The opening on Friday was a wonderful night for me and I'm happy to be able to share it with all of you.
Have a glass of wine, or maybe some sparkling water. Please sign the virtual guest book (leave a comment). I'd sure like to know you came by.

This is a sampling of the work in the show. While I was busy greeting and chatting about the quilts my hubby was taking pictures. Bless his heart, he did his best with tricky lighting and folks moving around. Of the almost 200 pictures he took, these are the best ones.

People came and they enjoyed my work. They had lots of questions. One of the best parts of the night was answering their questions and talking quilts, talking art.

This is not a white glove exhibit. Becky, my local blog friend's daughter Grace had the right idea. Get close, touch them, and always check out what's on the back.

Another great part of the night, I sold 8 pieces, two of the larger pieces and 6 small pieces. I was thrilled, both for me, but for the clinic as well since 25% of the sales go directly to support the clinic.
Thanks to Becky and Sarah, both local blog friends who came to the show and brought their children. The kids made the night for me. They're so candid with their comments and their enthusiasm is contagious. I so appreciate the support.
I learned so much from the experience, and I have ideas for how to make the August and September nights even better. I'm hoping for a much bigger crowd for August since it won't be a holiday weekend. Next big night, August 7th from 5:30 to 7:30.
I think I might have made a contact from another gallery. Maybe this won't be a one time thing. I have so much sewing to do to replace those items that sold. Busy is good. I think Tallgrass Prairie Studio is now official.
Thanks for coming and sharing this night with me.
1 – 200 of 238 Newer› Newest»everything looks wonderful! congrats on your sales :) I love your quilts!
Love the virtual show - but really wished I was there in person. Your quilts have inspired since I found your blog. I raise my glass to you - you are a great and giving person.
SO beautiful! Congratulations... you can just "hear" your happiness in your post.
Amazing.. Wonderful.. Beautiful!!! Thank you for sharing your virtual quilt show with us - I wish I could have seen them in person. Congratulations!
Wonderful, congratulations!
They all look so great hanging up!! Thanks so much for sharing your moment with us :) Of course TPS is official - I never doubted you!
Gorgeous! And congratulations on your success - and the sales!
Congratulations! Everything looked lovely!
I absolutely adore the quilting on the black, white & gray quilt--the one that reminds me of a gallery wall with framed photos in it. The quilting is just AWESOME.
Congrats, Jacquie, so glad to see your success :)
congratulations on a geat show (with sales too!) and thank you for allowing us to be there through your blog.
Congratulations on a sucessful show Jacquie. I hope all the nerves left once everything got started. How exciting for you that you have the possibility of a different gallery.
Oh, congratulations Jacquie. I'm so proud of you. Way to put quilting on the map!
It's so nice to see a lot of your work together. Well done! and congrats!!!
Congratulations Jacquie! i am so very happy for you and your show's success!
What a beautiful quilt show. Thank you for sharing it with us. Extremely impressive. Congratulations on your sales. How many quilts did you have in your show?
wow those look beautiful hanging there! wish we all could have been there, it looks like it was alot of fun and a big success! Can't wait to see what you replace your sold items with! Allison
What a glorius showing of modern day quilts! They look just wonderful there...but will look even better in the homes of the buyers.
Congratulations on the first of many shows!
Congratulations! Everything is gorgeous!!!
Congratulations..........wonderful .
ciao ciao
Congratulations! It all looks wonderful, wish I could see in person. I'm glad the triptych arrangement made it in too; I love those pieces. And more congratulations on the sales! Thanks so much for sharing your work, you're an inspiration to lots of folks out there.
Unbelievable! It looks amazing. I'm going to send a link to my non-blogging friends to share the quilts with them as well. I really wish I could have just picked up and gone to Kansas (?) Missouri (?) - I forget which - to see you and the show.
the show looks like it was quite the hit and the quilts are hung beautifully! congratulations on your opening - i know how good they feel.
Congratulations...what a beautiful show. You are right about children, they bring such joy and honesty to any situation. Most of all, I love seeing Quilts as ART! A valuable lesson for me...
I'm so glad your show was a success! All of those quilts hanging there in one place makes a big impact, especially since I recognized so many of them. Thanks for sharing this. I only wish I could have seen it in person.
