nettie said...

i love the guessing makes me feel like i have more of a chance. I also love your little village quilts. they are just so darn cute.

I guess you will use 12 trees to decorate your house.

Heidi said...

I guess 8, we will have none this year :-) just a wreath

Cinnamon said...

6 trees? One of those quilts would be wonderful!

Anonymous said...

Fun! My initial guess was going to be 6, but I see a number of people already guessed that. I'm going to say 9 instead. I don't think that's been guessed yet! Love your little quilts - they're so cute!

Sherri said...

I'm going to guess 5 trees! And I bet you decorate them all in different themes!

Miss Crafty said...

3. It seems a low number when compared with the other guesses but it might just work?!

jovaliquilts said...

Totally wild guess, 12 trees!
Glad you had so much fun with everyone's responses. I love it when bloggers post their layouts and ask for ideas. It's so much fun, and I learn so much from thinking about it and from reading everyone else's responses. How much less fun before the Blogosphere arrived!

Meredith said...

28 right? *giggles*

momof3girls said...

Okay, I'm going conservative-how about 1 really special tree? Your quilts are beautiful.

~Michelle~ said...

12 trees?

Emily said...

I'm thinking you're including trees in a snow village or something like that so my guess is 14

MightyMom said...

I haven't read the comments but I'm gonna guess 3 trees.

mom2three said...

I'm going big on this one- 23 trees. Why so many? Because you could have a little village full of trees or some other adorable decoration that I'm going to drool over later when I read your blog and you put up the photos of all the trees.


Chris said...

17 trees :-)

Anonymous said...

OK all the really reasonable numbers are already taken! I'm left with... 17! Thanks!

Amanda said...

I've loved your little houses since I first saw them, so would love to win one. So, I guess ...hum ... let me think .... 13. Hope I'm near the mark!

Katie R said...

22? your stuff is so cute!

Maggie said...

I'll guess nine.

Thank you for the chance and have a great holiday!

nanann said...

I'm going high b/c when I start thinking about it, there are lots of trees in our decorations and they're not necessarily something I "collect."


John said...

I'd love to win! I'll pick a number that hasn't been picked yet ... 16.

John said...

Can I log one more guess? OK, it's 21.

Jackie Russell said...

I'm going to guess 18. I don't think that is taken yet.

emicat said...

I'm going to say 12.

Thanks for the visit! It's been great surfing around all these blogs I haven't been to before :)

Natalie said...

Hmmm.... I'm guessing its more than your average person. Maybe 10?

Anita said...

How about 19 and a very festive home with that many trees!

Anina said...

25. Like an advent calendar. :-)

Anonymous said...

I'll guess 13.
I love your quilts..crossing my fingers :)

Laura F

Tine said...

I am guessing 20 :)
Nice round number!

Dana said...

Hmmmmm... I'm gonna guess 22. And I really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, REALLY hope that I'm right.

Merry Christmas!

Needled Mom said...

How manytrees......hmmmmm....guess I will pick my lucky number of 8. That sounds like too many, but that is what I am sticking to.

Glad that you had so many suggestions on the quilt. It was such fun to read the different comments and see what others would do. Blog quilting is certainly fun. Does this mean it will be a traveling quilt that we all get to have for a period of time??? Now, that would be a good idea.

Tacha said...

I'm guessing 6!

Love your work and your blog. Thanks for such a generous giveaway.

Anonymous said...

I guess 6....

love the quilts!

Doris said...

I'm going to go with 12...

Abby and Stephanie said...

Looks like all the reasonable number have been spoken for so I'm going to say...3

Whoever wins is going to be THRILLED with your little Christmas villages.

Anonymous said...

6 trees, but I have a feeling it's more!

Anne said...

Oh, this is fun! I'll go with lucky number 9...


Robyn said...

I'm gonna say 11...

Trina said...

I'm guessing 32. I know it sounds like a lot but I'm guessing you have a collection of miniature trees.

alison said...

