Thursday, April 11, 2013

Wishing for Spring?

Has spring sprung where you are?  Not in Chicago.  In fact, it may snow tomorrow.  I'm longing for spring and I've been looking for a project for the Chicago Modern Quilt Guild Retreat this weekend.  I promised myself only sewing for work!  I hope I can keep that promise.

So very early this morning I played with some curves and came up with this GIANT tulip block.  I love the oversized block (20 x 26) and the tiny stem.

So this weekend, I think I'll  surround myself with gigantic tulips and maybe make a quilt like this.  I think that would be fun!
I can't wait to get to Wisconsin and start sewing, sewing, sewing and maybe some more sewing.  I hope you have time to sew this weekend too!


karen said...

Oh that would be a charming quilt! Any chance there will be a pattern at some point?

BFromM said...

That is so cute! I was also wondering about a pattern!

Anonymous said...

Spring has sprung here one day then deflates the next... no worry as it will be hot hot hot here for months months months. Don't knock "work" - what many of us would do for some work. Last your tulip is wonderful - just might make some myself. Have fun at retreat.

jacquie said...

maybe i'll even have time for a tutorial for this block. you never know what could happen!

Live a Colorful Life said...

What a great block. That quilt will be spectacular. Yes, just sew this weekend.

Nicole said...

That will be gorgeous, Jacquie! Have fun!

Charlotte said...

what a gorgeous block - it's going to be fantastic!

Patti said...

I love your tulip block! It definitely gives my heart a feeling of Spring. We are in the midst of another blizzard. Sigh... will the snow every leave?

dutchcomfort said...

Love that design!!!

Anonymous said...

What a breath of spring! Your creativity boggles my mind - in the best way.

Anonymous said...

Definitely not spring here either!

Love love love the tulip quilt! Tulips are my favorite flowers :) Have a great time at the retreat!

Anonymous said...

Sitting here, in S.E. MN (ice pellets at the moment!!! Freezing rain advisory, too!-( ) I would LOVE a pattern/tute for that tulip! It is so wonderfully "Spring" feeling!! Hugs, Doreen

Dresden Quilter said...

I love this block! Your tulip is amazing!

kitty said...

This quilt is going to be absolutely great!! Can't wait to see it!!

Ashley said...

love it! great design, and I love that they're oversized. Looking forward to seeing it all come together!

SusieDW said...

Arizona citrus blossoms have come and dropped, Fruit setting, Tulips rare but spent along with daffs. Pansies on the wane and we're facing the 90's. Tulip Quilt is sweet. I can see the quilt pattern lining out curly curves of tulip leaves in greens. Tulip petals defined by quilted curves. Wish I could take a workshop with you. Maybe someday!

Poppyprint said...

Now that is design! Love this so much.

Afton Warrick said...

What a neat tulip! Can you take out the littler seams to produce the same result? The curved piece will have a bit of straight on it, but it would make for less pieces.

jacquie said...

I could, Afton, but i had the quarter curve pieces already cut and was playing from there...the drawing is just a quick rendering...not a final set of pieces.

Molly said...

Hi Jacquie! Spring has definitely sprung here ( I love in the Southern CA desert) all my cactus are in bloom and it is a lovely sight indeed. Sorry to hear of your cold weather. I love that you are thinking tulips right now- I was just looking at my quick curve ruler the other day and envisioning a tulip block- slightly different construction but very similar effect. Have you seen the quick curve ruler yet? If not I cannot recommend it more highly, makes cutting and sewing curves so simple and no trimming seams or pins! You can find it on that gal Jenny really knows her stuff!
Hope it warms up for you soon.

Anonymous said...

So sorry it is bad weather in your area. Here in Northern California it is sunny and mild. We have roses blooming in our garden!

Dee Dee

Anonymous said...

A treat for yourself-such beautiful tulips!! Here in CT, we slept with the windows open last night and now I've got the heat on AND we have flood warnings - Happy Spring! Take care, Byrd

Anonymous said...

I love the tulips (they are actually my favorite flower). We finally got Spring in North Carolina (even though it went from 30's to 80's in 2-3 days) - no complaining here :-). I hope you have lots of fun this weekend.

Di~ said...

There you go, getting all creative on us! Love the tulips.

em's scrapbag said...

Being a Dutch girl this just speaks to my heart! I love it!!!! Have fun on your retreat!

Vicki said...

It's supposed to be 83 tomorrow (in Fresno). I hate the heat. Oh, and GREAT tulips!

Arita said...

The tulip block is wonderful. I will have to try this one.

MariQuilts said...

I've never seen a tulip I didn't favourite flower. Looks like you're having fun.

Lynne said...

LOVE this. So cool.

Jen said...

love the tulip block!!!!

StaroftheEast said...

Love that pattern, genious!

Lee D said...

Tulips are my most favourite flower and i love this interpretation of it, no spring in Calgary either, snow yesterday again. yuck

Erika Mulvenna said...

Oh, oh, oh! Love it!

Unknown said...

And here in NZ we are in autumn and loving it. The summer was a great one this the point of drought...but we had 36mls of rain a few days ago with a seasonal thunderstorm.
Love the tulips too. Clever designing!

Helen in the UK said...

What a fun block! A slight change, allowing the bottom of the block to mirror the top, and you'd have giant butterflies. Can't wait to see it made up after your retreat :)

Anonymous said...

Love the tulip pattern! Please post it for us to see when completed. Very pretty.

Leanne said...

That is a fun block! I bet the quilt will be lovely.

ChristaQuilts said...

I love it!!

Hema Elumalai said...

Beautiful pattern. I was just wondering what software do you use for quilt designs? EQ7?

Liz said...

Oh how fun!

Quiltgal said...

Tulips are so pretty. I just watched you on "The Quilt Show".
Excellent Show you did an awesome job.

Serena said...

Wow this is gorgeous. Are you going to do a pattern or tutorial? Pretty please with rainbow sprinkles on top?