Congrats, what a beautiful exhibit!
Beautiful. Everything looked so perfect and I wish I could have been the little girl checking out the backs and feeling those gorgeous art pieces. Thatnks for sharing.
Congratulations Jacquie! Thanks for sharing. The show is wonderful and I’m so happy you sold quite a bit of quilts!
I think TPS was official before you noticed!
The quilts are so inspirational and just down right jaw dropping. I especially love the one with the random zig zag quilting accross the whole piece...
what a wondeful event. i wish i could have been there. beautiful quilts!
Can I just say how amazing you are?! I can't believe the amount of quilts you have produced(and that more are coming for the next shows-yippee!)while continuing to blog and take care of your family,etc.
Thanks for sharing your special night with us!
How fun! And I think it's great you didn't feel the need to constrict curiosity and require the white gloves. Great work :)
Congratulations!! The quilts look fabulous, and I'm sure they are even more lovely in person.
Double congrats on your sales!!
Thank you so much for sharing your big night! I love seeing all these great quilts together. I especially like the one with the sun in the middle with the houses on the edges!
Congratulations on your show! They are truly beautiful quilts...
I'll be honest...some of my best inspiration for quilting ideas comes from you...I take your idea, and tweek it just enough so it's "me"...thanks so much for sharing your beautiful talents with all of us!
Oh I wish I could be there to see all your creations, Congratulations, and thank you for sharing your talent with us
Beautiful Beautiful work!! I love them. I wish I could see them in person.
what an impressive and beautiful collection!
Truly works of art.
Woo hoo!! Awesome job on the sales! Thank you for posting pictures! I loved the virtual "tour". Your show is beautiful.
I think it's cool that you let people touch the quilts. Fabric is such a tactile experience- whether sewn or not. I have a terrible time keeping my hands in my pockets at quilt exhibitions.
How fantastic for you and the clinic! Thanks so much for sharing the show with us.
Congratulations - the show looks fabulous, I wish I could see it in person! And congrats on SELLING - woohoo! Your work is amazing!
Jacquie, I'm so glad the show went well!
I love the way the lighting highlighted the quilting -- it shows up really well in the photos!
Thank you for taking me along...what a beautiful gathering of your art. It is amazing what you have accomplished. Congratulations to you!
Jacquie, this just makes me happy and a bit misty does that to me...that and seeing the joy in a person I care for and respect.
Wish I could have come in person so thanks for the virtual tour. Every time you show us a new quilt I think that's my favourite; I love them all!
So glad it all went well for you
Chris x
Jacquie, I'm so happy to hear how great everything went. The pictures look wonderful. Congratulations on everything! You earned it. That's alot of sewing hanging on those walls. Well done!!
I'm so glad we finally found you. The quilts are more amazing in person. Thanks for letting us join in the fun and for letting Grace touch your quilts. That's all she talked about all weekend. Well that and you didn't yell at her for touching. :-)
The quilt in picture #5 is my favorite. I love the chunks of red here and there! Oh and the houses in picture #12 are so fun! I love your work. Thanks for inspiring me!
Wish i could have been there! the quilts are beautiful and your husband did a great job on pictures.
congratulations on your opening night, the show looks fantastic, and have fun designing and making the new quilts to replace those that sold - way to go!
Congrats Jacquie!!! You must be so proud. You deserve it for all the hard work you put into it. They are beautiful works of art.
Thanks for sharing. Looks so great and love those quilts. Congratulations! I am looking forward to see more....
Thank you for sharing your virtual quilt show with us - I wish I could have seen them in person. Congratulations!
Your quilts have been a real inspiration to me. I love your straight line quilting!
congrat Jacquie! Beautiful works..
Love the virtual show. Thanks for sharing, hope TPS would be bigger and greater along the way without leaving its 'mission':helping others :)
What a stunning show. Congratulations on a well-deserved milestone. Don't forget to savor the moment.
Official indeed. Congratulations!
Congratulations on a successful evening! I love seeing your quilts hanging on display. Just beautiful!
The show looks fantastic. Congratulations!
congratulations! they are beautiful.
it looks fabulous jacquie! How exciting for you. Are you in any of the pictures?? Congratulations
Jacquie, you were worried people wouldn't show. . . you silly woman! It looks fantastic! I'm so happy for you!
