I knew when the top was finished that this quilt needed more than I could give it. I'd recently met a longarm quilter through the KC Modern Quilt Guild. Though her quilting impressed me it was her passion for her work that came through right away and was the reason I approached her.
I shared this quilt with her one night and we talked. She touched it like I did, with awe, and studied it with an artist's eye. Her name is Angela Walters, and she is the genius behind the quilting on this quilt. We collaborated on the design, but the idea and the execution are hers. And while this wasn't the inspiration for the quilting, I think it looks like the antique tin ceilings that are found in some of the older buildings in town. It has a modern and vintage feel simultaneously. The quilting transforms the quilt.
I have very little experience working with longarm quilters. I love to quilt my quilts myself. I love simple quilting and graphic, harder shapes. I don't like flowers or lacy things, but look how those things enhance the work I did on this quilt. I loved working with Angela for a lot of reasons, but mostly because she quilts for the same reason I do, love of the process. She simply loves what she does. She's a risk taker, has mad skills, and she is willing to push herself and me into places we've never been. Lastly, she's an artist in every sense of the word. Imagine where we can go together...
I am not usually a commenter, but I just felt moved to let you know how awesome this quilt is.
The green connecting your webs is perfect.....
Thanks for sharing this quilt.
This turned out beautifully -what a great collaboration between two artists! I agree, it does remind me a bit of tin ceiling tiles. Great job, I absolutely love this!
Wow. Wow wow wow. I love how the quilting just ties everything together and really makes those "blank" areas sing. You two need to take this show on the road!
A stunning quilt top, those webs are amazing!
I can see why you are so impressed with Angela's work...breathtaking.
For my larger quilts, I always use a long arm quilter (mainly because I am yet to jump into free motion), they really can add so much to a quilt.
I can't say enough how much this quilt blows my mind! As if the selvage spiderwebs weren't enough, the quilting is just magnificent. Wonderful collaboration.
This is the most amazing quilt I have seen in a LONG time. I have loved watching it take shape through your posts about it, and when I saw the quilting it made me catch my breath. I am SO inspired by your quilt! PERFECT!
Quilted to perfection - I love it! What a great way to embellish an already gorgeous quilt, this quilt will surely become a family heirloom.
it's fabulous.
I have no idea what to say- stunning is not enough.....
I second Jodie!!! Truly amazing, jacquie!!!
Fantastic combination of quilting and quilt, unexpected and beautiful!
Lovely cooperation of two brilliant women's artistry.
Congratulations !!!
WOW!!! this took my breath away. It is more spectacular than I could've ever imagined. Great work the both of you. You have certainly set the bar high. I love it.
as they say "quilting makes the quilt" and this quilt is proof. It definitely turned out gorgeous!
I so agree, Angela is an artist! With your talent and her talent the two of you really produced a masterpiece.
What a masterpiece! I am nearly speechless.
Truly stunning. The quilting enhances your beautiful piecing perfectly.
wow that quilting is perfect! I love it! I'm about to take the plunge with a long arm quilter soon and I hope that enjoy the collaboration as much as you have!
Wow - not only the quilt, but the quilting are just spectacular. A terrific partnership is obviously in the making!
What an amazing project! I love how it has come together. I think the possibilities are endless, I really do!
Beautiful marriage of quilt and quilting. Absolutely love it.
Amazing, Lovely, Beautiful !
I am only starting to quilt in my free time and your work is an inspiration.
It is my dream to be able to create something that looks this wonderful....don't think it will ever happen, but this is just amazing. The quilting is perfect for this quilt....it is simply the best thing I have seen in a while!
I've found that while the piecing can awesome, it's often the quilting that really ties the whole quilt together in more ways than one. This one is the telling tale! You have found a friend, my friend! I can only imagine the music you will make together!
It really is beautiful! This is one of my favorite quilts that I have ever seen. It is so stunningly beautiful.
You both did a fantastic job! Love the quilt and the quilting.
this is BREATHTAKING. the quilting really does transform it. it's so beautiful.
Just gorgeous! I have been saving my selvages to make a selvage quilt too. Have you sent a picture to Karen Griska at the selvage edge?
