Friday, April 22, 2011

A Bottomless Pit

I had coffee with an artist friend yesterday and we talked about a little bit of everything; about inspiration and creative surges, those exhilarating times when the juices are flowing and everything is clicking, as well as those creative bottomless pits where everything seems dark and hopeless. Your head tells you that you have no ideas and your work confirms it. I'm in that pit right now. It happens to everyone I'm sure, but it doesn't feel good. It can be confidence busting.

Her advice to me was to step away. Do something totally different. Though it's been cold and wet and the garden and yard hasn't been calling me, when I get home I'm going to spend the weekend away from the studio and work outside. Or maybe I'll paint a room. Just thinking about it is making me feel more positive. I'm putting the list of have to's aside for the weekend.
It hasn't been all doom and gloom this week. I spent a couple of days down in Wichita teaching a workshop to members of the Prairie Quilt Guild. We had a ball. They were fabulous. I was so impressed by the creativity and openness of the group. I can't wait to see all the quilts they make. It was the highlight of my week.

I'm going to look on the sunny side and spend some time doing nothing on my list. Have a great weekend!


Live a Colorful Life said...

I think stepping away is great advice. I predict that you will come back reinvigorated and full of creative energy.

Nanci said...

I agree you should just step back and enjoy the Easter holiday and before long you'll be back to your old self. I have always loved and admired your work.

{Leila}Where the Orchids Grow said...

hmm yes that sounds familiar to me. Stepping away is very good advice, I'm usually stubborn and want to keep creating something..anything regardless. With all the obvious consequences of course ;-)
You'll get your spark back soon I'm sure of it!

carol said...

Take lots of naps and hot baths....those help too! Ask me how I know....

Jan said...

My own recommendation would be to step away, too, but I'm a hypocrite b/c I don't do it myself when I really need to... even tho I KNOW darn well how refreshing and inspiring it can be to steep myself in something other than work as often as possible! Hope you get your mojo back soon!!

Jen of ReannaLily Designs said...

The workshop was wonderful! Thank you thank you. And for me, stepping away generally involves a decaf-somethin-or-other from Starbucks. =)

Twisted Quilts said...

That seems like good advice. I finished a quilt top today that I had been working on for a long time and I feel so down. What do I do now? I think I will do the same thing and step away.

jan said...

Sorry to hear that you are not feeling the 'juice'. I am always inspired by your work and want you to know I appreciate how much you share your talents!

Cheryl Arkison said...

Sounds like you need to find your Mojo.

Your friend is probably right. Other ideas are to exercise, investigate a different art form, walk away for a while, maybe attend a workshop in Calgary...

I hope you find it. said...

That sucks when that happens. Why do we think we are going backwards at times like these? We are always moving forward, just not FAST ENOUGH I guess. ; ) Yeah - do yoga, stare at a candle, doodle in a sketchbook, journal, spring clean your studio.


Pauline said...

hi Jacquie, yep step away from the wont be long without an idea and inspiration...I still find your blog one of my favourites..actually fav..and wonder when you are visiting aussie land to do a workshop with us..???
Happy easter..

Jodie said...

Jacqie, I am in the same place and have been there doesn't make it any easier to deal with though does it ???
I hope you come back full of inspiration after a little diversion.

Elsa said...

I'm sort of in that place too. I always keep my hands busy and for some reason I can't seem to get things to go together quite right. I know it will change, as all things do, but it's awfully frustrating at the moment.
Hope it end quickly, for both of us!

Anonymous said...

You'll jump back up and blow our minds!

emma said...

I too, am in that pit. I think what's hard for me about being here, is remembering the high of being on a creative roll when all the projects just come together. Why can't I make myself be there?
But I do agree that turning your mind to other things helps. I cook more, catch up on my reading, idly surf quilting blogs. And one day, the mojo returns. The idleness is not in vain. It's just that all the creativity is happening beneath the surface, gestating.

charlotte said...

We've all been there. But when we bounce back, it always feels so great.Take some time for yourself and it will help. Best wishes.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a few days away from the studio will refresh all those creative juices. I'm sure you'll be back in there with lots of ideas very soon.

The Quilted Librarian said...

Hey Jacquie,
I find that those fallow periods are great times to go to a museum or gallery, or just check out some terrific art books from the public library. Recharging your artistic engines is always a good idea.
All the best,
Dana Fisher

MightyMom said...

I've been in the dumps for about a month .... got several projects that just need to knuckle down and finish and can't seem to find that perserverance that usually gets me through the tedious parts.