Wow, what a fantastic looking show! Congratulations on selling eight pieces too! Definitely an auspicious start to Tallgrass Prairie Studio.
muchas felicidades!!!! congratulations!!!!! your quilts have been a real inspiration to me, and actually i'm a big fan of you! thanks for sharing!!!!
This is so fantastic, Jacquie. It looks absolutely wonderful (tell your husband the photos are great!) and I so wish I could have seen and touched everything in person. My girls would have loved for me not to bark "don't touch it!" like I have to at all the other quilt shows. Spectacular. You done real good! ;0)
How exciting! Maybe next time I can swing a trip to come see the show in person!
Oh Jacquie, I am so so, so, glad for you. Way to go kid!!
Congrats on the show! I'm still in love with the gray/red quilt. Hey...weren't you going to send it to me? ; )
Good stuff!
Amazing and wonderful! I love the red, white and black quilt with the white and poke a dot boarder. So pretty. See, there was nothing to be nervous about! Good luck at your next show!!
Jacquie, your quilts look tremendous on the walls. I love the picture of the kid lifting up the quilt to see the back of it. I noticed all the lovely red dots on the labels of the quilts that you sold. Congratulations to you and the clinic. Good luck with the gallery contact; I am sure it will pan out ;)
I am so thrilled that it was a success! I would have loved to be there to see such beauty up close! Bravo!
I am so excited for you! I hope this is the first of many!
Everything looks wonderful! Congratulations on a beautiful exhibit and on your sales!I hope you continue to to have shows in the future.
Bravo!! Bravo!! What a great show and the pictures were terrific. Thanks for putting so many on. Excellent!
These are wonderful!!! Your husband did a great job with photos. It looks so good and I am so glad it went well and best of all you had a good time. Way to go Jaquie... Joy in the Journey!
Amazing collection of gorgeous quilts....I am so impressed with your courage to "put yourself out there." I can't get over how prolific you are...Your quilts have such variety in color, textures and designs...Thank you so much for the incredible inspiration and congratulations on your sales! Well done...and then some.
Congrats to you, Jacquie! Geez...I'm getting all motherly and giddy and teary-eyed with joy for you!
Your quilts always have such a presence here on your blog. Such life. But displayed? Oh my! I am touched even more by their character!
Best wishes continueing....
Congrats, you do beautiful work.
Congratulations!!! Thank you for sharing the show with us. I love that you had little quilties for sale - if I had been there, I would have bought at least one!
Congrats Jacquie, you must be so proud and excited. Thanks for giving us a peek at the show. Your work is beautiful and so inspiring.
Congratulations, Jacquie, on a fabulous opening! Your work is so beautiful and inspirational, and I wish you continued success with the show. Thanks for sharing! Jody
All those quilts are beautiful. Congrats on a great evening and on the sale of your quilts. You must be so proud!!
Wow. Just ... wow. I am in awe! It was so much fun seeing all of the old favorites from your blog back in the forefront. I feel like yours was one of the first few blogs that I really started following when I first began sewing and quilting, so I kind of "grew up" with your work! It was great to see them all, almost as a retrospective. I cannot wait to see what's next for Tallgrass Prairie Studio!!
wonderful! I'm so happy for must've been a dream come true. Congratulations!
Way to go!!! They are all gorgeous.
Wow Jacquie! WOW! It must have been so amazing to see all of your quilts in one place like this! Your "voice" is so clear and amazing. Congrats on the opening, congrats on the sales and congrats on feeling like Tallgrass Prairie Studios is legit! It certainly was before this but this is another step... Again congrats. Wish I could hop on a plane and be there next month...
I am so happy for you, Jacquie! What a thrill to see all of your beautiful quilts and hard work together, for others to see, touch, learn from, be inspired by, and enjoy! Huge congratulations for your well earned success!
i would LOVE to come to your next show!
Let me catch my breath, oh my what lovely quilts you have Jacquie. I can't imagine the spine-tingling thrill of seeing your creations up on those walls. What an honor, I wish I could have been there.
Fabulous! Congratulations! I'd love to know which ones sold. That gray and red one is one of my faves.
