Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Gentle Curves

I finally have a new design on the design wall and it feels so good!  A new friend in Chicago is having a baby (any minute now) and I'm making a quilt for her soon to be little one.  Right now I'm calling it Babyscapes.  I'm trying not to make the blog all book, all the time, but since the techniques in the book are what I use to make quilts it's hard not to.  This is another design that can be made using the technique in the Embrace Your Curves chapter.

 I made individual landscape vignettes for each block.  The fabrics are my favorite brown (cloud9's earth) and my go to pink (kona pale flesh) and a light periwinkle blue (kona cloud).  The frames are one of my go to fabrics to add texture...osnaburg.  Osnaburg is cotton and has a wonderful texture much like linen, but unlike linen is very inexpensive.
I'm still playing with the layout.  It's not quite balanced like I want it to be.  I know I want to color block the quilt.  I wanted to use the brown and pink, but it felt too heavy.  I'm not sold on the pink/blue combo either.  I have another idea I want to try, but I need to get moving on this.

I do love the serene, soft feeling that these blocks create. I think I like it.

One more thing...Katie and I will be on Mark Lipinski's Creative Mojo radio show tomorrow.  Tune in at 4:00 EST.  I have a feeling it's going to be a hoot!

You can call in and join the fun.  It would be great to talk with you, so call in.  I'll be less nervous with a friend on the phone!


Doreen said...

Serene, 'pieceful', wonderful! That color palette is "ahhhhh" personified! Love it!!!

Cheryl Arkison said...

So pretty!
And have fun with Mark!

Aliceart said...

I love these so! Just beautiful, and that's another reason your book was on my Mother's Day wish list. Here's hoping!

Anonymous said...

Looking very lovely and serene so far :)

Erika Mulvenna said...

I was definitely thinking "serene" even before I read down to the bottom of the post! Yes, very nice. Have fun on Creative Mojo Radio!

EG said...

It's wonderful!

Valerie said...

So peaceful! It is such a good feeling to work on a new project, isn't it? And I love the book references-I've been enjoying it (your book) and LEARNING a ton from it. To me, that's the best kind of craft book-not just some pretty patterns (although, that's nice), but useful, usable information that teaches me how to be better at what I love to do. Thank you-it's a valuable resource I know I will use often.

Miriam said...

Love you ideas so far. Looking forward to seeing where you take it.

Have lots of fun with Katie and Mark.

Paula said...

Love those gentle curves. I have tried them and love the look. Love the wonky curvy quilt in the book.

Rhonda said...

How exciting. I hope to tune in.

Nicole said...

Beautiful! Can I just say that I got your book today and LOVE it! I don't know which quilt I want to make first. I'm amazed by all the possible designs that can come from the ideas in the book. And all of them are simply fantastic!

Jules said...

Love those curves! Just got your book in the mail this afternoon and I was immediately drawn to the curve chapter and now this treat in your blog - cannot wait to try this technique!!! BTW your work is just phenomenal!

RedSparrow said...

Oh my! Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU for clueing me in to Osnaburg fabric! I adore linen so much for it's beautiful texture, but can rarely afford it. I can't wait to give this new fabric a try!

And beautiful quilt blocks, too, btw. :D

Anonymous said...

Jacquie - I really like where things are going with your landscapes! It's abstract representations like these that attracted me to art quilting.

SusieDW said...

Yes, my first impression is peaceful and rhythmic. There's a pretty stark contrast holding the rhythm in the frames. I'll be really interested to see how quilting may bring them together. AND! Ordered my book today!