Sunday, September 21, 2014

A New Place to Be - The KC Studio Reveal

Two moves in two months has finally brought me home.  It's been exhausting and exciting all at the same time. While we've been working hard to get settled it's been mostly boring work (foreclosure fix-ups) like electrical, plumbing, heating and cooling, locksmiths, and trying to convince an internet provider that our place does exist and needs internet. It's all stuff that needs to be done but doesn't make anything prettier and isn't fun to blog about.  

I've built a pantry in the kitchen (since whoever designed this place didn't think kitchens needed cabinets to put things, added storage shelving in the under stairs closet to store quilts (doesn't every house need this?), and knocked out a wall and rebuilt it (with the help of my son) so that the built-in desk area would fit my sewing table.  We're getting a handle on what still needs to be done and that feels good.  

The priority for me now is to create an inspirational space to create and sew.  My studio is the "family room" space in our place.  It is 15' x 15' and has one true wall, one full wall of windows to the balcony, and two sides that are railings where I can see to the floors below.  Being scared of heights I tend to hover around the one real wall.  The great thing is the much light and high ceilings.  That all makes me happy.  It's the best part about our new place.

I took a bunch of pictures so you can see the studio as it is today.  In a few weeks its been rearranged about twenty times.  It's hard to find the right configuration especially in a room with only one wall and no closet or built in storage.  Quilters have lots of stuff and I like most everything at my fingertips, but put away.  I don't like clutter, so getting organized in this space was challenging for me. I've made use of the master bedroom closet to store batting, scraps, teaching materials and teaching sample quilts.  I don't have that many clothes so it works for me.

It may not stay this way, but for now, I'm ready to make things again.  Enjoy and hopefully finished pieces will be flowing out of the studio soon.

The studio from the top of the steps.

Rulers at hand in a letter holder I found at Target.

This is a studio/office space.  I do paperwork here in addition to making things.  

I love having a comfortable place to sit, to ponder work on the design wall, to curl up and read or sketch or to have a friend join me in the studio.  And yes, it's orange.

I have two machines set up.  This is my primary machine which I use for about everything.  I reupholstered my stool and covered my desk pad in fabric to match my chair.

I made a cutting station with two cabinets from Target and a piece of MDF from Home Depot.  I painted the cutting table a light aqua blue to add some color to the space.  The cutting table top is attached to the cabinets with industrial strength velcro so it doesn't move when I'm cutting.

The two Target cabinets are placed in an L-shape that gives me more horizontal space to put things and opens the space between them for more storage options and a more open feel in the room.

It's a bit crowded on my desk so I bought the blue cabinet to give me some extra office storage in addition to my file cabinet.

Vashon sits next to my desk.

One shelf is filled primarily with books, magazine and a bit of fabric.

I hit the new IKEA in Kansas City and got this clock.  I'm a modern clock collector.  My kids think I'm nuts to have multiple clocks in one room.  I disagree.  There can never be enough clocks.

Special things inspire me.  Want to go for a ride in my van?

I use my Pantone magazine holders to hold all sorts of things.  I hook on my water and best press so they're right by my ironing board when I need them.

Yoda watches over me.

Fabric is stored on these two shelves and in the Target cabinets.  I've reduced my stash of prints significantly in this move.  

Storage of all my solid color cards.

You can never have enough Yoda.

This is the built in desk area where my son Ben and I ripped out an ugly desk, rebuilt the wall to make more room and tada, built in sewing nook in the hallway.  We had to rip out the carpet too and look at the great job Ben did putting in a new floor.

I use the sewing nook area only for quilting.

The thread cabinet my dad built hangs over the sewing nook.

With only one true wall, finding design wall space was a challenge, but a priority.  I have an 8' x 8' design wall area with a great view from the orange chair.  The rug was another IKEA find, so cheap, but adds so much great color!

I painted the back sides of those Target cabinets with the aqua paint since they were ugly brown particle board.  Spruces it up nicely and adds more color.

The new teal cabinet gives me some hidden storage which I love and a place to put my printer.

The Target cabinets each have three drawers and shelves behind a sliding door.  They were easy to build and again give me lots of hidden storage for all those things I need to work, but don't want clutter up my space.  I've got some fabric in there too.

Fabric is organized by color with stacks of prints with stacks of solids.