How incredible! It is like every quilter's dream. So glad this has happened for you. The quilts look fantastic hanging in a gallery. Glad to see that the trio got in. Congratulations, Jacquie!
What a wonderful show Jacquie!! I'm sure this is just the stepping stone to bigger and better things for you!
It looked like it was a wonderful time! I really wish I were there to see and touch your quilts too. That was nice, considering quilts are made to be loved, right? Congrats to you! Again, LOVE your blog!!
Yeah Jacquie - how exciting! Congratulations - your work is just amazing and it's so wonderful you get to share it with others like this. I love the grey quilts!!!
Congratulations!!! How incredibly exciting!
Congratulations! Thanks for being an inspiration!
how exciting! congrats!
Thank you for sharing the pictures from the show - it would have been so nice to see them in person. Congradulations on the show and on your sales. I'm curious which pieces you sold...
So exciting Jacquie. Wonderful photos and description of how you felt. I'm thrilled for you!
Oh good, I've been wondering about your show. I'm glad to hear that you enjoyed the opening and, apparently, it was enjoyed by many others, as well. Love the pics.
Thanks for sharing.
I love the mini quilts most of all. They look like candy, you could lick them. (Tactile exhibition, right?)
Great job! ^__^
That is just wonderful!! congratulations!! What a fantastic opening!
wow! congratulations on your awesomely successful first show--may you have many more.
Congratulation! A real coup for you and the quilts-are-real-art world!!
oh congratulations! It looks like it was awesome...and all those beautiful clever clever thing!
Thank you for post about your show. We've been following along since the evolution of the show and it was a treat to be there virtually. Really the quilts are works of art - so clever and creative. Each truly your own piece. Your blog and some others have prompted so many of us to break free of the traditional patterns and make our quilts into our own works of art too. Thanks!
Looks wonderful, Jacquie. I knew you wouln't be playing to an empty house...
Still hoping to make it in August or September.
SO MANY BEAUTIFUL QUILTS! I love the houses around the sun, and the colors you chose for the whirly-gig kind of one. You are one talented woman! Congrats on the show, and good luck with upcoming ones. Love the inspiring posts! :)
They're all incredible! Congratulations on the show!!
Congrats, you are livin' the dream! Your quilts are works of art. Wish I lived closer to come to a show, now that you're officially official and all.
Congratulations on your success Jacquie! You've really earned it.
I'm so happy for you! What a wonderful thing to donate a percentage of the proceeds. Sounds like you had a wonderful show, here's to many more!
Congratulations! It is just beautiful! I wish I could have been there!
Congrats!! This is a great accomplishment.
I especially love the white one with the little colorful houses on it. So sweet and simple - beautiful.
Thanks for the inspiration. I wish I could get up the guts to try a quilt.
I love all the quilts. They were all so fun. I'm so glad it went so well for you. I know you were a litte worried. But see you had no reason. Your work is beautiful. Congrats
Beautiful art!!
Congratulations. I'm glad that you enjoyed yourself and sold some pieces in the process...lucky new owners.
Beautiful! I would love to see your work up close. Inspiring! Congratulations on your sales. Francis C. Moore
WOO HOO! Looks beautiful...and SIX sales...that's AMAZING!
Glad it went well.
Andi :-)
I wish I could have seen it in real life. Thank you for giving us a virtual tour of your show! Congratulations. Have a great day.
Oh! How I wish I could have been there to see your show in person. It looks fabulous. Congratulations on a successful showing, sales and your bright future! Way to go!
How wonderful. (I see you got those little quilts with the hands in there!)
It all looks fantastic, and I'm so glad you sold some.
Well done!
Congrats on your show! I am a recent blog reader, so missed out on seeing a lot of this work before. I love the gray with red accents and the house one, but they all look beautiful.
The quilts look sensational all hung together. Well done.
Absolutely fantastic Jacquie! The show looked fabulous! Wish I could have been there in person. Congrats again. And I am so not surprised you sold 8 of those lovely works of art. So very cool! ooxxx my bloggin friend.
Congratulations. Your quilts are beautiful and I am glad you sold so many. The joy I derive from designing and sewing quilts is my payment, but it would be nice to get extra money to buy fabric. Luckily I have a very nice husband. Yours seems pretty understanding to take all those pictures for you.