The quilt is beautiful. The quilting is the perfect design. I so want to make a selvage quilt!
Hey Jacquie, Your quilt looks great! It is the contrast of the curvy quilting on top of the more angular piecing that makes this quilt sing! I love your commentary about passions and artistry. Well said. Enjoy staring at your quilt and I hope you have sweet dreams every time you sleep beneath it. Happy quilting!
Wow, that is so beautiful! I wish I could see it in person. Congratulations!
Wow, wow, wow! The top was fabulous, and the end piece is even better! What a wonderful collaboration!
Wow Jacquie! It's GORGEOUS! I've been on the fence about these strip types of quilts, but this one is fabulous!!!
Fantastic! The combination of your design and her design are incredible.
Yes! Vintage modern! I love that look and was trying to explain it to someone the other day. You have used it well here to describe this marvelous quilt! I love working with my friend who does long arm quilting, too. My friend, Karen, is fairly new to it, but she is picking up skills like crazy. It is so fun to talk design with her, and to put your quilt in the hands of someone who will value it the way you do is pretty special. It's fun to share the passion.
true beauty! well done Jacquie!
Mad skills for sure!! This is one of the prettiest selvedge quilts I've seen. Love the light blue!
Just fantastic!
WOW! The quilt and the quilting are a perfect pair. It is hard to see where your work ended and the quilter's work began. That is the making of a great quilt ( if you ask me).
The quilting on this is just gorgeous. You're right--it really enhances the quilt. Stunning.
Well done! On both counts -- the quilt top AND the quilting. I love it!
That is one awesome quilt!
Simply stunning.
It's wonderful. The piecing, the selvages, the green background, the spiderwebs, and of course,the quilting. congrats on a great finish!
I'm speechless!!!! Just spectacular! Thank you for sharing so many pictures!
My jaw literally hit my keyboard when I saw this quilt. It is absolutely INCREDIBLE. I loved your selvage webs before, but you are right....that very detailed and wonderful quilting completely transformed and highlighted them. STUNNING!
Wow, wow, wow! It turned out beautiful and the quilting is wonderful!
Wow! I love it! That is a stunning quilt. The quilting is perfect too.
Well done, my friend! Great color choice for the background ...
Simply stunning!
I'm usually one to never comment - but this is stunning!! The quilting and the quilt!
It is truly a fabulous quilt.
that is THE MOST BEAUTIFUL quilt i have ever seen! the quilting is perfect. what are you going to do with it? please say you are going to display it somewhere in your house. please say you are going to see if you can display it somewhere in your town. our local library displays a quilt a month. i love seeing them. please say you will sell it to me!
Absolutely stunning...every bit of it!
wow! lovely what work you two did, congrats, that is a keeper!
Amazing! Awesome! Spectacular!
every single thing about this one is simply INCREDIBLE!!!!!
Oh, my the finished product is incredible!!!! I have seen salvage quilts but this is by far the very best! The quilting is so wonderful too. A total package. Perfection.
That quilt is AMAZING!!
I have one word that sums up this quilt..
Gorgeous! Absolutely gorgeous. What do you plan on doing with the quilt? Will you hang it up or use it on a bed?
this quilt is A.MAZ.ING. and the quilting is just perfect. Congrats!!!
I'm so obsessed with selvages, and this is truly spectacular. And when you can find a longarm quilter with mad skills, you are lucky indeed. Great collaboration.
Congratulations Jacquie!
Just wanted to tell you how beautiful your quilt is. Thanks for sharing it with us!
That is a beautiful quilt. I love just looking at it and all the stitches.
It's so beautiful and I'm sure in person - even more so! Love it!
I've worked with a long-arm quilter recently too and it's been fun, we both went out of our comfort zones a little (me the control, her new designs) but really exciting.
That is certainly a happy marriage!! I look forward to seeing what you two come up with next. It's so fantastic to find a collaborator that shares your passion. This is a stunning quilt made from humble scraps that most quilters toss in the bin!
Amazing! Love the detailed quilting between the blocks.
