
Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Sideways Has a Secret!

Sideways has a secret.  Look at that face.  He's been trying to keep this info to himself, but he asked if he could spill the beans on the blog.  Why not!

Sideways and I are happy to announce that I have a new book coming out this fall on October 4th. He wanted desperately to be a part of the book so he sidled his way into a few of the photos, though he didn't make it into the book.  He thinks he enhances the quilting!

Yup, the book is all about quilting...walking foot quilting, that is.  I have to tell you that writing this book has ignited a new love for the quilting process.  I've been experimenting and creating new designs and techniques that I think all of you are going to love as much as I do.  It's a comprehensive book that I hope will be great for beginners, but also for those of you who are experienced and want to take your quilting to the next level.

Here are just a few of the over 40 designs that are in the book. Walk is available for pre-order on Amazon now.  I'll open pre-orders on my website soon so you can pre-order a signed copy or talk to your local shop owner and let them know about the book.  


  1. Congratulations! I have both of your Craftsy classes and am looking forward to your new book. I wish Sideways had made it into the book but glad to see him in the photos. :-)

  2. I happened to notice your new book on Amazon several weeks ago and preordered right away! I'm really pleased and excited to explore it!

  3. The first photo of Sideways...he reminds me of Jack Nicholson, lol. Same kinda gruff, ruffed hair look and the eyes! Same eyes! Okay, just had to say that. Congrats on the book. Sideways would have added a unique charm for sure, but your work really doesn't need enhancements. Lovely and talented work. Wonderful!

  4. That is fantastic, Jacquie....congrats!!!! I love quilting with my walking foot, I so look forward to your book.

  5. Looking forward to trying new and more intricate patterns with my walking foot. I'll be ordering one for me and one for my guild.

  6. I´m so looking forward to your new book. Even if I love FMQ on my sewing machine, I think quilting with the walking foot is so fun.

  7. Great news and congratulations! I'm really anticipating your new book, because I'm sure it will motivate me to alternate my FM foot more often with my walking foot.
    Love your Sideway pictures and I'm sorry to hear he has been banished from the book. Love the way he so proudly seems to show his contribution to the wonderful wholecloth midi/mini?, because I'm sure he contributed in an indirect way!

  8. Congratulations! Fantastic news!

  9. Congratulations! I am so happy for you and for the quilting world. I am looking forward to continuing my walking foot quilting journey.

  10. Congratulations on the new book. I'm looking forward to seeing it. Now, what about Sideways? Is he a new family member? Did I miss an introduction? I'm sure he enhances all quilts. :D

  11. Just pre-ordered at Amazon!! This looks like a WINNER!!! Congratulations...and THANKS!

  12. I am so looking forward to this new book! Loved your craftsy classes and try and do all my own walking foot quilting as there is not a long arm quilter anywhere near me. As for Sideways, I think he would have been a lovely addition to the book. After all he does work night and day with his Mom creating wonderful quilts!

  13. YES! This is amazing! The more instruction about modern quilting (the actual quilting) out there, the better! Congratulations. :)

  14. Eep! Congratulations! I think I'll wait to get my autograph in person. :)

    I'd say we could celebrate at the hot dog place, but I drove by yesterday and it's GONE.

  15. I'll have to wait the 1st of december because I'm living n France. But I'm so happy! I quilt with my walking foot because I'm not patient enough for free motion quilting! My husband says that your book will be a good Christmas gift. But the 24th of december is too far from the 1st of december :-))) Congratulations and thank you!

  16. Congrats on the new book. I'm not very good at quilting with my walking foot but am using it a bit more and getting better. Just did a class with MariQuilts and I commented that I came so far out of the box, I may never go back, lol.

  17. How wonderful! Bet it's a real winner. I'm going to wait to preorder through your website for a signed copy! XO

  18. Congratulations! I have enjoyed and learned a lot from your Craftsy classes, I'm sure your book will be just as informative!

  19. I was hoping the surprise you hinted at a few posts ago was that you adopted a new dog. I recommended a great book, many posts ago about how to get over the loss of a pet. We read it when we lost our cat, and it helped us so much.

    Sideways is soooop cute. And, Congratulations on your new book. I have the class from Craftsy where you teach this. I haven't seen it all. But, I love what I've learned so far.

  20. Of course Sideways enhances the quilts! He should have been the centerfold! Or at least an awesome back cover picture :)
    I think I might ask my daughter for your book for Christmas! She likes when I make her gift-giving easy.

  21. Sideways totally enhanced those quilts!!! Made that quilting just pop!!

  22. Love your Crafts classes and will pre-order your book. My straight line quilting has won ribbons...all thanks to you! Glad you're blogging again. Sideways is so cute!

  23. Congratulations! I look forward to it. Will the book include info on the modifications you have made to the Brother walking foot?

  24. Congratulations! These preview designs look stunning

  25. Congratulations! If I order it from you, can Sideways sign it too?

  26. Congratulations. Looking forward to it.

  27. I am so excited. I have both of your craftsy classes but am definitely going to put that book on my Christmas list.

  28. Ooh it looks like it will be great, congratulations! I will definitely be getting a copy for myself. I still remember when you told me to never write a book, lol. :)

  29. I have been looking forward to your official announcement about your book! Sideways should have made it onto the cover!!! He probably loves a walk!

  30. Congratulations, this will be great!!

  31. I completely missed this announcement, that's what I get for ignoring my Bloglovin' feed for too long. Big Congratulations! I adore your Craftsy classes on the subject and have learned so much, so this will definitely have to be a book that I purchase (from you specifically as I want an autographed copy). All the Best!

  32. Congratulations!!! I have both of your Craftsy classes and took your walking foot class with you in Cedarburg, Wisconsin (best class I have ever taken) and now I know what I want for Christmas!!


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