Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Hot Spots

"Hot Spots'...cute name for a quilt, don't you think? The name was inspired by where I am right now. I'm in the car somewhere in the middle of Iowa traveling on I 35. The coolest thing about my mifi (the internet we use at home) is that I can pop it into my purse and turn myself into my own mobile hot spot. How fun is that!

We're on our way with Jon to take possession of his new studio apartment in St. Paul. 16 hours of driving in 24 hours. What I will do for my children!

Back to the quilt. It was originally simply 'Circle Experiments.' I told myself one day that I wanted to learn how to piece circles and make the templates for circle blocks, so I did. Half circles, quarter circles and circle within a circle are all in this quilt. They're really not that difficult at all. I love the look of pieced circles and I didn't want the blocks to go to waste so I made this quilt. That said, I'm not really thrilled with this quilt. It's pretty static...for as much as I love circles, I could have done better with this.
I did some more of my organic line quilting on this one. I adore the texture and the movement created by that kind of quilting.
The back is pretty, but also just ok in my book.
At least it's off my list and off my mind. I'm not sure what to do with this one. I'm hoping I'll have time for one more finish after I get home. Wish me luck!


Jean said...

Well, it looks good to me. I love red and I love circles. Thanks for sharing. I am about to start some sort of circle quilt for my grandson, so I like seeing this. I'd really like to see the whole thing.

karen @ badlandsquilts said...

I like the red & ivory fabrics in the quilt...safe driving to you...the roads are much better now than last week I'm sure (I live in a MN burb). Check out Treadle Yard goods in St. Paul if you have time!

Anna said...

they look amazing. Tell your son good luck in St. Paul (i'm only a couple hours drive south - hehe, not that he cares). Anyway, it's a great town.

kimland said...

Ok, I guess there is something wrong with me. I like this, big dots amoungst the litlle dots and the quilting ia a compliment. I could help this quilt find a home if need be! just kidding, it's good...really!

carol said...

Actually, I'm thinkin' that your circle quilt is quite spectacular! LOVE the colors!!! So, if you really hate it that much, or don't know what to do with it, I can supply my address and you can ship it right here. (I'll love it for you!)

Cheryl Arkison said...

I'm sure there will be a baby somewhere that will enjoy that quilt one day!

The circles work for me, but that Denyse Schmidt does not. Good finish all the same!

AnyoneCanQuilt said...

Oh Jacquie I love love LOVE this quilt! Love the circles, love the colors, love the quilting. It's gorgeous!! x

Abby and Stephanie said...

Circles are my favorite so I'm loving this quilt. As for the children...the moving and the driving and the hauling...it's my life now but so happy to be able to help.

Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

If you didn't experiment you would always wonder, what if? I think you will like this one later. I've often made one I thought was HO HUM and then later when I came across it I wondered what didn't I like about it in the first place.

I remember driving the high school cheerleaders to camp in WI and IA. We had the air conditioning go out on the car in 90+ degree weather on one of the trips. Yes, what we do for our kids.......... and we love every minute of it.

Rose said...

Ugh, my finishes are nonexistent, so I suppose I'll be counted out for this round!! Just no time for sewing these last few weeks. I don't know what you're talking about though, that quilt is absolutely gorgeous!! Love love love it!!

Browndirtcottage said...

TERRIFIC QUILT!!! I think you are
being too hard on yourself about this one! It's so unusual and I
think extremely interesting!!
I just can't seem to quit looking
at it....and since you don't know
what to do with it...you can send
it my way....HA!!!
Good luck and be safe on your long
haul with Jon!!

MightyMom said...


instead of "static" think "calm".

calm is good.

Luna said...

I think it is great! If it needs a home ;-) I'm here!

Twisted Quilts said...

Love the circles and the back. How many times have we moved a child from one place to the other. Every time my husband says never again! They will always be our babies no matter how old they get.

Marie said...

cool! be careful lots of snow / ice / crap on the way thru So Minneota -- trust me I've shoveled most of it!

love the cicles & dots!


Valerie said...

You're so tough on yourself, I think it's a marvelous quilt! WTG on those circles, I'm not brave enough to even try...

Jessica said...

Let me just chime in to disagree with you here...I think this quilt is just gorgeous. Especially like how the red sashing on two sides offsets it a bit. Really, I love it!

Aimee said...

Gorgeous! I love it!

Crystal said...

I'm stunned by this quilt! I love the tiny circles paired with the huge circles! I've wanted to try a circle quilt (or just one block, knowing me) for a long time now. If you say it's not that hard, maybe now is the time to give it a try! :)

Also, I work in St. Paul and I highly suggest your son take a tour of the State Capitol someday. It's spectacular and free! And the tour takes you up on the roof to see the golden horses which is awesome.

