Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Mid Century House Quilt

Thanks so much for all the great comments, suggestions, and feedback on the Toddler Time quilt. I have so much to think about and experiment with. I appreciate you taking the time to help me.
Next on the list is my house quilt. Shea brought me another block on Sunday and I made one more so it's been expanded with these two houses.
I had to think a bit on how I wanted to quilt this.  I decided to stick with the mid-century theme and free motion an atomic shape throughout the negative space of the quilt.
I don't usually mark my quilts, but for this one I decided that I might get lost as I was quilting, so marking would be a good thing.  Marking takes some time!
I have about half the quilt left to mark, and then on to the quilting.  I'm still thinking about what to do with the quilting of the houses, but it will come to me.
With this heat (over 100 degrees here today) it's great to be inside. I'm still fighting this silly summer cold, but hopefully the drugs will work and I can work today!


ScrappyStuff said...

This is fun! .. it reminds me of the 'domino' houses i used to build for my match-box cars!
... Thank you for Opening your home and sharing your time/space! We had a great time ~ love the fabric gifts! best 'party favor' ever!

Carla said...

I'm loving this quilt, Jacquie! Wish you could package your creativity and sell it!

Live a Colorful Life said...

I agree with Carla on both counts! This is going to be an amazing quilt. Those blocks are so much fun!

Mrs Flying Blind... said...

I love your houses sooooo much! I think I may have mentioned that before!

Ruth said...

I really like the houses - all different yet they look as thought they belong together! It's going to be wonderful!

One Shabby Chick said...

I have a summer cold too - have been sick for a few weeks now and finally called and got some antibiotics...not fun!

The house quilt looks great - can't wait to see it quilted!

lindsey said...

I love this,your fabric designs and colours are great!

Jill Chapman said...

The houses are adorable. That's a neighbourhood I'd love to live in!

Pauline said...

ah jaquie,,love this blog soooooo are such an love love your day when I rich are soooooo coming out

Brigitte said...

The color combination in this quilt is very beautiful and special. I also love what kind of quiliting lines you've planned! curious about it will look in the end...

Twisted Quilts said...

Love the way this looks.

Alison said...

I'm getting ready to mark a quilt. What do you use to mark the quilting lines?

Paige said...

What a great neighborhood of houses. I can't wait to see this all quilted up.

Suzanne said...

You have taught me so much about how to enhance my quilts with interesting quilt stitching. I'd love to live in your neighborhood.

Anonymous said...

Love the quilting design!

I'm dealing with a summer cold too - got nothing done yesterday, but am still hoping for today :)

Barb said...

wow - I love your modern take on the liberated house quilt - fantastic!
Finally some inspiration, thanks!

Cheryl Arkison said...

That was a fun block to make!

Amy said...

Fun quilt! And marking does take forever, doesn't it? I marked one to send to a hand quilter once and I think it took me 13 hours. At least it sounds like you have A/C, if it's better inside on a hot day! Hope you feel better soon!

Glen QuiltSwissy said...

love the quilting pattern!

FlourishingPalms said...

You could quilt architectural features on the houses. And if it was my quilt, I'd quilt the outline of a house in some of the blank spaces too.

Jeannette said...

What a cool quilt, I love the colors too!