Monday, November 5, 2012

It's Over

The last 3 or 4 months have been a challenging time in the Gering household. With all that's been going on with our family and the struggle to get possession of the condo we bought back in July, life has simply been in limbo. Well, limbo is finally over.  Bruno is as tired of living in limbo as we are.
I am sad to report that despite all our efforts and the hassles we've endured, we didn't get the condo. I'll spare you the details, but bottom line is, Saturday night we signed a new lease at our old apartment and are ready to get back to a normal life.  Since we had to move everything back in, my amazing, genius and generous hubby had an inspired idea:  why not move my studio into the master bedroom? We're only in there to sleep, so why not use the bigger room for the studio.  The challenge was to get the king sized bed into that little room.  We did it!  It's tight, but we can make it work.
 I'm going to have a bigger space.  It's amazing how a few more feet feels so much larger.  In a couple of days I should have all this fabric back in its place and all these boxes unpacked.  I can't wait!
So if you end up in the very same place, have you really moved?  I can answer unequivocally, yes.  In fact, you can "move" multiple times and never really move at all.

Superstorm Sandy was a grim reminder that any home is better than no home at all.


Flaun of I Plead Quilty! said...

I'm so sorry you aren't in your lovely new condo, Jacquie, but glad you'll be settled soon.

Candied Fabrics said...

WoW! What a roller coaster ride! You seem to have quite a positive outlook on what I am sure has been an extremely frustrating time! That you and hubby figured out you need the bigger space for a studio? THe best tasting lemonade ever!

Jan said...

I'm so glad, for you, that you're settled. Not what you wanted but you have the right attitude.

Mary P said...

Oh Jacquie! Sorry to hear that you didn't get it. I have heard so many similar horror stories lately from deals being so close to going through and then banks not approving for a variety of issues. :( I'm sure it doesn't make it any easier. I'm glad to hear you are getting more space though, and I hope you feel very settled very soon.

Aunt Marti said...

Jacquie, I'm sorry the new place didn't work out. I absolutely agree, it's as much trouble to move across town as it is to move across country. And just as much trouble to move out and back into the same apartment!

Laura said...

Bless your Heart!!! I saw your gorgeous quilts hanging at the Quilt Festival yesterday. They are more magnificent in person!

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

That kinda' stinks Jacquie, but of course you have a good attitude! (and a bigger sewing space) I finished piecing my hexies and it's 62" X 80"!! Stop by my blog in your "spare" time. Take care.

folksmith said...

great idea to move your studio into the bedroom. very thoughtful of your husband.

Aliceart said...
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Aliceart said...

Oh, Jacquie, I'm so sorry for what you and your husband have been going through. It does sound as though you are making lemonade out of your lemons. Hang in there!

Sarah said...

Do you want some help unpacking? I'd be happy to plan a trip into town for an afternoon. I have lived in so many houses in my lifetime that I'm pretty good at moving ;)

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry the condo didn't work out! It must feel good to have the waiting over and be able to move forward - especially into a bigger space. Your husband really is a generous genius :)

LSS said...

Resolution is good, even if it isn't what you ultimately wanted. Stinks to unpack back into the same place but on the upside, you know where everything goes :-) and your hubby is awesome, too! XO

Valerie said...

Ugh-what a frustrating situation with the condo, so at least there is resolution there. Good luck settling back into your new/old space. And what a sweet hubby! Enjoy that larger studio!

stitchinpenny said...

So sorry, but if ever you want to write the get it off your chest letter I am sure it would be good reading. Somehow this will be a better thing for you even though it is hard to see the pony right now, keep digging because it is there.

Betty said...

Am sure you've had the old adage "everything happens for a reason" cited to you enough by now. But just think about the possibilities to write the next chapter - what might be lying ahead?! Your attitude has been an inspiration for me - so glad to see it remains intact! And don't you know Bruno is happier?

CitricSugar said...

Sorry you didn't get the condo, but it's wonderful that you're married to a man who understands and supports your hobby to the point of not only surrendering the master bedroom as a studio, but suggesting it in the first place. Keeper. :-) Enjoy the peace that comes with the end of limbo.

Dana said...

UGH! What an exercise in frustration for you! So sorry!!!
great news about the sewing room, though. When life gives you lemons, make a quilt!

Theresa said...

Such true words....I left my job after ten years back in July. Long story but I was unhappy and found fault with everything. But the luxury of walking away from it gave me time to think and contemplate my future in a very difficult job market. As it happened my replacement didn't work out and I was offered my old job back with more money after 10 weeks. I jumped at it and you know what, that new head space has turned everything around. Sometimes going back to what you know does work.....for now! There will be something for you, there is no doubt. Best wishes

Cheryl Arkison said...

