Thursday, February 16, 2012

Playing With Color

I do love color. People tell me I have a knack for it, but I don't think it's one of my strengths. I'm a limited color palette kind of girl. My hex quilt is a good example of how I like to use color lately...a lot of neutrals and a bit of color. Maybe that's just my way of keeping my world calm!

Playing with color is my middle of the night when I can't sleep activity. Design Seeds is one of my favorite places to go to be inspired by color. Check it out, though be's addicting!

I also like making my own color's a fun way to test out things without cutting into fabric. I do that with Color Scheme Designer. I have a book filled with swatches from this site.

Speaking of color, my interview is up on Victoria's blog today. I've been enjoying her Colorful Interviews every Thursday!
And speaking of Victoria, there is a BASIC's quilt distribution coming up in February.  Victoria is committed to changing the world one quilt at a time! Do you have a quilt to send?  I'm hoping to have a few more to donate.  Look at that little girl's face as she gets one of my quilts!  How great is that?  If you can spare a quilt, send it on.  We need more looks like that!
Screen Shot 2011-12-01 at 9.33.16 PM


Tara said...

i love design seeds! in fact i have a folder on my desktop filled with their designs. were addictive and helpful.

em's scrapbag said...

Victoria is an amazing woman. Talented and generous!

SusieDW said...

Victoria's charity is inspiring... so is Design-Seeds. I use their site often! So interesting how differently people gravitate to various colors, tints and shades. I wonder if there are studies on this. Wonder if eye color has anything to do with choice. Or environment.

tutto a posto said...

OMG! Thank you for telling us about the Color Scheme Designer! It is fabulous. I have to figure out how to apply it to my own photographs like I have seen on other's blogs.

Victoria Findlay Wolfe said...

Thank you Jacquie for doing the colorful interview!! And for the shout out for basics! Color!! We all have a unique sense about it, I hope others will feel more confident about their choices with color.

goletagirlwendy said...

Thank you for sharing the color info. Putting color together is one of the hardest things for me. Now that I have the Color Scheme Designer I think color will be less stressful for me. Have a great weekend.