
Friday, January 6, 2012

Playing Catch-up

This colorwheel quilt is first on the list. (more on the list later).  It's basted and in the process of being quilted.  It's made from leftovers from this quilt.  I made it last summer right before the move.  I organized some boxes that I haven't been through since the move and found it.  I'm hoping I can hang it in my studio.  It'll take up a whole wall, but how inspiring it will be!  I found a couple other surprises in those boxes.  More to add to the list!
Have you been keeping up with the 100 Days of Modern Quilting on the Modern Quilt Guild Blog?  This is the first week and it's the week of shapes.  We're working hard to provide some really great content over the next 100 days.  Be sure to check it out!
I've been working a bit on my digital portfolio.  Worked on the artist statement and added a bunch more quilts.  I still need to get everything in the right order and add dates, sizes etc, but I'm making progress.  Right now I'm happy to be making a little progress every day!


  1. I just had a look through your digital portfolio - amazing work, excites and inspires me no end. Thankyou :)

  2. I love the color wheel quilt. I want to make one every time I see one.

  3. Thanks for the reminder of the 100 days of Modern quilting! Great job on the color wheel quilt, as always.
    Peace, Deb

  4. I've enjoyed watching the digital portfolio grow.

  5. It's amazing how different the wedges look on the black or the white background. The quilt is stunning and I'm sure the wall hanging will be too.

  6. Can't wait to see your list. I'm going to write my own this weekend. Thinking my motto this year (in all aspects of life) will be "Finish What You Started."

    Portfolio is looking great. Are you including completion dates or just post dates?

  7. That dresden quilt is one of the most spectacular quilts I've ever seen! The pattern, colors and the beautiful quilting all breathtaking!

  8. Stunning! What a pleasure it will be to have it on your studio wall for inspiration every day.

  9. Your wonderful sense of color is reflected in this color wheel. Wonder what else you found! Guess we shall see eventually.

  10. Beautiful color wheel quilt. I wish I had your eye for color. Can't wait to see how your red and white quilt turns out.

  11. Thta'll be inspiring hanging in your studio and gorgeous too!


  12. Beautiful! I really love it on the black background.

  13. oh i love that color wheel jacquie. it is beautiful and it just pops out on that dark background.

  14. This is so beautiful! I really need to try making one of these for me.

  15. Awesome! ('Course do I expect anything less???)


So, what are you thinking? (please don't put links in your comments...the spam police like to grab them and hide them away! if you want to share a link, feel free to email me.