What a shit experience.
But you have a very smart husband.
Any studio tips. I am FINALLY getting set to fill my space, but hopefully not actually fill it.

carol said...

I'm so sorry the condo didn't work out. I know what a pain it is to search and search, find something suitable and then have it fall apart. This can only mean that something better is on the horizon. I'll be excited to hear about it when the time comes!

Ann Marie @ 16 Muddy Feet said...

Well you could always look at it this way. At least you got the carpets cleaned, and the walls painted(maybe) so you were just upgrading the apartment, the hard way. I know what it is like to be hanging, I did it for 9 months earlier this year on not knowing if I was moving across country. It was nice when we made the decision to stay put for now. Life continues on, less stressful.

Nicole said...

Jacquie, so sorry to hear that the condo didn't work out. But you are so right about having a home and a place to settle down. Good luck with getting settled! Can't wait to see your new studio. You've got an amazing husband!

Doris said...

Ugh---Jacquie! We had two recent heartbreaks of not getting a dream house, and then being outbid on another we found. BUT. That does not even compare to having to move out and then back in... ugh. But you are right, any home is better than none.

Glen QuiltSwissy said...

Sorry about not getting the condo. I will tell you ssomething that will certainly make you feel better though.

At the quilt show in Houston, I rounded the corner into the Modern area and lo and behold! I see a few quilts I know. Most I have seen some of the processes that went into ithem! I was so excited.

I went on and on to my companions how I was like your BFF and all.

It was wonderful to see your work hanging in the show! Congratulations!

Unknown said...

Well darn it all. That's my pc comment for how I really feel about it. Everything happens for a reason, so I'm betting that something wonderful comes along soon. Wishing you a very welcome back home.

Mary Anne said...

Being unsettled is the we both know! I've always been a "glass half-full" kinda' gal and I choose to believe that something better will come of this hardship (and I don't just mean a larger sewing space!)

It was great to see you in Houston and I'm so looking forward to February!

hilary said...

Owning is a money pit. You are now free to travel and do what you love without worrying about mundane maintenance. That's the landlords problem. So glad your hubby suggested a larger space. You certainly have earned it. As much as you loved the condo, that could have become a real money drain with all the fees they charge. Have fun setting up your new space. .

Kris said...

I live a two-bedroom apartment as well and my hubby and I made the same big bedroom/small bedroom switch you did. It was a bit of "duh!" moment for us after trying to squeeze both of our working spaces into the smaller room. Hope your move back in goes smoothly!

Pat said...

So sorry about the condo but moving your studio into the larger room is smart. You won't regret it! I've been in the same place for 25 years and when I moved in I made the decision to use the smallest room for sleeping. I've never regretted it and you won't either. Wonderful hubby to suggest it. :D

cinzia said...

yes, a roof over our heads is a blessing. And good move about swapping the studio and master bedroom. I never understood the need for a big room used just for sleeping!

monique said...

I can totally sympathize! From May to August was very difficult for us and our 2 teenagers. We decided to move out of our fabulously located shoebox/townhouse so we moved EVERYTHING out, moved staging furniture in, live in a showhome and then, for complicated reasons decided to take our place off the market, move staging stuff out and moved all our stuff back in. I'm still moving back in; a box a day (as I have a back injury to boot). We also did a room reshuffling and I lost my sewing space:( but to a good cause. Sometimes its just good to shake things up. Enjoy your re-nesting. Just knowing where to nest will be a load off of your mind.

Jeannette said...

Awe I am so sorry the condo didn't work out after waiting for so long. Sometimes things have a strange way of working out for the best. I can't wait to see the new studio you create! I am sure the new space will be wonderful in no time at all. Good thing is you are in familar space making getting resettled a bit easier for all.

MariQuilts said...

I'm so sorry to hear that. So nice you are ending up with a larger studio. We did that exact same thing in our apartment on the works so well.

QuilterBee said...

I am so sorry. I know how disappointing that is, been there. But you get a brand new bedroom AND and brand spanking new studio without moving!! That's fabulous :o)) I LOVE Bruno, give him a hug and kiss for me, Amie in Tn.

Judy in Michigan said...

Can you recommend any quilt shops right downtown Chicago? We will be there Dec.1-5. Thanks.

Ivete Tecedor said...

I'm so sorry to hear that the condo fell through =( But happy about your new larger studio! Your husband sure is a keeper!

Jacey said...

It's too bad the condo didn't work out for you, but hooray for a larger workspace! Happy unpacking!

Angela said...

Oh no! I'm just now reading this, and I'm so sorry to hear about the condo! And how crazy is it to move back into your old place!?!?! I hope this means that there's just something so much better around the corner. Hugs!

Anonymous said...

I love the retro camper material, what store did you get it at?