Huge congrats to you Jackie on your exhibition and thanks so much for sharing some snaps of the exhitiion with us online..........
wow some sales to top it all off........
How absolutely wonderful!
congratulations! everything looks great... i only wish i could see them in person!
You did it, and you did it awesome! Congratulations on all your accomplishments!
Thanks for "inviting" me to your virtual show - amazing! Nice work and great luck on your future endeavors!
Gorgeous! I wish I could have seen them in person. I will hope for the August show. Congratulations, and thank you for sharing your lovely work!
Thank you for photographing and letting us walk through your show. I will post a connection so more can share the experience. Congratulations.
How exciting; I'm so happy for you!
Congratulations! The photos really highlight the colours and quilting and capture the atmosphere well.
So pleased for you...
Hugs - Shari
Jaquie, Thanks so much for inviting us to your virtual show - it is so beautiful! and i am thrilled that it went so well for you ....
clap clap clap clap clap !!!!
Looks brilliant Jacquie - I can only imagine the inspiration in the room with all those beauties in the one place. Well done on the sales and glad to hear it will be the first of many.
Wow! Thanks for inviting me in- the only thing better would have been there to see your work in person. Your quilts are beautiful. I feel so fortunate to have access to other quilters I would never have a chance to meet if they didn't blog. You all give me so much inspiration. Thanks again!
Way to go! How fabulous that you sold so much of your work, so you can buy more fabric to create more amazing work and also support the clinic. Truly a win-win. It must feel so wonderful to know others appreciate your creations and want to bring them home. I know it's hard with such large quilts, but I would love to see photos taken straight on while they are hanging vertically....
woo hoo!
that's fabulous.
no empty rooms for you my dear.
Awesome! Thanks for sharing your show with those of us who couldn't be there in person. Congratulations on a successful opening and 8 (EIGHT!!) sales! There's no reason you couldn't keep this up if you wanted. :-)
Wow, congrats! You should be so proud, your work is so amazing and truly inspiring. Thanks for the virtual tour.
I so wish I could have been there Jacquie!!! I'm excited for you in so many ways, the contact you made, your August and Sept shows and for selling 8 quilts and donating part of the revenue! So very exciting!
How exciting!!! It must be amazing to look around and think, "I made all of these." Congratulations!
Congratulations! I love that your quilts are being recognized as art - both the traditional and the non-traditional styles. Great work!
Wow, congratulations on your show! The lighting really shows the quilting and colors well. Who wouldn't want one of these on their wall?
Vicky F
What fantastic looking quilts! Congrats on a great show. I especially love the grey/red/white quilt in the 5th (?) quilt.
Everything is beautiful. I wish I could see them in person.
Congratulations on your successful show. They are all beautiful but I think I like the black, red and white ones the best. Thanks for sharing your beautiful work...Kathy
Congratulations on your show! They look so wonderful hanging there like the art pieces they are.
You did a great job --On the quilts, on the show, on the sales. Congratulations!!
Sarah P. Wyoming
Your art looks stunning on the walls. So beautiful, congratulations and wishes for continued success.
I knew it would be wonderful! So happy for you!
Was this apart of First Friday? I live in KC and missed it this Friday! If so, I hope you are doing another one next month! I would love to see your quilts!
Congratulations on your successful show! Your quilts look amazing displayed all together. It must have been very exciting to see so many people enjoying your hard work.
Congratulations on your wonderful night! Your work and words are an inspiration to me and I am so pleased to see you taking contemporary quilting to the masses! Bravo!
One word: FANTASTIC!!!
Wow! Very impresive, I wouldn't know which one to buy! Keep up the inspiration for all of us.
I'm so happy your show went so well! It looks like the lighting was just right to show off the quilting. Your work is so beautiful, you are so talented, I' so jealous lol. Congrats on your success!
TGPS is official is right!! i'm super proud of you.. it isn't easy to put yourself out there live and in person... and people came!! why you ever thought they wouldn't is beyond me... i just wish i could have been there in person!! and i love that it was a no white glove event! perfect!!
Very cool...great pics, your dh did a super job!
What an amazing, fantastic effort. Hats off to you, it's wonderful.
Congratulations, Jacquie! What an amazing event and how amazing it must feel. I wish I lived near by and could have been there.
