Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Lost in Cyberspace

Done and in Chicago by now. Hopefully it will be delivered to the new parents today.
I really love the colors they chose, so boyish, but not overly babyish. This should grow up with him awhile. It's definitely big enough to last past those infant days.
The back was one of those serendipity moments. I was planning a couple of zig zags for the back...sewed one of the sections wrong and didn't see it until I had cut it...took it apart and put it back together this way. I thought it looked pretty cute.
This might turn out to be another quilt design. I love those serendipity moments...after I get over the initial 'screwed that up' moment.
Thanks for the comments on my test post. Been struggling with my posts showing up on bloglines and now google reader. I thought maybe it was me being a MAC user, or my browser (so I tested with safari or firefox). (No I'm not going on a safari!) I've heard from some of you that I'm not the only one with this problem. I did figure out that if you resubscribe in bloglines and choose the second feed listed when it gives you feed options, that one is working. In google reader I have to refresh to get the posts to show up. It's so frustrating to not understand the whole feed thing. My hope is that you all can find me....I don't want to be lost in cyberspace.


Anonymous said...

True confession. I'm not a fan of zig zag quilts.

But I LOVE this one and now I want to make a zig zag!

You're always so inpsiring.

Thank you!

Anonymous said...

And also - I LOVE the back! :)

Ashley said...

I absolutely love this quilt jacquie! the colors are wonderful, and the quilting is just perfect! oh, and the back - love!

Kerri said...

so stunning, jacquie!! i'm sure it will be well loved for many years to come!

Eila said...

Beautiful quilt!

Thimbleanna said...

Oh Jacquie -- this quilt is just fabulous! What a perfect quilt for a little boy! I love the way you quilted it too!

Sherri said...

This is a great quilt...and even more spectacular quilted!

S.K. said...

like so many others I love this quilt. You are right about the colors being something he can grow up with. I love, love, love it. I need to be a little more brave with the colors I choose. Thanks for the inspiration!

Vicki W said...

I love the diagonal quilting that you did on this.

BoogaJ said...

Gorgeous! I love those colors and The quilting is fun!

Anne said...

I am on a Mac using Firefox and Google reader and all of your posts are coming through just fine!

Love the accidental placing of the zigzags!

Alissa said...

LOVE the quilt! And you're right - the back is wonderful. Totally deserves to be a whole quilt. And I get you in my Google reader with no problems! I find that it sometimes takes FOREVER (hours and hours) for my posts to go through to my reader (I subscribe to my own blog so that I can tell) but eventually they always go through...

Kathy - Pink Chalk Studio said...

The back is perfect! I'm on a mac and using google reader and have not missed any of your posts. I had a similar issue about two weeks ago where Google Reader stopped picking up my feed even though Bloglines was working. Everything is OK now without me doing anything, I think it was a glitch on their end.

Aimee said...

Love, love, love the quilt! And the back is fantastic - what a happy accident!

Dena said...

The quilt looks nice and I especially love the backing... mistake and all. Actually, I would not have known of the mistake on the back if you hadn't said anything. lol

Tine said...

The quilt is gorgeous! I love the new design on the backing :)
Please don't get lost in cyberspace, I would miss you!!

Evelyn said...

Love the back! And the quilting! It turned out so fantastic. And I have to add to the chorus - I'm getting you in google reader just fine.

Twisted Quilts said...

I absolutely love this quilt and I love the way you quilted it. My next quilt might have to be a zig-zag. Please tell me it isn't as hard as it looks. Did you ever do a tutorial on Zig Zag?

connie said...

I love this quilt and I especially like your mistake. I love it when things turn out like that. I have to tell you that I got a call from my mom the other day and she was looking at blogs and had to call me and see if I had seen your zig zag quilt. She loved it.

Computer stuff is very frustrating. I hope it all works for you.

Cheryl Arkison said...

Love the quilting on this one.
Oh, and so you know, I've got no problems with your feeds in Reader.

Unknown said...

Great zig-zag! I love the colors they choose too - your quilting is a really nice compliment too! Yummy brown on that back, with the good opps :)

calicodaisy said...

Zig-zag great! I love the back fabric. I always see your new posts on Google Reader, so you're safe there right now.

Di~ said...

I. LOVE. THAT. QUILT! au! That chain diamond thingy on the back is THE BEST!!!

Anonymous said...

Love it, love it, love it. I love that it is so boyish and not babyish. Something I definitely would want for my baby boy due in November. Awesome.

nettie said...

i love this quilt! it's perfect...i just absolutely love the colors.

kathy said...

I read on google reader, and I don't think I've missed anything. Love this quilt--especially the back. YOu're right the colors are nice and un-babyish.

Kristin L said...

Beautiful quilt. Love the colors! And the zig zags!

Amber said...

It's gorgeous - and the back is amazing! You are showing up fine in my Google Reader :-)

Cheryl said...

