Monday, September 9, 2013

Prairie Grass Quilt

It's about time I made a quilt to be the "mascot" quilt for my blog.  This is the Prairie Grass quilt.
 Can you tell I'm sort of obsessed with the slice/insert technique lately?
 Makes me happy!
 I think what I like best is how this fabric (the print on the back of the quilt) looks so different cut in thin strips and makes perfect "blades" of grass.  I also love the osnaburg fabric in the background.
Troy and Christina, you are the winner of a pdf copy of Amy's book.  Please drop me an email with your contact information and Amy will send you your prize.

I'm home to sew today!  Oh happy day!


Unknown said...


em's scrapbag said...

Love the mascot quilt! That truly is the perfect grass fabric cut up.

Steph said...

I am a botanist who works in prairie conservation in the greater Chicago region and I am a quilter too. Great to see your interpretation of tallgrass prairie and yes, really perfect fabric choice to get variegation in the leaf blades.

Anne / Springleaf Studios said...

Love it! And agree with how perfect the print was for the thin strips. I've had some thin strip quilts in my sketchbook for awhile. Think it's about time I brought them to life.

Tiffany said...

Ooh, I love this! It's perfect.

Jan said...

The quilt is terrific. Bravo!

Patty said...

Perfect mascot quilt.

Candied Fabrics said...

Oh man, this is awesome in so many ways!!! Perfect mascot for you!

Rene' said...

This is beautiful Jacquie!!!! I love that backing fabric. Glad you are home sewing today. Enjoy!!! said...

I love the hexagons!!!

carla said...

Hi!!! I love your mascot quilt!!!! Very pretty!!!!

sandiqltr said...

Great quilt, Jacquie!

Leanne said...

Those thin strips call me every time I see them, I think this quilt is beautiful. And I thought you pieced all those beautiful colours at first, what a great fabric to use.

troy and christina said...

This quilt is beautiful! And I can't believe I won!! Woo hoo!


Leigh Ann Mahaffie said...

Love the mascot quilt! It's amazing the difference between the whole fabric and the sliced version. Perfection!

ChristaQuilts said...

Wow - that is so amazing how different the fabric looks. The quilting is fabulous as well!

Kathy said...

what a great idea, It turned out beautiful!

Carla said...

Great quilt....for some reason it makes me think of the Overland Park Arboretum!

SusieDW said...

brilliant use of that fabric for the grass reeds. Great execution!

SandyQuilts said...

Awesome. Love the quilting. could you tell me how you did the little wavy lines? I have a quilt I want to quilt with the wavy lines on my longarm. Beautiful

MaterialGirlQuilts said...

Love it! That fabric is awesome and looks perfect cut into blades of grass too.

Cara said...


MalinisQuilts said...

Wow! this is so beautiful!
Love it!

Valerie said...

Another winner, Jacquie! I too have been intrigued lately with how cross-cuts of fabrics produce varying merits lots of exploring:)

Aliceart said...

Love this quilt. I'm just such a fan of your style.
I'm overhauling my sewing room in bits and pieces which includes trying to cull and make sense of two inherited stashes. No sewing for me today, but hopefully, after this it will be much easier to start and stop in the small pieces of time that I do have.

Anonymous said...

Love it! That fabric is fantastic - it looks like you pieced all those strips.

It is a great mascot quilt for your work - although I'll miss the bridge a bit :)

Anonymous said...

I thought those strips looked awfully precisely pieced at first too! I love the wavy quilting lines...reminds me of prairie grasses!

Lisa said...

I still think your quilts belong in Museums! To watch the grass blowing in the wind! Perfect!

Cheryl Arkison said...

Nicely done! I guess that means you are done with your deadlines...

Paula said...

Love this quilt...the traveling quilts have been fun to follow!

Alejandrina said...

Prairie Grass quilt rocks. I love the simplicity and grace you gave it.

Live a Colorful Life said...

What a beautiful quilt. So very "YOU"!!