Friday, April 3, 2009

I Love My Mailman

First, because he's a nice guy and he puts your packages up on the porch to keep them dry and protected and second because he delivers things like this! Feast your eyes...oogle it for a long time...look closely at the piecing and quilting. It's all mine and I didn't have to make it. This is the work of Jackie, of Canton Village Quilt Works (she's one of our project improv longarm quilters). Aren't we fortunate to have her!
I signed up for a Pay It Forward a year ago on Jackie's blog. Wasn't that sneaky of her to wait a whole year....I'd forgotten all about it and it sure made for a nice surprise. She sent a beautiful pin too, and chocolate. The pin is downstairs on my coat. Jackie, I adore this quilt. It's so me and it's perfect in every way. I can't tell you how it made my day. Thank you doesn't seem enough. I'll treasure this and make sure it has a special place in my house.
My mailman has also delivered all the scraps in this bag. This is my magic 'Scraps to Treasure' bag. So far it contains treasures from Stacey, Emily, Anna M., Lolly, Anna K. and Penny. Nine of us are sharing scraps and each of us has committed to making a project (or two), and the only requirement, we have to use all of the scraps. Our goal to finish projects is October. Penny is our fearless leader. Thanks everyone! I love what you've sent and my mind is churning with ideas to put them to use. You can see everyone's contributions and projects here.
I have been doing a few things besides the project improv tops...drinking lots of coffee and I made a cover for Bernie...dust is the enemy you know. (pattern is free from Spool)
...and more spidey many more to do.

Project Improv arrivals:
....they're coming like crazy now...thanks everyone...keep'em coming. Thanks for the emails letting me know when blocks will be arriving. You all are the best. CHECK THE SIDEBAR TO MAKE SURE YOU HAVE YOUR STAR.
Amanda KY - 2 blocks and cash for postage...thanks!
Beth KS - 1 block
Cheryl A Canada - 2 blocks (thanks for the fabric...yours finally made it to the post office. thanks for the CD too...the boy disappeared downstairs with it...)
Anna PA - 2 blocks
Carla MO - 1 block (great binding, Carla thanks! the pen will help for all those labels!)
Kat NC - 2 blocks (thanks so much for the fabric...i adore those letters and you know I love the color!)
Priscilla MI - 2 blocks (thanks for the tea...perfect! and the money will go right to postage...thanks!)
Amory TX - 1 block
Kajsa Finland - 2 blocks (thanks my made my day!)
Kate IL - 3 blocks (thanks for everything Kate...the fabric is perfect and I think a pillow for an auction quilt will be perfect (how about orange/pink?)
Carol T WI - 4 blocks (thank for the cash, sweet of you!)
Melanie WI - 1 block
Nani CA - 2 blocks
Gerrie - GA - 2 blocks
Stephanie HI - 1 block
AmandaJean WI - 1 block
Ashley VT - 2 blocks
Julie R VT - 2 blocks (thanks for the fabric's gorgeous...great binding for an orange/pink quilt!)
Mel UT - w blocks
Saranya Thailand - 3 blocks
Jean MD - 1 block
Jennifer F TN 2 blocks
Natalie Washington, DC - 1 block
Andrea WA - 3 blocks and money for coffee! thanks, you know i need that!
Heleen Netherlands - 2 blocks ( and a special heart from these two dutch gals!)
Corry Netherlands - 2 blocks
Iva KS - 6 blocks (thanks...Kansas represents!)
Jill D NY - 3 blocks
Melinda MO - 3 blocks (thanks for the cash...we'll put it to good use!)

We have some sun today to I'll try to get a photo shoot of all the quilt tops today. 10 more tops are done...that makes 17 total so far....more in the works!


Victoria said...

I want your mailman!
Jackie's quilt is beautiful! What a great gift and surprise!
The Bernie cover is super, (I think I may make one myself).

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh that's PIF gift, my gosh it's just wonderful, lucky, lucky you!!!

Michaela said...

You've got one amazing quilt there. What a beautiful colors in a perfect pattern. I've been thinking about the cover for my machine. Yours turned out great. Love it!

Anina said...

Beautiful quilt! I really need to get over my fear of curves.

Alissa said...

Geez - you busy enough?!? I don't know how you juggle it all! Happy weekend!

ilovebabyquilts said...

You are so busy! I am in the sidebar without a star, but am finishing my patriotic quilt this weekend and will be free to improv.

