Friday, February 25, 2011

Nature's Blanket

...silenced the woods...
who bowed in reverence...
and stood tall under the burden...
I walked quietly so as not to intrude.
Sometimes you have to give in to the power of nature and simply enjoy.


Sue said...

I'm thinking, HOW did you get those piles of snow on your tree limbs? I KNOW you're an Okie like me--what happened to the WIND up there?!?!?!?

Michele said...

So gorgeous! I didn't get to see any of that pretty snow.

Sonia B said...

Beautiful! Are you the poet or is this from another author? Although I don't enjoy the cold or driving in the slickness, these words express how I feel about the beauty and silence of snow . . . so touching!

Artfulife said...

I always love a fresh blanket of snow. Love you quilt from the last post. It's beautiful the way you did all the stitching.

Glen QuiltSwissy said...

How incredibly beautiful!!! of course I saw that from 75 degree Louisiana......

Sarah said...

Stunning! Wow! I live in Queensland, Australia where it is hot all year 'round. I found looking at your pictures so refreshing!

mamadevlin said...

You are much snow as we have received in the area you do have to just give in and enjoy the beauty!!

skye said...

How beautiful. Thank you. And I especially like the reminder to simultaneously bow in reverence to, & stand tall with What Is.

Anonymous said...

Definitely, there is nothing like the quiet and peace of a new snowfall. Glad you took the time to appreciate it.

Pippa said...

So true! I always get sick of snow at this time of year, but it's best to just embrace its beauty. Lovely pictures!

Small City Scenes said...

It is beautiful isn't it. We have some too with pics on my blog. It is gently snowing right now. MB

MightyMom said...

wow that's a lot of snow!

great pictures!!

Jeannette said...

How peaceful & beautiful, I wish it were here.

Anonymous said...

Stunning pictures. Looks like here in Central New York. Sometimes we complain about the snow and miss the beauty. Thanks for the reminder. Please consider stopping by my blog and becoming a follower. I'm a newbie and would so appreciate the support. Thanks!!

brown robin said...

such a contrast to what i posted today... all of it is so beautiful... winter and spring... my what different worlds you and I live in at the moment.

sarah, rsm said...

LOVE your picture-poem!

Darcie said...

Breathtaking photos, Jacquie! I can see these printed off and hanging in your home.

Surly said...

That looks absolutely gorgeous! I'm very jealous of those around snow. I know it's a pain to drive in but it's so lovely!!

Healing Naturaly said...

Stunning photos Jacquie, thanks for sharing, love x.