Wow, beautiful work. I love the redwork quilt too. The layout is lovely! Um, let's see, I'll guess that you've got 24 trees. Happy holidays! :)


Hannah said...

54 trees! I love the give-away, please enter me.

Jane's Fabrics and Quilts said...

All right, first let'ssee
1 dining room
1 livining room
1 family room
1 front hall
1 for good luck!!! So i guess

Ta Da 5

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh I couldn't find room for more than one, you must have a huge house so I'll go with 8.

Cami said...

I'm going to say 14. I don't think I would have enough energy to put up that many trees, but I'd love to see a house with that many.

Jenn said...

Well there are 12 days of Christmas so how about 12! Thanks for the giveaway. Jenn

Allison said...

I'm guessing six, bit and small! Love those little quilts! Allison

epban said...

I'm thinking 7 and imagining how creative they will be! Have enjoyed your blog and would love one of your wonderful little holiday houses! Happy Holidays!

epban said...

I'll guess 7 and I'm sure with your talent that they'll all be wonderful

B said...

if you are anything like my grandmother you will have 15, but I will guess 9.

Joanna said...

Wow, this is great!! A special drawing for us who commented yesterday, and now this one too? I am in Tallgrass Prairie heaven:)

Anyway, my guess is 7. We have ONE. lol! Maybe one day when we have a bigger house I will have more. Right now our tree consumes our tiny living room. But it's fun:)

affectioknit2 said...

I guess 7! What fun!

Jilly said...

I would guess 6.

Nanette Merrill said...

Oh these are so so so darling! I love the one best with the stars. How sweet. I didn't realize it was giveaway day or I'd have done something too. Well now, trees, hmmm I guess 8. But someone already guessed that!! Dangit. I'll say something outrageous like 20.

Anonymous said...

I also guess 7 good luck to all!
Rane and kids.

craftytammie said...

It must be something crazy, so I'll say 18?

Carrie said...

I'll say 12 for the 12 days of Christmas!

Shaina said...

Those are beautiful stitcheries.

I'm guessing 38

LisaDuvall said...

I'm going to guess...umm...23.

Marit said...

Love those little chistmas quilts. My guess is 7. And I now others have guessed the same... There is never enough of a good thing

kira said...

Let's see trees? I have nine 3D trees in my house, so that's my guess. :)

Jennifer said...

Your quilts are lovely.

My guess is it will take 6 trees.

knittingmomof3 (AT) gmail (DOT) com

Anonymous said...

OH man, I love those little quilts. I have a ton of little trees at my house so I'm going to guess high - 25.

Pauline Perh said...

I guess it is 21. Just guessing...

Anonymous said...

I'm guessing 29

Unknown said...

Hmm - I can see little ones on your kitchen counter, maybe at your desk in the studio, and then big ones. . . how about 7? I hope I'm right! :) Thanks Jacquie

Christina Lane | The Sometimes Crafter said...

It feels a little like the Price is Right guessing how many trees. I'll say 34, since you love Christmas, and really...trees can add up. I love the little houses! On a side note, I thought about the red quilt all day yesterday, but the only thing I could really think of was to change the red square with something more white than red, that might soften it a bit, becuase, really...I liked the layout. Good luck with that!

Alissa said...

Ok here's my guess: 12. Completely randomly just throwing that out there! Keeping my fingers crossed!

Jingle said...

I'm going to go with 11. That may be low, but it's a guess! LOL!

Boat Bird said...

How many christmas trees? I'd go mad and suggest 25! Just love all that tree goodness!

Dallas said...

I'm going to guess 23. I think that's guessing high, but who knows. :)

Sarah C said...

i am guessing 23 since i dont think that number has been picked yet...and i hope it isnt too far off! well actually i hope it is right one because i love the squares!

Deb said...

I'll guess 15 -- Thanks so much for this wonderful giveaway!!!

HandbagsbyJen said...

I am guessing 11. I'd love these squares. They are beautiful!

Corri Taylor said...

im going out on a limb but im going to guess 32

the Domina said...

