Monday, February 21, 2011

Reality Bites!

After the euphoria of the KC Star article yesterday all I wanted to do was sew, sew and sew some more. That's a great feeling!My KC Modern Quilt Guild 'Robert Kaufman No Prints Allowed Challenge' quilt has been on the design wall for weeks so I tackled it. It was coming together pretty well until that row...that dang row that didn't look just right, but I ignored it. A couple of rows later, that row was on my mind, bugging me. My perfectionism took over and I grabbed the seam ripper and went at it.
Sometimes a little ripping is a good thing, sometimes it simply multiplies the problem. In my case, it was the latter. I'll leave out the colorful language, but it wasn't pretty.
It got so crooked, and then I tried to save it with pressing. It wasn't cooperating. Everything I did made it worse. So, instead of cease and desist I ripped some more. I'm stubborn.
It's a wake up call to go from an 'I can do anything I put my mind to' feeling, to being manhandled and bested by some 2" squares and some thread. Reality does bite sometimes. I guess that's why they call it a challenge.


MariQuilts said...

Wow this is looking simply amazing!!! Can't wait to see it finished and the process along the way.

Artfulife said...

Oh but it's looking so amazing! I can hardly wait to see the finished product. This quilt will truly be a labor of love.

{Leila}Where the Orchids Grow said...

From where I stand this is looking gorgeous! Can't wait to see it all!

chris baker said...

I know this felling all too well and am struggling with this peticular challenge as well....if it's any consolation, the pictures are beautiful.

Twisted Quilts said...

I love the look. I don't quite get what is wrong but if you think it is wrong then rip it out.

Suzanne said...

You wield a mighty seam ripper. I admire that about you because you remind me that if I don't like it in the pieced state, I'm probably not going to like it in the quilted state. It's a lot easier to unpick a top than a whole quilt.

By the way, the top looks a little like a cityscape at sunrise/sunset. I like!

jovaliquilts said...

It looks great in the photos, but I really appreciate your post. I love your work and it's easy to think it springs full-blown from your sewing machine. Seeing the struggles and the process is really helpful.

Anonymous said...

"Manhandled and bested by some 2" squares..." Hilarious!!

I absolutely love this piece so far. Love the triangles and all the beautiful solids. I know you'll get the better of the little squares in the end! Hang in there :)

karen @ badlandsquilts said...

Your challenge looks great, I can't wait to see it!

Tammy Vasser said...

Wow, I thought maybe I was the only one that did things like that. It will be worth it. The second and third try is always better than the first. I know it will be fabulous!

natalie. beyond the reef said... of my published rules...
"never rip a seam while you're still mad about sewing it..."
Looks fabulous - don't let the seam ripper win this one!!

Trisha said...

Looks like a skyline with a gorgeous sunset. Beautiful!

Lauren Phelps said...

Wow! That looks awesome!

Tanya said...

Did those photos show the mistake? Because if it did, I couldn't see it. And, 2 inch half square triangles? Amazing! It looks beautiful, and great article :)

happy zombie said...

Did you hear me scream for oxygen, Jacquie?! What you're making is BREAKING and I've still yet to exhale. I CAN NOT WAIT to see this quilt when it's done. Already love it. You had me at the first photo.

Live a Colorful Life said...

I can hardly wait to see the whole thing. The colors are luscious together with that black!

~*~ said...

I totally feel your pain!I've found that deep breaths and maybe watching something on the cooking channel usually works. Sure, it makes me hungry buuuuut usually gets me back into the game. :)

Don't give up! Just step away, and tackle it when you aren't ready to tear the fabric apart with your bare hands.

Good luck!!!

Paula said...

It looks great...but you go on ripping if that soothes your soul!!! Can't wait to see all of them. Love the black and bright!

Caroline@ToffleCraft said...

Remember to be kind to yourself!

This quilt looks beautiful and I hope you love the end result. Can't wait to see it finished.

Also a big congratulations on having an article published and being written about.

audreypawdrey said...

It is looking so neat! I am impressed with the way you will rip it apart until it is perfect.

Betsy said...

Oh sewing, it can boost you up and then break your heart. This looks awesome though, I can't wait to see it!

Eva Emilie said...

Looks amazing!! What a challenge - I'm totally impressed!
I'm just like you when I do crafts - even though others wont notice, it's just nagging me when something is not correct. Nothing else to do than rip and start over.
Looking forward to seeing the finished piece ;)

MightyMom said...


are you not showing the crookedness? cuz I'm not seeing anything crookedy there.

just looks stunning and perfect to me....