My youngest son Jon is filling in for the regular keyboard player of The Devil Wears Prada during their Australian tour. He's fulfilling his dream of being a rock star. My oldest is on the crew for the band. They're in Australia together. I'm so proud of both of them. Wish I could be there. Sigh!
Jon is the one in the hat.
Photos taken
by BeAsT #1 from Flickr
October 23rd at The Devil Wears Prada Melbourne show
Used with permission
Poor things the weather is lousy here at the moment altho Sunday was nice so hopefully they got to get out and see something.
So exciting! I hope they get a chance to get out and see a little of the country.
So Awesome! I'd be so proud!
How exciting! Australia!!!! I have heard of this band so they must be big (seriously ... if I've heard of them they are HUGE). My youngest son is in a band too and I get more excited than anyone when they play somewhere. I'm sure this will be an adventure that they remember all their lives.
It must be incredibly difficult not to be there!! I know it kills me when I miss my teenage children's sporting events. To miss something this big must be PAINFUL!! You must be SO Proud!!
How cool! And it's so nice that they can do this fun stuff together. :)
What a cool mom you are to raise such boys!!! Way to go!
Oh how cool!
awww jacquie, you should have come too..and popped on down to visit with me!!!!! the weather down here is tassie is pretty nice at the moment...
ah one day????? lol
Who wouldn't bei proud? That's really cool! But maybe following their dreams is something your boys could learn by their mum's example...
That's so cool! I asked my teen drummer son if he knew of the band and he played us a song on itunes. Your son must be really good to fill in for their drummer! Lots of fast double bass pedal work. I sometimes think about getting rid of my minivan, then I remember that my son is a drummer and I am his road crew!
So wonderful to have such an adventure and get paid for it. Hope their experience of my beautiful country will be memorable for all the right reasons! And glad they came to Perth (which is often missed out of international tours).
How Wonderful for him! He must be having the time of his life -
What an awesome experience! Hope they are having a great time and, yeah, wouldn't it be nice if we could easily hop to see our kids? One of mine is in Hawaii right now!
I have been hearing a lot about this band on Sirius/XM. How cool!
You must and are very proud of your sons - and you should be. But just as you care for their happiness and well-being, here is something you do need to do, just for you:It is not only the month for Halloween, but breast cancer awareness month!!! Treat yourself or a loved one because you care! I am just stopping by with a reminder to do your self breast exam.
Here's a fun place to start! Everybody loves boob lube!
What a thrill! Congrats to you all!
Screams of delight and rocker hands coming your way! Yea Jon!!! Yea you, Mom! ;) Dreams just have to have them.
You know I am going to share this with 2 of TDWP's top fans, right?!
Oh geez...congrats to both of your sons!!! (I should read much better before commenting. I'm such a scanner.)
What an experience for them! Will Mom and Dad get to journey down under to see them? ;)
Wow!! What a wonderful experience for both your sons!!
I hope they both enjoyed their stay in my hometown!
Cool Dude!
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