Thursday, February 7, 2013

Bricks Version Two

This is the Bricks quilt.  Low volume, simple shapes, and a design created by value differences.

This is version two of the bricks quilt.  Definitely bolder, an opportunity to showcase a favorite Alexander Henry print and massive!  I couldn't get a picture of the whole quilt because it is taller than my eight foot design wall and doesn't fit on the living room floor unless I move ALL the furniture.
I still have to bind this monster.  I'm working on it.
When it's finished I'll try and get a photo of the whole thing and share a bit more about Anne's quilting.
Maybe I can watch an HGTV marathon of House Hunters tonight and get it done.


**nicke... said...

jacquie! it is gorgeous! and HUGE! ha... that's what she said! ;)

Tennjenny said...

LOL Nicke.

hilary said...

Love the quilting as well. I'm a HH fan, too. I'm aghast at the Chicago prices you have to deal with. It's horrible what real estate costs now.

jacquie said...

you know it, hilary! i'm still suffering from chicago sticker shock!

Jan said...

They are both fabulous, Jacquie.

Valerie said...

Is this the one you were telling me about where Kona Ash is the dark value?? They are both beautiful!

Debbie said...

They are both wonderful for different reasons. I love a simple pattern to play with.

Anonymous said...

I love the original low volume version, but this one is fantastic too! The quilting looks amazing - all those changes in direction really add to the finished piece.

Live a Colorful Life said...

What a difference between the low volume and version two. I love them both!

SusieDW said...

Amazing. Shows of the fabric, piecing and quilting to a masterful finish. Every inch looks really well thought out. Brava!

StaroftheEast said...

The pale one is specially gorgeous, like the sky at dawn.

Kim said...

I've been planning to, ahem, emulate this design since I saw the first one. Love this one, too.

Pat said...

They are both beautiful in their own way, but I love, love, love that second one!! Wow!

Sharon said...

I do my best hand work while watching House Hunters. Enjoy!

Kit Lang said...

I'm not often moved to come out of my reader and actually "trek" on over to a blog to make a comment -but that first version of your "Bricks" quilt is breath-taking...

MalinisQuilts said...

Looks stunning! Love it!

cinzia said...

That's what i do while binding my quilts!

sandra said...

So gorgeous, Jacquie!!! I can't wait to see the whole thing. I so love your work.

carla said...

Hi!!! I love both of your brick quilts!!! Love the darker colors a lot!!! My hubby is a lifelong brick layer etc and I have been wanting to make one but not just plain!!! You have giving me new inspiration!!! Thank You!!! Now just to get me on it!!!

QuiltNut Creations said...

Love, love and LOVE!!!