
Saturday, August 27, 2016

Weekend Abstractions - Week 3

I'm in beautiful northern Wisconsin on Perch Lake enjoying a little time away in the north woods.  It's good to get back to essentials and the simple things; my family, the beauty of nature and s'mores over a dwindling fire.  Worries seem to get absorbed in the breeze and I can spend the days filling my cup, remembering who I am, what I love and enjoy life in a way that hasn't come easy lately. The lake is like glass and I've been mesmerized by how the water moves and changes as it is disturbed by water bugs, jumping husbands and Sideways gliding through the water.  

Rings of water everywhere.  I don't have my usual materials with me so I'm a bit handicapped by only having a computer, but I wanted to keep up the routine and share a few things with you.  I love the ripples that float outward when a droplet of water drips from the end of my fishing rod and shatters the glassy surface and the rings multiply magically, though I think this looks more like an eight ball on a pool table or a giant scary eye.  I would like to play with a bit of bias tape to see what might happen with this idea.

Sideways loves to swim and as he moves through the water he makes a sort of wake behind him that looks a bit like these nested ovals.  
I like them when they're put together in pairs.  I think it forms cool shapes in the negative space and has this kind of groovy 70's feeling.

Kind of fun to think of how it might look in color.

Tomorrow I'll be on my way home, stronger, centered, and ready to tackle the regular routine.  Thanks for the kind words about the book.  I appreciate you joining me here.


  1. You write so well. I feel like I was right there with you. Thank you for all your inspiration and reminding me to remember who I am. Pre-ordered your book...can't wait for even more inspiration!

  2. I feel calmer just reading this post.

  3. I'm really enjoying these posts. Thank you for sharing.

  4. I'm really enjoying these posts. Thank you for sharing.

  5. I'm really enjoying these posts too....Glad you are having that time to replenish and rejuvenate. So important. Safe travels.

  6. Nice you were able to get away for awhile. I'm very much enjoying your posts.

  7. A couple of weeks ago I was in Northwestern Wisconsin -- there is something about the water, the sun and the calm -- that restores order to the soul.

  8. Yep, you write so well you invite me (the reader) into the lake for a swim with Sideways. Refreshing. I think I'd wonky-up the concentric circles, the elliptical. My sewing engineering skills are poor. Enjoying the study in shapes and how to use them.

  9. So happy to hear you had a break and were able to drink in the beauty of nature. There is always something so healing about the water....the designs look great.

  10. I am so glad to see that you are having such a nice break - something we all need to do. Give your pup a hug!


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