Tools I use all the time are on my cutting table at my fingertips.

I'm back to traveling again after a few weeks at home.  I've updated my teaching/travel schedule under the Schedule tab.  Check out where I'm going to be in the next year or two.  I'm going lots of great places.  I might be near you. 

Happy to be back! 


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad to hear that you're finally getting settled. Your workspace is beautiful!

kimberly baird said...

Beautiful space! I'm so inspired. Gotta ask - where did you get the teal cabinet?

Kate said...

It is lovely! I hope you have many happy hours sewing in there!

Diane said...

Looks great! I've been wondering how the move went and how you are settling in. See you in Madison in about a month.

Susan Strong ( said...

Beautiful new creative space. Love the running/leaping figure on your design wall too!

Anne-Marie B. said...

I love your new studio! You did a superb job! Looking forward to see your new creations!

Elaine Adair said...

Thanks for the tour - congrats for getting so much work done, just the way you want it - all so pretty, bright clean and new!

HeathersSewingRoom said...

I really enjoyed your tour. What a nice bright room that you have been very clever with by making the most of what you have. Thanks for the inspiration.

MariQuilts said...

You have been busy, and yes I get that rearranging twenty times thing. It's been almost a year since my move and I am still changing things.

Everything looks so fresh and wonderful! Great use of that Marimekko fabric....I really need to start using mine.

Tami @ Lemon Tree Tales said...

What a beautiful studio, so filled with light and color. I imagine that you're very happy spending time there. The good thing about so many moves is that it forces you to streamline your stash and collection of tools to only those that you really use all the time. :-)

Lisa said...

Amazing! So pretty and inspirational in your new space. Orange is my fave colour - the teal/orange/aqua combo is very appealing and fun. I am sure you will create many wonderful makes here!!!

Charlotte said...

what a wonderful space! I wish you many happy and productive hours/days/weeks using it. Also, so glad to see your orange scissors ;-)

The Cozy Quilter said...

If I had a sewing studio like yours, I would never want to leave it! Happy creating in your new space!

Charlotta said...

Your space looks great - and it reminds me of what my space looked and felt like shortly after my move 6 1/2 years ago. Now it always is and feels hopelessly cluttered!
I have acquired more stuff - primarily fabric! - and a few additional pieces of furniture, but the latter have all been used to reduce the clutter and store fabric or WIPs.
The space I have is quite a bit bigger than what I had before the move 6 1/2 years ago, but now I could easily use double without! It's not a good sign, and I really ought to do a serious decluttering exercise!
Maybe next year!

Jodie said...

Howdy Vashon !!!!! so glad he still enjoys sharing space with you, or you with him....

Jill said...

Your studio lookks great. That involved plenty of planning and organizing and moving furniture. I am curious if your bookshelf that holds fabric and books was a recent purchase?

C. Jaeger said...

Welcome back to K.C.! Your space looks amazing. Have fun sewing!

Mama Spark said...

Great to see your creative space! Also nice to be closer to your folks!

Debbie said...

Fantastic room. Genius to use Velcro to attach the table top to the cabinets. Then it is so easy to move or change.

Karen Ackva said...

Wow! What an awesome studio! Thank you for the tour! Very inspiational. I love your color schemes. Greetings from Germany! Karen

Unknown said...

Jacquie, it looks just beautiful; a wonderful place you will want to spend many hours in. Love it---congrats!

Margaret said...

I'm happy you're getting settled in to your new home! Wow, what a gorgeous space you've created! Makes me think it's time to declutter and streamline my own space - a bit of a daunting undertaking but I believe you just made me "up" for it! Thanks, as always, for the wonderful inspiration!!

Sara said...

Your space is spectacular! So inspirational! I love the orange and my hubby would definitely appreciate the Yoda:) Thanks for sharing your storage options and where you purchased all of it. Enjoy!

SheriB said...

What a wonderful space to create in! Glad to hear you're settling in. You've accomplished so much in such a short time.

KC Quilter said...

Welcome back to KC!!! Love your design studio.

Chris said...

Love the new space! Great pops of color here and there, but it also is so fresh and organized. Hope you enjoy creating there!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on creating such a beautiful and organized work space! Here's hoping you are finished moving for a while!

coastal gray said...

Design wall.... First I thought "organic Christmas tree beginnings from the bottom up", but then the "runner" came into my head and I can't get it out..... :)

coastal gray said...