I guess you'll use 47 trees. Are you a collector, perhaps? I know a gal that collects creches/nativities, even had their roof shingled to look like Mary/Joseph/Jesus!

sara_hemmeke at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

My guess is eleven. Kim

Anonymous said...

I've been admiring (and, OK, wanting to try to copy) those tiny quilts since you've been posting about them.

I'm going to guess 16. Why not? :)

Anonymous said...

I can't get over how wonderful your little quilts are! The houses and precious. I've been so busy lately and have gotten behind on your wonderful blog. Time to catch up! Oh, and I'm guessing... 10, just for kicks. x

~ Doreen said...

I'll guess 27

Unknown said...

I am guessing that some of them are quite small trees so with that in mind I am guessing 23. I don't know maybe that is too high but I am thinking small. A few bigger ones of course.

Anonymous said...

beautiful quilts...i guess 26 b/c i don't think it's been guessed yet, lol! happy holidays!

Ginger said...

I guess ten trees.

pigbook1 said...


Sonja said...

I love those quilts.
OK I'm quessing outside the block here. 25

aSprinkling said...

I'm gonna go with 42. I think it's easy to get a big number if you're collecting things over the years. And I would love to win some fabric...or the quilt.

Anonymous said...

I am a fan of your blog! Thanks for the chance to win your great giveaway!!! My guess is 9...why 9 - it just came to me!!
Happy Holidays!

Emily said...

So cute! My guess is 17 trees.

Anonymous said...

I'll guess 11 trees. I would love to win your quilt. Merry Christmas!

stephensons4 at embarqmail dot com

Liz said...


Stephanie said...

I guess 12 for the twelve days of Christmas. :)

Stephanie said...

Oh wow - that's a toughie. I'll guess 5.

Your quilts are so gorgeous!

erica e said...

I'm in LOVE with your little houses so I'm sad to be such a late commenter. I'm going to have to go with a high number. This sounds crazy but 38?

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure how big your house is -- but I guess they could be small trees too. I'm going to guess something crazy. Say 28 trees (I was initially going to guess 53, but I thought that might be too much). The quilts look lovely.

Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

Even though it has already been chosen, I will go with my lucky number 14. I can't imagine having that many but I have seen some pretty Christmasy houses with more than one tree in a room.

Michaela said...

Well, 110 commenters before me. Who knows maybe I should take a wild guess.
How about 9.

Christy said...

My guess is 25! I love your quilts! :)

Anonymous said...

I am going to guess 7 just because...amazing quilter and I am linking you!

Unknown said...

So many people picked the number I was thinking that you'd have to cut your sweet quilt into tiny squares. Hmmm, okay...26.

Bonus Mom said...

my guess is 62
I love your stuff as always.

Len said...


Anonymous said...

thse are so adorable, i'd love to win!!!

there are way too many comments to read, but i'm going to guess 43 trees!

Twyla said...

Those are so cute!

As for the trees. I say 16 :)

Beca said...

I'm guessing 21 trees. :)

Theresa said...

Okay, I'll go out on a limb and say 62. You never know!
Love your blog - very inspirational to this "follw the pattern" quilter!

Treasuresofjoy said...

I guess about 7 trees.

r e b e c k a said...

I'm sure your giveaway will be adorable and I'm guesing 9 trees.
Thank you for letting us Europeans enter! :)

Anonymous said...

I'm going to guess 29 - wonder where you'd put that many!
Merry Christmas
Chris x

Angela DeRossett said...

Um.... 34. LOL...maybe a village?

Q said...

48 Sounds great!

Kelly said...

Would love to win that quilt! Hmm, numbers have been repeated...that's a conundrum for you sweetie. I would guess 27.

Tiffany said...

I am going to guess, you are doing an advent in Christmas trees and are going to do 25

Anonymous said...

Those are absolutely darling! I have just the place for them too. :~)

Hmmmm, I'll guess 50. That's a really wild guess, but everything else is taken! ;~)

Angela S. said...

i'm going to go with 8 because that's my lucky number! have fun decorating, your little xmas houses are adorable!