It's amazing how the piecing, which is incredible, and the quilting, which is sublime, combine to become so much more than the sum of their parts... truly a work of art.
I have been looking forward to this day for a long time. What a beauty!
It really DOES look like tin ceilings! Both of you did a great job!
Wow, this is incredible artwork; both the quilt and the quilting!!
Very awesome Jacquie! I love everything about this quilt!
I love, love, love this. I guess I will start saving my selvage now.
I think this quilt is AMAZING. I love it so much. So creative and beautiful. Wishing I would have saved all my selvage up to this point. Love it.
Gaaah. This is absolutely fantastically gorgeous. You hit the nail on the head with "vintage/modern", because that is exactly the feeling this quilt gives. The selvedges are amazing, the quilting is amazing, together it is a masterpiece. Well done!
Fantastic! What a great collaboration. The aqua (?) fabric is a great foundation for your blocks. -- michele
This quilt is amazing! The quilting completely compliments the quilt and I love your choice of aqua (my personal favorite color) for setting off those selvage blocks! Beautifully done!
i know exactly how you feel... of all the quilts i've made.. i've only ever had 3 of them quilted by anyone else... i may not have the crazy skills that long arm quilters do.. but i like knowing that the work is 100% me... but i did just finish a top & send it out.. because after "talking" with the quilter for a while.. i decided that this top needed quilting that i couldn't do... your quilt is absolutely beautiful! .. and i'm sure it is going to be treasured for a very long time! {i hope it has a label!}
gorgeous......your long armer sure did justice to this quilt.........
When you used the words vintage and modern I had a little smile, because those were my exact same thoughts!
Definitely an inspired collaboration. Such a lovely finish.
What a treasure! I'm speechless!
This could not have been quilted more perfectly. I have been wanted to do a spiderweb for a long time and this might be the thing that kicks me into gear!
Love it.
I usually don't care for selvedge quilts or spider web quilts, but this one is absolutely gorgeous! The quilting really made it amazing! Congratulations!
Sheryl K.
Absolute perfection. I think this was truly a match made in Heaven. (I can almost hear Angels singing over this quilt!) Hope the two of you collaborate again... the results are spectacular.
Ooh... aah. It's gorgeous! The quilting is fantastic. What a treasure.
Wow! the quilting is so so gorgeous and perfectly accentuates and compliments your selvage quilt so well! Angela is a long arm quilting artist!
What a fabulous collaboration! That is one STUNNING quilt! Congrats to you and Angela.
You are right to be proud. This quilt is amazing. Very beautiful collaboration. The quilting really sends it over the top.
I love it!!!! I have a picture of another spiderweb selvage quilt someone made hanging on my project to do wall....can you tell me how you did it??
One more "WOW!"
I have been watching the progress of this quilt with fascination; the end result is beyond what I ever imagined.
What an incredible collaboration of two artists. Yes, the quilting is incredible, but it is clearly inspired by the mosaic of the top.
Bravo! I expect to see this on some magazine cover or with ribbons all over it in a show very soon!
Unbelievably beautiful!
Such a beautiful work of art. What a wonderful collaboration. I need to know the name of the solid aqua fabric you used, please!
Just when I thought I could not love this design more, I find that with the quilting, I do. Kudos and cheers to you both!
WOW WOW WOW!!!!!!!!!! You 2 make an AMAZING AWESOME STUPENDOUS PHENEMONAL CRAZY quilting duo...drooling here! Great job!
I was going to compliment you on how wonderfully the quilting enhanced the quilt and how pleasantly unexpected it was (the quilting, not that the whole package looks great). So, I'll compliment you on finding the perfect quilting partner, and congratulate Angela on her creative stitching. :-)
It really is lovely! There are a number of these selvage quilts around but yours really shows how the quilting can make a quilt truly special.
You two work beautifully together.
absolutely gorgeous! That quilting is phenomenal!
classically beautiful
wow, jacquie. it's amazing.
Beautifully breathtaking. What an amazing collaboration of talents... and the result is a true piece of quilt art. I am sure this quilt will be treasured and loved for many generations to come.