Oh, I also love a no cluttered space, but inspirational.....

jacquie said...

coastal gray....i'm glad runner went into your head...the piece is running man...inspired by my hubby.

Kristy said...

So happy to see that you and your family landed somewhere amazing and that you didn't waste anytime getting your studio in order.

I am also happy to see that you are booked through 2016, that my dear is an excellent thing!!

Pat said...

What a beautiful and orderly space. You would never believe the chaos in my sewing room - I kind of don't believe it myself. :-( As usual, you are inspiring me.

So glad you are moved and getting settled in.

Tamie said...

Your space looks fabulous. An abundance of light is both wonderful and a challenge. It looks like you have fit all the required items in. I see that you mention stairs so I suppose Bruno is doing okay right now.

KateKwiltz said...

Looks great! Sorry I wasn't there to help you move furniture!

em's scrapbag said...

Beautiful work space, sure to inspire lots of creativity.

Verena said...

Your new sewing space looks great! I am just in the process of moving to a new place as well which will for the first time also have enough room for me to have a dedicated sewing area. Really looking forward to that!

Sandra W said...

I would also like to know where you got the teal/aqua filing cabinet. It would look great in my sewing space.
Your space looks lovely.

SusieDW said...

Yay!!!!! The Eagle has landed!!!

pandchintz said...

Thanks for the tour. It looks wonderful!

Irelle said...

Wonderful sewing space - really inspires me to destash!!! BTW, are you worried about your fabric fading with one whole walls of windows in that room?

Rene' said...

Great space Jaquie!!! Thanks for taking and sharing so many pretty pictures.

JanineMarie said...

Some of my favorite posts are the ones you do of your studios. In fact, that's what got me interested in your blog in the first place. Of course, that doesn't mean I want you to keep moving just so I can see what you come up with next.

Michele said...

It all looks great and I so understand the rearranging until it feels just right. I had the same issue in my studio which is the 4th bedroom. It was fine until I brought home my longarm. With a 10 ft frame in there, it is tight but it works.

LizA. said...

Love your new space and especially love the Lego VW bus -- we have one of those on a shelf -- Christmas gift for my husband a few years back. It's to go with the real VW Camper bus in the garage and all the other VW models strewn about.....Good luck in your new home.

Leanne said...

It's so nice and bright. In summer you can put flower pots or other plants on your balcony too. I hope you are able to settle into your new home quickly.

Amanda Jean said...

It looks so bright and cheery! So happy for you, Jacquie. Sew like the wind, my friend! xoxox

Unknown said...

Oh, I have found another clock lover..ha! Your new space is great and the you. Thanks for sharing the great pics.

Kim said...

Fantastic natural light in your new studio! I like your ideas for work stations. Hope you can relax and sew now that the move is behind you. Enjoy. :-D

liz said...

I love your new space and am happy that you are set up and ready to create once again. You are one of the most inspiring quilters/bloggers out there, in my opinion. thanks, Jacquie!

I see you have a regular ironing board. Did you not have a Big Board on top of a shelving unit of some sort before? That is what I am trying to do now... figuring out which shelving would work best. Love my Big Board but hate the wasted space underneath it while it sits perched atop a regular ironing board....

Would love any info on this. Thanks!

jacquie said...

I loved the board on top of my shelves. I would have done it again in this studio, but electricity wasn't convenient enough. Tripping over the iron cord can be quite a hazard and for this space the ironing board worked better for me. It's always hard to find space for that darn ironing board and I agree...wasted space underneath. Mines sort of tucked away in a corner.

Missenota aka Kristin S. said...

Wow! Great space and thanks for lots of good layout and organizing ideas. Just what I needed

liz said...

Thanks so much for answering my question Jacquie!
Do you remember the source of the base unit(s) for your prior Big Board set up?

jacquie said...

liz, i'm not sure i understand the you mean the white cabinets that are under my cutting table? if so, I got them at know the stuff they put out for college students late summer. They're particle board and not fabulous, but in this situation, they work and give me storage.

Jane said...

Love the room, the color, the light… Enjoy your space!

SarahZ said...

Thank you a most wonderful tour!! I love the tin full of colored pencils! And that thread cabinet makes me swoon from cuteness! And I wish I had an orange chair too... :)