Good luck with the move, it's really icy here this week!

nettie said...

well i LOve it. your circles are perfect.

Carla said...

You make me challenge myself to try circles now. You quilt is very lovely.

Victoria said...

Well, I like it, and think it's pretty damn cool looking!

Safe and happy travels, you are indeed a good Mom!

MichelleB said...

It's a lovely quilt, and it certainly looks as if you've mastered circles!

Iowa Linda said...

I'm in Iowa waving to you! Love love love this blog! So inspiring.

em's scrapbag said...

Good luck with another finish. I posted the journal cover I made for a prize for your motivating challenge on my blog today if you want to check it out.

Jane's Fabrics and Quilts said...

Love, love, love it!! The back is great silly girl!
And you are right, what we will do for our "babies"

Sharon said...

Absolutely FAB! You are too hard on yourself, I love the placement of the dots fabrics and your quilting really compliments the design. LOVE IT!!

Anonymous said...

I think it is lovely!!!

Alissa said...

Well if this is your "just ok" then clearly your standards are high! I love it. Beautiful work. Happy new year!

Kelly O. said...

hmmm... you're having trouble deciding what to do with this one, eh?
Well,I could send you my address?
I mean to help you out, after all...
I'd pay postage :)

p.s. seriously though, you could give it to a charity to raffle off...

dutchcomfort said...

It’s OK to be not that easily satisfied when making quilts, but they don’t all need to be 120%, do they?

I do love your circular quilt and the backing is gorgeous too!

Diane said...

My mom always said that children were born with wings---to fly off into their own lives and become who they are meant to be---without us. Now and then they just need a little help with the navigation....And yes, there are things I wouldn't have done for anyone EXCEPT for my children.

The quilt is lovely. I think Wanda is right. You may come back to this quilt in the future and really like it. I have had a few like that---much to my surprise. Safe and happy traveling!!!!

Vicki W said...

Cool quilt!

Rebekah said...

love this quilt! You really nailed the positive and negative circles...I pulled out some of this flea market fancy fabric today to admire it...it's such a cute pattern and colorway

Unknown said...

Terrific quilt! Circles and curves are a cinch! Aren't they great? I kind of find them addictive after a while. If you are not sure what to do with it, I know where it can find a home...

Stephanie D said...

Well, I like it and I don't think it's too static.

If it's feeling a little unappreciated, I know a really therapeutic place for it.

julie said...

I too love it, round and red, can't get any better than that.

sara said...

love the quilting on this and the colors. I'm sad to say that I only got 1 project done for the joy in the new year, with family in town for the last few weeks it is hard to find the energy or time. I would love to see you do another challenge in the new year to ward off the doldrums of winter. I know it may not be as hard to get projects done, but the encouragement would be great! I have some big projects I'd like to start in 2010!

Sweet Baby Jamie said...

I love it!! I have yet to try to accomplish circles. Hey, if you don't know what to do with it, I'd be happy to take it off your hands :)

Adina said...

Prospero año nuevo!

aSprinkling said...

So great! I love it! I'm into solids right now and that red is my favorite! I'm also thinking of making a circle quilt. Are you going to put up some tips (or a tutorial)?

peaknits said...

Wow - this is so fun! I love it - and your circle inspirations!

Thimbleanna said...

It's beautiful Jacquie -- I love all the circles! Good Luck with that one more! Happy New Year!!!

Juliejaz said...

Yes, what we won't do for our children? My answer is - not much.

I love the circles! It's a beautiful quilt.

Gigi's Thimble said...

It's a beautiful quilt! I love the circles. It's very striking!

Deb said...

Fantabulous as always! If this is one you don't like too well I'd love to see one you think is awful haha! Your work is amazing and upbeat. Happy New Year!

Ginger said...

I love this circle quilt. It looks great. I have started trying to work more with circles too after seeing a sewing show put them together. It was not as hard as I thought it would be either, but I still need to work on it some more. I love your quilts!

brigette said...

looks fantastic!!
and, BIG and...
you now know how to make circles and templates!

A Spoonful Of Sugar said...

Love the quilt name! I have a circle quilt on my list of quilts to make this year - yours has been most inspiring Jacquie!

Hope the move for Jon went smoothly.

Best wishes for an extra special 2010 - we look forward to following your quilting adventures this year.

Shelina said...

I like the quilt, and the name. Sounds very appropriate to your travels and your mifi connection.

Julie @ Jaybird Quilts said...

cute name & adorable quilt!!

Stevens Family said...

I LOVE this quilt. I want to try my hand at one. Mind sharing a tutorial how you did it and how it came together?

Deb said...

I second that...a circle tutorial would be fun :D