Thursday, September 5, 2013

Dancing on the Table with Dan

This my Dancing on the Table with Dan quilt.  I'm just going to say I adore this quilt and am so proud that I accomplished the vision that was in my head.  The quilt was inspired by the one and only Dan Rouse, who I had the pleasure to meet at Camp Stitch-a-lot in Michigan.  Dan brought one of his quilts which he quilted with amazing spirograph-like quilting.  I did some quilting like that years ago, but not anywhere near Dan's work, but it reminded me of that quilt and my time as a kid playing with my Spirograph.  If you don't know what that's hours of doodling fun!  One night at camp when I couldn't sleep I sketched this quilt idea and it's come to life.
The quilt is one giant slice and insert project done with 1" strips...1/2" finished!  The quilt is about 65" x 80" which made some of the slices over 80" long...and that's 80 inches of cutting on the bias and sewing with long bias edges.  I don't think I've ever pinned this much on one project.
I may have been crazy to try it, but I'm just crazy enough to do it and am I glad I did.
All those lines make me happy!  I love a line!
Right now I'm pondering the quilting...this one needs a professional.  I don't usually worry that my quilts will lie flat and be square, but for this one...I'm shaking in my boots.  Stay tuned!


Krista said...

This is very, very cool. Dan's work is incredibly inspiring. It's fun to see your interpretations!

anyadahab said...

This is fabulous!

Brittany said...

I am in love with this quilt! If it needs a home...;)

Leanne said...

This is wonderful, it is totally like a spirograph. I had one too when I was a kid.

sandiqltr said...

This is one magnificent quilt. I clearly see the spirograph!!! Can hardly wait to see it quilted.

Kristy @ Quiet Play said...

That is a fantastic quilt! Very striking!

Vicki said...

Amazing, as usual, Jacquie! I love it.

Stephanie said...

Awesome! It almost reminded me of a nest of pick-up-sticks!

Live a Colorful Life said...

This is extremely cool. I can't wait to see the finished version!

What Comes Next? said...

wow! this is wonderful!

mad elena said...

You, Dan and I must be cut from the same cloth!
I pieced my first in 2010, then made two more and finally quilted them early this year (it took me that long to fmq). They are all small unlike your big beauty! One will be in the New Quilts of Northern California at PIQF next month.

ChristaQuilts said...

Wow! What an amazing top!

Diane said...

I love it. I'm sure Dan is dancing. Looks a little like pick up sticks we used to play...

Glen QuiltSwissy said...

I am loving it. Hubby said PICK UP STICKS!!! Yep, sure does look like them!

MariQuilts said...

Looks fabulous, Jacquie....that Dan is an amazing source of inspiration, that's for sure. All those pins and bias edges..yikes!!!

pennydog said...

Ooh that's fab, you must have one big cutting mat ;) BTW I signed up to your Craftsy class finally!

Charlotte said...

wow! that is amazing - I am in awe at your mad skillz!

Jodie said...

I simply adore you - it non freaky way of course.

A Trio Beautiful said...

Amazing. Absolutely amazing. I would be shaking in my boots at the thought of trying to quilt that too!

The Calico Cat said...

I got my son the equivalent of a spirograph at a museum (one of the Smithsonians) but I think at almost 5 he may still be a bit young to use it...

sue said...

Love it!

Pick up sticks was a game we always played growing up but I saw the nest too and thought the quilt should be called For Big Bird.

Anonymous said...

That piecing gives me "goose bumps"!!! Amazing! I totally understand the self-challenge thing. AND all that awesome room for quilting!!! Thanks for the memories of days gone by with the Spirograph. Those were simple, albeit naive, days.....really lost forever. If one hasn't experienced such, it canNOT be explained/described!! Uber hugs....

Anonymous said...

Wow! Amazing! Those long bias edges must have been a bear to cut and piece!

It looks just like a spirograph drawing :) It also reminds me of an Andy Goldsworthy sculpture.

Can't wait to see what the quilting adds :)

Unknown said...

Wow this is absolutely gorgeous. Well done here!!

Unknown said...

It turned out great! Will be excited to see it quilted.

Dan R said...

It came together beautifully. I can't wait to see the quilting!

Paige said...

So jealous! Dan is my if-I-could-ever-take-a-class-from-a-quilter fantasy!

Angela said...

Super cool! I saw a Spirogragh "game" at a thrift shop several weeks ago! I remember doodling with those plastic pieces when I was a kid!
Happy weekend!

anne wolf said...

Looks wonderful! Thanks for including pre-quilting pics so we can see how you created it. Might be fun to mimic the Spirograph idea in to quilting, especially in the middle.

Mary Keasler said...

Holy smokes. This is freakin fantastic. You always inspire me

Carla said...

You have creativity just oozing out of you, my friend!! What a great quilt!

Cheryl Arkison said...

The girls and I just picked up a Spirograph and I think I've redeveloped my childhood addiction.

Anonymous said...

I really love this quilt and how it is made :)

erica e said...

This is so great and I love the name! :)

Jenny M said...

Yes, I remember spirograph and my kids had it also. I find it amazing how you have sketched this and brought it to life. What a talent!