Anonymous said...

I guess 9. This was really hard! But I love all the little village stuff you've been making.
josilva3 at yahoo dot com

gidgetsews said...

18 is my guess. You go, girl!

Victoria said...

Okay, I am going to guess a ridiculous number, but its the number that first popped into my head... 72! You said "no ornaments", but you did not say "no decorations", and I am imagining lots of little tree decorations dotting tiny villages... yes, I am probably way out of the ballpark, but I'm sticking to my number!

Anonymous said...

My mother had a Santa Claus collection...
So, I think 47 is not too many.

laura capello said...

13! 13 trees!

KristenL said...

How many trees?? Let's see. I'm going to guess 2.

deliarose said...

I am going to guess 11 trees. Do you have one of those great ceramic ones with the plastic bulbs and the light inside it to cause them all to glow? Trying to find a nice way to get my grandma to send me hers. LOL! I remember pulling the bulbs out and rearranging them on visits to her house at Christmas.

Tina said...

Hi Jacquie, just going down the SMS list, it's taking all day, but it's lots of fun! Miss K is home sick, so I'm not going anywhere anyway. Even if I picked a number of trees, I'm sure someone has already picked it before me. But here goes...26. (that's a lot of trees!) I love the little quilt with the stars in the sky. (how fun to find out I'm included in your other fun drawing!). Have a great day!

Selina said...

I am going to guess 22. I think so.

Hedgehog said...

I say 14 trees. Hope they're small!

Debra said...

Those are so super cute!!!

Sara said...

I think you have 27 trees in your house. Am I close?? I was going to guess 23 but someone took that and my thinking was along with theirs, you could have a little village that has trees in it.

Valerie said...

5 trees?

Poerava said...

Well, with a minimum of one per rooms plus extra, I say 23

Lucie said...

I say 14 trees.
Beautiful little quilts, as always.

Andrea, the little collector said...

Going with 9. Definitely 9.

Melanie said...

24 trees...
Wonderful quilts!

Chookyblue...... said...

8 trees is my guess..............and OMG you have got some comments here fun......

Tina said...

I am guessing… 35 trees!

driftwood said...

oh my, I've no idea what other people have guessed, I shall say 11!
love the way the houses look now they are finished!!!

HandmadeByLalli said...

I would love to win this :). Please do count me in.
ragtrader3 at gmail dot com
Also check out my give-away. Thank you.

debra lynn said...

I'm guessing 7. BTW, I think your red quilt is coming along nicely. I checked it out yesterday, but didn't have anything better to add to what was already said! That is awesome that people sent you sketches! I can't wait to see the end result.

Anonymous said...

12 - my lucky number =)

clementina said...

i will say 5.

Marie' said...

I would say 12... and I am sure you have some cool decorations.

Janet said...

i will guess 24 trees! love your christmas quilts, they are extremely cute :)

Beth said...

My in-laws used to do 30. Full. Size. Trees. In their house. So I will put you at 18.

Anonymous said...

I guess 3!

Jessica said...

I think whole life I've wanted more than just one tree around my house!

The Giveaway Diva said...

wow love that!! soo cute!! sign me up!!!

Anonymous said...

mmmm i'm guessing 10!!


Anonymous said...

mmm i guess seven!!
hope i'm right!!!

Rhiannon said...

My brain is thinking 27 for some reason. But somebody already guessed that. Oh well, gotta go with your gut.

Marissa said...

very cute, maybe 9 trees.

Bronwyn said...

I guess 12 Trees to match the 12 days of Christmas song.

Anonymous said...

Okay, call me crazy, but I'm going to guess 27.

Allie said...

I want, want , want! Cool givaway! Thanks for the chance to win!
I'm going to guess that you have 13 trees, because that is what I think I have--

isabel f. said...

well.... I say 1 :DD
and I hope you have a great christmas :D
and I must say these little quilts are stunning!!!
hug Isabel

sfer said...

12! One for each month of the year :-)

Count me in!!