Oh wow, that's awesome! They look so wonderful all together!
Congratulations - your show looked wonderful! I am so pleased it was a sucess!
Bravo, Jacquie! It looks beautiful.
Hi Jacquie, thanks so much for the personally guided tour;) Everything is absolutely gorgeous;) It must feel really good to know that you are officially 'official';) When you take your show on the road, I hope you will head my way...any thoughts on hosting a quilt retreat??? Sound like a good idea??? hint hint;) Beautiful...beautiful...beautiful;)
WOW! Everything looks beautiful Jacquie. Congratulations on your show. I hope there are many more. I wish I was there to see everything in person, but this is the next best thing. Thanks!!
Which ones did you sell??
Oh my gosh! You are so awesome! Thanks for sharing.
You are going to be famous and I'm going to say, Yeah she stopped by my blog once! :)
congratulations yet again. I am curious to see where you go next, now that you have a good chance to take in your body of work ... That is a wonderful sales record as well -- please drop me a line. Thanks.
Jacquie, I can hardly contain my excitement for you! I just wish I could be there to share it and actually do what the little girl is doing, getting up close and personal with your quilts. I am sending a big virtual hug your way, just phenomenal! You should be grinning from ear to ear. I would just love to be there is person. But this is definitely the next best thing. Congratulations!!
Great show, thanks :-)
WOW! What a magnificent display of art. Love the variety of colours, styles and aesthetic. Wish I could have been there in person. Thanks for sharing.
awesome Jacquie! a photo of you with your quilts somewhere?????
congrats what a great show. The quilts looks great. You will have to let us know about your next show maybe I could come.
Absolutely breathtaking...
wow! congratulations! the show looks amazing...i wish i could see it in person. and congrats on the sales as well!
Lucky guest book autograph #175!
Jacquie, congrats on a great show! Your work is absolutely stunning, an inspiration to me. If I lived closer we'd be there in a flash to touch those beautiful quilts. Well done.
Everything looks fantastic! Great job! Congrats on the sales too
The show looks JUST amazing! And congratulations on selling so many pieces, even if it DOES mean that you'll be really busy!
Gorgeous! I want to hug them all!
Thanks for letting us come along virtually :)
It looks amazing Jacquie!! Congrats on your success and thanks for posting so many pics, it's great to see all your lovely quilts hanging in all their glory!
So glad you didn't have to play to an empty house. The quilts look amazing, wish I could touch them. Good luck on your sewing to replace the ones that found new homes. :)
I am speachless, they are all so beautiful. Congratulations.
What a wonderful show!
wow, wee! very very nice! Are you in any of those pix???:)
what do you know, I actually am having a glass of wine! so so many gorgeous quilts!
Wow, that's such a great space and it's perfect to show off your work. Congratulations on the sales. TPS is definitely a winner. Enjoy this great moment!
Congratulations! It all looks stunning!
that is just so great! i am so excited for you and proud of you!! way to go!!! woohoo
the pix look fab
I love that grey /beige quilt with the black framed squares.
pretty awesome!
I've always been a fan of your work and it is great to see your show. Congrats on the succes and a thank you to your hubby for taking the pictures.
How wonderful! You must be so proud! I wish I lived closer, I'd love to see your quilts in person. Congratulations!!!
I am so happy for you! Sales and gallery and new quilts to make. It all sounds good and well deserved, too. And thank you for sharing it with us. You are a big inspiration!
just fantastic. your work is just stunning....congrat's on your show. i wish i could of been there.
I love the quilts! I was going to comment on which was my favorite, but I couldn't narrow it down. Thank you for sharing your great work.
How exciting!!! Congrats on the show - all the accolades are deserved!
Your quilts are so wonderful. Thanks for this virtual quilt show. I just love them. Thanks for sharing.
This is so thrilling!!! Good for you!
Wish I could be there!
Hi Jacquie! Just spectacular, and how exciting to have your quilts on display! I spent quite a bit of time this morning just admiring the photos of each quilt, and wishing I could have been there in person!! Congrats!
Congratulations! Fabulous show - wish I could have been there! Thanks for sharing the pictures, so glad all went so great!
WOW you must be so proud. I know I am. Great Job
Congratulations! What a great show filled with your hours and hours of work and creativity. You are a talented woman!
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