Everyone is invited to check out my blog post today called: I Do Everything Wrong and tell me what you do wrong!

Unknown said...

Awesome! I'm talking about you, Jacquie. And the gift quilt is awesome, too!

KateKwiltz said...

So when exactly are you sleeping? Looks like you haven't in a while!

That quilt is gorgeous! Lucky you!

Abby and Stephanie said...

Stunning. Jackie's quilt is magnificient too! Lucky you.

Unknown said...

17 so far!! Amazing how fast a couple of blocks can add up! Your quilt from Jackie is great -- circles :) her timing was perfect too!

msalleycat said...

Wow, you've put together 17 quilt tops from all the blocks we've made? That's amazing (both how much work you've done and how many people contributed). I have to say that I'm a little jealous that you got to see so much great patchwork up close & play with the layouts (one of my favorite parts of the process.)

Karen said...

What an A-W-S-O-M-E quilt. That's one that you'll see something different everytime you look at it;) Your scrap swap sounds like lots of fun. Can't wait to see what your creative mind comes up with;)

Carrie ~ Cricketwood Prims said...

How wonderful, love the quilt and the quilting. Enjoy it!

Vicki W said...

Your quilt from Jackie is awesome!

Jane's Fabrics and Quilts said...

Wow, that quilt takes my breath away, just stunning!!

Katherine said...

What an amazing quilt!

Unknown said...

I am so glad you are loving the quilt! I knew that you would like those colors. It makes my heart happy that I sent it to you, I know it will be loved for a long time to come. Okay, so I am ready to quilt some more of those project improve quilts! 6 are on their way back to you now. Let me know when you get them. They are in a really big box. Can't miss them.

Darci said...

I love the sewing machine cover. I have a pattern for a log cabin cover in one of my books I bought and I have been wanting to make it, but obviously I haven't yet.

Amy said...

I think I might love your mailman too! Wow that quilt is stunning.

kangaroo said...

that quilting--STUNNING.

Browndirtcottage said...

LOVE THE QUILT...Jackie is so 'fierce' !!!

Stephanie D said...

What a lovely PIF quilt! Just gorgeous!

17 quilts? That's a heap of blocks! And still you're working on the spiderweb blocks.

Are you sleeping at all?

Trisha said...

Wow! That is the most amazing Pay it Forward gift I have ever seen! Lucky you!

Eileen said...

I knew as soon as I saw the picture that was Jackie's quilt, and for a minute I thought I must be reading her blog! :-) What a wonderful gift!! You showcased it beautifully.

em's scrapbag said...

Jackie's quilt is gorgeous. The scrap swap sounds like so much fun. I look forward to seeing what becomes of it.

sewtakeahike said...

wow Jacquie, Jackie sent you a whole quilt for the pay it forward?? She is so generous!! It's just beautiful! So if we were neighbors, I'd keep you in constant supply of lattes and sewing company. I'm serious!

dutchcomfort said...

I want your mailman and your porch!

The quilt from Jackie is gorgeous! That’s some PIF gift to receive!

Good luck with all the blocks!

Beth said...

WOW! What a generous gift, and so beautiful!

And how exciting about the improv quilt tops!

Suzi said...

Do you have a tutorial on the dish/tea towel pillow cases?

MightyMom said...

oh my goodness those circles are geeeeeoooorrrrggggouse! wowzers!!

I need to make a cover for Kenny....I'll add it to my todo list!

Still thinking about that improv thing........but my fabric is quite wild. I mean even by YOUR standards it's wild. may not fit with your schemes...which would commit me to making an entire top....which is a bit much....

well, I'm still thinking.

Anonymous said...

I have started getting my scraps too! It is so much fun getting all this scrappy fabric mail! I am glad yours have arrived safely to you all the way from Norway. Your project is so pretty!

Shari said...

Jackie has done a wonderful PIF. So lovely.

Your scrap project sounds interesting and I love the spider web blocks!


Sharon said...

Wow, you are one busy lady! What a great PIF gift! How generous of Jackie!
I just adore your selvage Spider Web blocks! I think those are brilliant! That will be an awesome quilt...seriously!
Your Project Improv blocks and quilts are wonderful. This has really taken off, and you're doing a bang-up job. You're amazing!

Rebekah said...

that is an amazing quilt! I love the colors and the quilting that she did

Amanda Jean said...

are you kidding me? that is your pay it forward gift? amazing!!! it's gorgeous!!!!!