I love it and the back is awesome! You're such an inspiration to me!

EmileeHope said...

I absolutely adore the back of this quilt!! So so cute!! Great job, you are amazing!! (Love the colors too!!)

Jessica said...

Finding fabrics that are boy but not babyish or characterish is challenging. I love the fabric and the zigzag pattern...especially the back!

Cara said...

Oh, I love the boxes created on the back. You're right, that needs to be a quilt of its own. Can't you just see some simple embroidery or applique inside the boxes?

Kristi said...

Wow!! I LOVE this quilt. The back makes me want to make a quilt based on it--too cool!

sko_G knits said...

that is a very happy accident, it's beautiful. i can almost see the DNA strands in the design.

Carla said...

Don't worry, you'll never be lost to your fans. Great quilt. I'll have to try one of these zig zag quilts. I'll but it on my long list.

Diana said...

The zigzag quilt is beautiful, and I'm sure he'll love it. I took your advice about resubscribing in bloglines with another feed and so far it is working! Yay!

Cristin said...

What a lovely NON-baby quilt! LOVE the color combo! I'm sure the parents will love it! Well done!

Jane's Fabrics and Quilts said...

Oh, I found you!! What a super quilt, love the front, love the back, adore the quilting. they will just love it too!!!

Calico Road said...

Wow, i love baby quilts that aren't so BABY. Also, the quilting on this is a great design! Love the back, your screw up turned out awesome!

Paula said...

This quilt is drop dead gorgeous! LOVE the fabrics and colors....your work is just so inspiring!

Lauren McFeeley said...

Beautiful! I love the quilting!

Anonymous said...

I love that it is so boyish and not babyish. Something I definitely would want for my baby boy due in November. Awesome.


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Jodie said...

Crazy ! Today you are in my reader with 14 posts !!!
The quilt is beautiful.

Jilly said...

This is a great little boy quilt! I love the mix of fabrics,and the back is great.

I'm on a pc in google reader and I've been getting your posts fine. Hope you get everything worked out soon.

ellen said...

What a fabulous quilt. I love the colors and the "zagness"!
You are back here too (bloglines). Yipee.

Anonymous said...

Jacquie, it's beautiful!!! What a lucky baby!!

Sequana said...

Jacquie, I use Bloglines - I got FOURTEEN of your blog posts this morning.....what a feast for my eyes that was......*S*

I was wondering where you'd been.

I feel the aura of that baby quilt up here in Chicago today.

MightyMom said...

love the quilt,

but DAMN I was really looking forward to that giraffe picture!

Nanette Merrill said...

Your quilts and projects are like a breath of fresh air. Love them. Love this.

Judy S. said...

Nicely done, Jacquie. I LOVE it.

Colleen Lunt said...

Would you mind describing the block that makes the zigzag? I am having trouble seeing the different blocks because yours blends so nicely.

Candace said...

I love it, Jacquie! I made one years ago and let it set for another year as I struggled with how to quilt it - and I never thought about doing it the way you did - your quilting really sets of the zig-zags - and with the colors it's fantastic!

KateKwiltz said...

Love both sides, but especially the back! What color is that dark solid? It looks incredibly RICH!

sewtakeahike said...

super duper sweet Jacquie!! You know I'm all about the quilting right now and I love how the quilting really accentuates the plaid fabric you've used. Oh my. Plaid quilting! I've gotta do that on something!!

msalleycat said...

You're not lost to me and I have been using Google Reader since I started regularly following quilting blogs last year. (and I would be aware really quickly if I were missing anything Tallgrass Prairie.)

Jenny of Elefantz said...

I never tire of your quilting, Jacquie!! Your Christmas in July swap items gave me the urge to try machine quilting myself and I am so hooked! I love the're an amazing inspiration!

Stephanie D said...

Those are great colors for a boy's quilt! It's terrific!

Katherine said...

It's perfect! I love zig zag quilts and yours is gorgeous.
Wish my "screwed that up" moments reaped such clever results. ;o)

Shelina said...

I just got a bunch of your posts on my bloglines. You are no longer lost in cyberspace! I had another friend that happened to also - I would imagine it is a bloglines problem and not yours. I'm glad you are back. This is a beautiful quilt. I have a zig zag quilt on my to do list. The way you did the back is amazing. Now I have yet another thing to add to the to do list.

Rebekah said...

what a fantastic quilt! I love the backing diamonds too...what a great way to cover up a mistake

Amanda Jean said...

i LOVE the zig zag thingy on the back. that would make an adorable quilt've got me thinking. :)

Julie @ Jaybird Quilts said...

i like what you did on the back.. super creative!

Heidi said...

Lovely quilt! I'm a big zig-zag fan and find myself making them in my own quilts. The back is so much fun! No doubt the new little owner of the quilt love it!