Bec Clarke said...

I guess 12, I don't know if that number is taken already but here's hoping

audreypawdrey said...

I am really late in the guessing (silly work getting in the way of blog reading) but my guess would be 8! I am thinking foyer, dining room, living room, den, kitchen, and one in three bed rooms. I love, love, love these little quilts! I

Karen said...

My guess is 15...hopefully I'm right! Your work is AMAZING!!!! Thanks for the chance to win a quilt!

em's scrapbag said...

My guess is lucky 7. Though this late in the game I don't know how lucky I will be.

Regi said...

I love your little houses, and for the magic number of trees...I guess.... 6... =D

Amanda Jean said...

I'm guessing 8!

your little christmas quilts are so stinkin' adorable! I love them.

Sue said...

I would have said 8 - because thats my lucky number, but thats already been guessed
So I will say 13 trees, cause thats my other lucky number *lol*


WendyLou said...

You're giving away a quilt?? You rock!! Hmmm ... I'll guess 36 trees.

Anonymous said...

I'm such a fan of your Christmas houses! what a beautiful and thoughtful giveaway gift! thank you so much for this giveaway opportunity!
oh your redwork quilt is going to be so lovely!! I love how the fans give an illusion of circles ~ so much motion for the eyes to look around!
I love Christmas decorating too! I have a small studio apartment so I'm limited to one pine tree and a smattering of smaller tree decorations around shelves and tables. So I have around 15 trees, and I guess that you have at least 35 trees you're decorating your house with!
Happy Holidays, Jacquie!

maggie said...

Love your quilts. I'm guessing 9 trees.

Nanci said...

Having so many trees that I decorate with I am going to guess 31. I absolutely love your tree and house quilts and really want to make one of my own, but winning one would be even better.

Merry Christmas and keep up the wonderful quilting, you are such an inspiration to all of us.

Anonymous said...

I'm guessing FIVE trees. I bet two of them are mini.

Unknown said...


or more....

Thanks for the chance

Anonymous said...

Gina B: 36 trees

Anonymous said...

I'm going to guess 8 :D

Nancey said...

I am guessing 12 for the 12 days of Christmas.

sewtakeahike said...

hmm, I'll have to say 33? Yep, that's it (I hope!). I love the way your quilt is coming together! I'm sure however you end up putting it together will be beautiful Jacquie. The red and white (or is it cream) look great together! Oh, one thing I thought of when I saw the latest photo was to shift the blocks of 4 around so the diagonal square blocks are all next to each other in each other in the quilt? Or maybe this wouldn't work since you have 3 sets instead of 4 across. I'm probably just confusing the matter. Don't mind me!

Lina said...

Oh my goodness, that's a good one! Love all the houses you've been making recently Jacquie. OK, how about 36?!!

michelou said...

Ok, I'm going to guess 37 trees. Only because all of the other guesses were taken!


Linda said...

My guess is lucky 7 :)


Kali said...

I'd love to enter your contest. Thanks for your generosity.


Sheri at The Loopy Ewe said...

13. And those quilts are adorable!

Diane said...

I would guess the total to be 11. Whatever it is I am so sure they are beautiful.

Susan W said...

In scanning through, folks seem to be going with big numbers, so I thought I'd try for a smaller one to see if I'm lucky! :) how about 2?

Liz said...

My guess is 22. You mught have little table top decorations that are trees so I'm thinking you'll have a lot.

Rebekah said...

i'm going with 27.

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

I think you have 17 trees to decorate your home.
Do we get to see a picture of each one?

Cheryl Arkison said...

14! And when you are ready you can send one to me as we are going treeless this year. Boo hoo.

Nichole said...

I'm going for 16 trees. Hope I'm right!

Anonymous said...

Love it! I guess 12. Thanks so much for the chance!

Hippie Family... said...

I am guessing 6.. I am in MO too, very close :D easy shipping:)

jenna said...

So cute! How many trees? Well...12 days of Christmas. so...12?

Sarah said...

I guess 62

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