FYI...i just finished listening to your son's music...and I would have to agree that he is mad talented!! If you could let us all know when his music is available for purchase, that would be awesome. It would be the perfect musical gift for my little sister.....
The quilting on this piece is so amazing! I muddle along using my mother-in-laws longarm, but have never really made it past meandering. How lovely and inspiring!
I know you already have a million comments on this post, but may I add mine? Your quilt is gorgeous, I have enjoyed watching the making of it, and the quilting makes it a masterpiece. Congratulations!!
I just found your blog through someone else's who was just blown away with your quilt. It's absolutely amazing. I've been collecting selvages, but really didn't have a pattern to use for it. Do you know if there are patterns of different designs that the selvages could be used for.
Anyway, your quilt and the quilting are just stunning.
WOW!!! hermoso! what a beautiful work!!! i'm droling and i cant stop to see that quilt!
There isn't anything I can say that hasn't been said - it's amazing!
Phenomenal! What a phenomenal quilting job she did. It is just beautiful.
What Kristin said, double ditto! Wow! I too hope it will be displayed publicly somewhere. Great collaborative work by you and Angela, you both should be very proud!
Wow - that is gorgeous! I've been wanting to make a spider web quilt for a while, and now I simply must get to doing one. I've also never considered hiring the quilting out - too expensive, etc., but after seeing that, definitely that would be worth the price. It makes an already beautiful quilt so much more.
This is stunning! I love it.
Love it, makes me want to make one...bad. Its really a work of art. Well done.
Absolutely Beautiful, I love this quilt and the quitling......fantastic job.
I just popped over from selvage quilts and love your spider web.It is beyond gorgeous..Spectacular how it just came to life with the quilting. Wonderful piece of art.
Jacquie, total awesomeness!!!!!!!!!!
this is absolutely stunning! (I saw it on the selvage blog).
awesome :)
Astoundingly beautiful!
I love selvage quilting!
Come take a look at my selvage ziger, selvage cornices, and my selvage chair!!
that is absolutely beautiful!
just wow!
That quilt is spectacular! You so totally rock.
Wow. Just wow.
She did an amazing job.
Jacquie, congratulations on finishing such a beautiful piece of work, it is truly gorgeous! You must be so pleased with this. Well done. Love it!!!
Whoa, this is such a cool quilt! And the quilting is phenomenal!
Jacquie--- Your quilt is absolutely beautiful. Your quilter did a fantastic job!
I have at least 2 quilts I need to quilt and 3 I need to finish sewing together and I don't, they just sit there sadly waiting. I tried free motion with my daughters horse quilt and had to rip it out because it sucked. I really need to work on it because it was started four years ago and yeah hopefully she'll still like horses when it's done. I also have my husbands KU t-shirt quilt that just needs to be quilted too. Hopefully soon.
All your quilts are so beautiful!
It's amazing. Congratulations!
Love it. Love it. Love it. Very inspiring.
this quilt is incredible! beautiful colors and design.... it is exactly what i'm always looking for and can't seem to find!
All I can say is. . . . OH MY GOODNESS.
it's amazing!!
I am in awe.
What can I say Jacquie? The spiderweb selvedges are totally awesome. Love the quilting too, you guys totally did fab work!
all I can say is WOW. Unbelievably beautiful! I have a special quilt I made that I would like some fantastic long-arm quilting done, could you share with me how much the quilting cost for this quilt?
you have a no reply email so i can't get in touch with you. drop me an email if you happen to see this comment. i'd be happy to share with you.
I think my jaw ha dropped to the ground, what an amazing quilt, I love the colours you have used, It is absolutely gorgeous.....
What a work of art. It's incredible. The quilting is fantastic.
WOW! What a work of art. I have been collecting my selvage scraps for a short time - look forward to creating something exciting!
Beautiful. I love it. It is so interesting that it has the vintage and modern feel at the same time.
I wanted to show you a quilt top that was inspired by this quilt of yours! I did a little different layout so I could get two sizes of webs, but it is also made from all selvages :) http://quiltfrenzy.blogspot.com/2011/03/spiderweb-selvage-quilt-top.html
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